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Posts posted by ABT Fan

  1. I thought Lane was gorgeous in T&V tonight, but I wish she had a better partner. As nanushka said, Gorak lacked gusto. Lane couldn’t luxuriate in some areas since Gorak seemed to pull her back or off of her leg. His tours weren’t really there. Trenary made an impact as one of the soloists. She’ll be grand in the lead one day. And, I thought the corps looked great.

    Someone wrote that Cornejo deserved a better piece than the new Tharp for his anniversary and I couldn’t agree more. What a mess. He looked great and at least his choreography was catered to his strengths. But, I never need to see this again. The characters’ names made no sense and the choreography was only so-so. At least half of the costumes need a do-over: Hoven’s dress (yikes) and Williams’ fluffy skirt were just in the way; Bell’s bike shorts and Cornejo’s cape at the end. However, Royal looked fabulous in his silver jacket and Shevchenko as well in her bell-bottomed unitard. The music was dreadful and didn’t work at all. It would have been so much better with a more powerful score. Imagine Upper Room to Brahms. Not saying this needed a pounding Philip Glass score, but this was all wrong.

    The Seasons was as wonderful as at the Met’s debut. I still wish there was a backdrop to tie everything together, including the costumes. Coker as the Rose is one to watch. She has a big future ahead of her. She doesn’t dance like a new corps member. 


  2. 9 hours ago, laurel said:

    I was at tonight’s performance, which was a real mixed bag.   Yes, the evening opened with the AD’s remarks in memory of Alicia Alonso.  He stumbled through his speech, several times forgetting what it was he was supposed to say, or wanted to say.  What might have been an uplifting eulogy was turned into a dull jumble of confusion, pretty much killing whatever anticipation for T&V the audience might have had, not mention feelings for Alonso.  Way to go.

    And T&V was not great.  This was such a wonderful opportunity for Lane and Gorak to give strong, dynamic, performances in honor of Alonso, and to show off their skills.  Apparently Lane’s nerves have been troubling her again – her Instagram has been fraught with anxious postings about this ballet all week.  I believe the conductor, Charles Barker, slowed down the orchestra’s tempo at the start to accommodate her nerves – and I mean WAY down.  It was glacial.  The great thing about T&V is the speed and precision required to perform it, and the thrill you get watching it.  Here, the pace was just too slow.  However, Lane has such command of her technique that if you were unfamiliar with this ballet, you wouldn’t have known anything was wrong.  She looked wonderful.  Her major issue came at the end of the slow woodwinds sequence, when she joins hands with all the corps women as they support her through the arabesque penchee, all the while twisting in and around themselves.  It’s a haunting and ethereal moment, and she performed this beautifully, and continued to do so as the music shifted to a faster pace.  Near the end, however, she has to perform a series of pique turns moving downstage right, in preparation for her exit.  The turns were far too slow, and she completed them after the music had ended.  It was unfortunate.

    Gorak’s performance was problematic as well.  His double tours kept traveling, way too far over toward stage right, and again, he ended off the music.  The worst part, though, was the final moment of the ballet.  The male lead lifts his partner onto his shoulder, they hit a pose as the music ends.  But this is Gorak.  And he still can’t lift Lane.  His hands were clasped around her waist, and he couldn’t lift her up to his shoulder level, she slid halfway down and he held her there, her legs dangling in the air.  After all these years.  Again?  At this late date, it’s beyond disappointing.

    What am I missing here? (Honest question.) I don't read anything here that points to Lane having a bad night. The music was slowed down, not in her control, and Gorak flubbed a lift (typical of him). Her turns were too slow at the end, is that it?

    I don't understand why Gorak was cast in this. There's a reason he's had a lot of roles taken away from him and opportunities have dried up. He's brilliant in some things (the Golden Idol is one), but is a consistently unreliable partner who can't lift the smallest dancers. Lane should have been paired with Whiteside, who has danced this role before, and who is a very strong and capable partner. It's not like he has a heavy load this season. Or, they could have paired Ahn with Lane instead of with Boylston (Ahn and Lane have danced together before and are doing Nutcracker), and paired up Boylston/Whiteside.

  3. In light of Alicia Alonso’s passing today, and the fact that she not only danced at ABT for many years but performed in the world premiere of T&V, I would HOPE that ABT announces pre-curtain that they’re dedicating tonight’s performance of T&V to her (Lane/Gorak are dancing). If anyone is there, please let us know if they do (and about the rest of the evening).

  4. 12 minutes ago, cobweb said:

    I had the same thought (as I suspect many others have as well). I count on my fellow BA members to post the news ASAP if there is a replacement, so that I can get a ticket. 

    Since this is for Cornejo’s anniversary, there aren’t a lot of seats left as it is (I just checked). I’d be thrilled if Lane was put in. She should have been cast all along. Duh. I’m really tired of seeing her being relegated to a second class principal aka understudy to Copeland.

    34 minutes ago, abatt said:

    Am I correct that the only other role Copeland is scheduled for during the Koch season besides Terpsichore is Deuce Coupe - a non-ballet role? 

    Yep. She was just in Fall for Dance at City Center in a piece by Kyle Abraham. I didn’t see it so I don’t know how demanding it was.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Fleurfairy said:

    Still think it's strange that Sarah Lane is not dancing with Herman for his 20th anniversary night. A quick Instagram story showed Skylar Brandt rehearsing for "A Gathering of Ghosts". One would think if Sarah was also rehearsing for that piece, there would be evidence for it or, as a principal, she would be mentioned in the casting sheet for any of the three ballets. 

    I agree. Lane posted on her Instagram a list of her upcoming performances and Gathering of Ghosts was not one of them.

  6. 2 hours ago, canbelto said:

    I believe Irina said that she saw the cast list go up and she wasn't cast. At all. So she made the choice to retire. 

    Didn’t basically the same thing happen to Paloma? Julie Kent was the only woman of that generation who seemed able to retire on her terms (and way too late).

  7. 14 hours ago, fondoffouettes said:

    Maybe, but hasn't it been several years since Hallberg has appeared with ABT in anything but the Met season? I'd be surprised to see him appearing on the road with them these days, though perhaps it would be one of his last opportunities to dance this role with Murphy, and they do have a special rapport. 

    At least the Royal Ballet has the good sense to call Hallberg a principal guest artist. 

    I agree, but I find it odd that that slot is still TBA and not filed in with Forster since he’s performing this the following month with Murphy. That’s why I think they’re holding it for someone. Maybe not.

  8. 2 hours ago, fondoffouettes said:

    When you click on the "more" button beneath the first two lines of headshots, it displays Ahn and Forster. It's certainly possible one or both of them is cast as Rothbart, but I do hope Forster gets a Siegfried!

    Very surprised to see Copeland isn't cast at all. 

    I missed the “more” section. Maybe this will finally be Forster’s year.

  9. 10 minutes ago, canbelto said:

    I imagine this means he will dance with ABT even less, if that's even possible.


    Yeah, I don't think that's possible.

    This explains why ABT has cast Forster alongside Murphy in Giselle March 29 (since Hallberg is doing SL w/ the Royal March 11). They're still holding a TBA Feb 15 in DC w/ Murphy (for Hallberg? Unless he finds a more preferable performance/partner somewhere else?).

  10. Casting has not yet been announced on ABT's site, but the Michigan Opera website lists the "artists" but not for specific dates.

    No Copeland. And, of course no Lane.

    The order in which they're listed:

    Two more guys are needed, unless they're going to have one or two of the three do more than one performance.


  11. Sarah Lane has been replaced as The Rose in The Seasons by Zimmi Coker (for both of Lane's previously scheduled performances). These are on the same programs that Lane is cast in T&V, so perhaps it was thought it would be too much in one performance. Good for Coker, who keeps getting bigger roles, and it'll be great to see her in this, but I'll be disappointed to not see Lane.


  12. 17 minutes ago, tutu said:

    w/r/t Brandt, I'm wondering if she and Bell are also preparing for a gala appearance or a guest debut at another company? I can think of more than a few dancers who tried out some of the classic roles guesting in smaller companies or abroad. Some of them went on to perform the roles with their home companies, others not.

    She is also rehearsing in a video or two with Hammoudi. And, she posted publicly that she was hoping to be cast next year, in a response to someone asking her when she’d perform the role. Both of these things make a scheduled gala/performance unlikely.

  13. 22 minutes ago, nanushka said:

    I’m surprised she would comment publicly like that on casting that hasn’t been announced.

    Same here. Especially regarding a role that would be a debut. I like her dancing very much, but I find her (in my view) very public campaign on Instagram for the role to be in poor taste. She's posted a lot of videos of herself before, and rehearsing roles that she wasn't cast in (perhaps she was an understudy), but not to such a degree as with her rehearsing Giselle. These videos didn't appear until the casting was released along with the TBA's and now she's publicly commented that she hopes to be cast. I don't think I've ever seen a dancer do this before, which in and of itself doesn't mean that what Brandt is doing is right or wrong. But, it certainly took me by surprise. I realize self-promotion is the name of the game on Instagram, but for a particular role? I just find it really tacky.

  14. 24 minutes ago, abatt said:

    I hope so too, but since Albrecht is one of the few roles Hallberg is still willing to perform at ABT, I'm concerned that Forster might not get his chance at the Met.

    I see your point, and it's possible (please no), but Osipova could also make a guest appearance, per usual, to dance with Hallberg, leaving Murphy with need of a partner. 

    Or, if Osipova doesn't guest, there are only 6 principal women (and no soloists) who currently dance Giselle, and there are usually 8 shows (frequently Seo gets two...). So, there is room for a Giselle debut and she'll need a partner.

    The current pairings could get switched up by then anyway, but at the moment I still see room for Forster.

    I'm cautiously optimistic (fingers and toes double-crossed!).

  15. BIG NEWS!

    Tommy Forster gets his Albrecht debut in N.C. opposite Murphy on 3/29!

    He hasn't been cast with her in DC though, but perhaps that will be updated shortly.

    So, we should get to see Forster's Albrecht at the Met next summer!!

    (Side note - disappointingly, Lane hasn't been cast as Giselle in N.C., but I have a feeling that may have to do with Simkin's availability.)


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