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Posts posted by ABT Fan

  1. 51 minutes ago, canbelto said:

    Personal stuff happens between dancers all the time and they find dancing together either intolerable or unrealistic. Herman makes his own choices re: casting, especially for a gala in his honor. Remember when he and Alessandra Ferri were an item and she came back to dance with him? Now that's over because their relationship is no more.

    He and Ferri danced together for weeks this past January, in something she had put together in London. He posted countless photos of that on his Instagram, which are still there. And he got married either in January or February. So he apparently found a way to keep dancing with her.

    Separately, I remember Hammoudi was initially cast in Time There Was opposite Seo in the second cast, but he didn’t dance Friday. He name wasn’t even in the program (Forster danced instead) so clearly it was not a last minute change. It’s possible he’s injured again, but that was the only ballet he was scheduled to dance in. With nothing on the horizon for him at the Met, so far, I wonder if he’ll be leaving at the end of the season.

  2. 2 minutes ago, canbelto said:

    Well this makes me sad. Sarah shows up at many special occasions of her colleagues. For her to be a no show tonight speaks volumes. 

    Yep. Seo and Teuscher are dancing in tomorrow’s matinee so it’s understandable why they weren’t there. Plus, neither are partners with Cornejo. I didn’t see Stearns either. 

  3. Lane did not come out onstage, but the only person who presented Cornejo flowers was McKenzie. The others were just standing at the back when the curtain rose and threw single flowers. I didn’t see Seo or Teuscher either. Lots of confetti and the audience went wild.

    Ghosts was better this time for me since I just focused on Cornejo’s magnificent dancing. His solos are so personal and constructed for his singular talents, I can’t imagine anyone else doing it if a sub was needed (maybe Simkin, but him subbing is so unlikely). Royal (wow), Shevchenko, Trenary, Bell and Hurlin were the other standouts. 

    The evening still had a smidge of bittersweetness for me, but glad I came to recognize an extraordinary artist.

  4. Intermission.

    Cornejo isn’t an ideal Apollo, which is fine, but I didn’t love him in this. He looked like he was in a jazz class part of the time. Just didn’t really work. He doesn’t have the lines or extension that I feel is needed here. Trenary looked like a Greek goddess. Brandt was secure, and no big smiles. Terpsichore should have been Lane.

    Short little film on Cornejo followed with video of him dancing in his Ghosts costume. Pretty much the same montage that is on their website.

    The tango with his sister was nice but very short. He had some terrific jumps and spins that he casually threw off like nothing. 

    Ghosts is next. Blah. Sitting through it again only for Cornejo and his celebration after.

  5. Tonight was.....interesting.

    New American Romance: Meh. Some nice, creative choreography, but too much cutesiness: broken wrists, swirling hands, hand-to-forehead a la I’m gonna faint, bobbing/nodding heads. Hurlin and Bell were the best part. They also had the best choreography. The ladies trio part was cringe-worthy.

    Garden Blue: my first time seeing this and I liked it. Not love. What the dancers did with the props was cool and it worked. Some really beautiful moments, mostly with Hurlin and Bell again. They are the newest power couple. (I cannot wait to see her O/O someday soon). Both are mature beyond their years. Hoven and Forster were also striking.

    A Time There Was: this piece needs settling in, but Bond has some interesting ideas. No need to have the men add fringey skirts half way through; why? Lane and Hoven as the main couple looked unusually odd, lacking in energy and chemistry. Very unlike them. As the second cast with only one show, maybe they needed more rehearsal and performance time. Granlund was the standout. Great commitment, sharpness and presence. However, several people around me in the first ring walked out about half way through. 

  6. 21 minutes ago, angelica said:

    If I remember correctly, Lane was promoted after she and Simkin had danced one of the most exquisite performances of Giselle ever, on very short notice. I don't recall what else happened that season, but perhaps there was another "save" as well.


    12 minutes ago, Lena C. said:

    Actually that 2017 Lane/Simkin Giselle was planned, they'd already had a try out on tour in Oman. Kochetkova (?) got injured and Lane stepped in last minute to dance Giselle with Cornejo. (I distinctly rememer the warm post he dedicated to Lane on IG after their show. It's gone now, sadly.) 

    Lane had two "saves" that season, both to replace an injured Kochetkova. One, was her second Giselle with Cornejo, days after her debut with Simkin. And, the second was her O/O debut (with about 4 days notice) with Simkin. 

    I also wonder why she was promoted, nanushka, to be used so little.

  7. I didn't notice the social media scrub until others pointed it out above. I'm not on Facebook, but I follow Lane on Instagram, however, I didn't pick up on him being absent in her feed and didn't go back in time to notice that he had been removed. That is glaring. Whatever happened, this is very upsetting and so, so disappointing. They had one of the greatest partnerships. I always imagined that once it came time for him to retire (assuming he'd retire before her), they'd dance together one last time, probably in Giselle. Now, it looks like they'll never dance together again. I guess it's always possible that Lane's Desire TBA could become Cornejo, but I'm doubting that now.

    This spells trouble for Lane, I fear. Already the AD's least favorite, is he really phasing her out so he can promote Trenary, Brandt and Hurlin sooner rather than later? I don't see the AD forcing retirement on any of the other women (definitely not Copeland, Murphy, Seo, Teuscher) and all of the female principals have probably several years left in them (Murphy may be sooner). So, if Trenary is promoted this year since Abrera is leaving, someone else has to go to make room for Brandt or Hurlin, whether that's this year or next.


  8. Going back to Hoven. 

    I still can't believe he has no main lead debuts. I can't see him as Albrecht or Siegfried (maybe Siegfried), but he'd be worlds better as Romeo vs Gorak with Lane. He's an exceptional actor.

    Maybe he'll get a Hilarion debut, I think he'd be terrific, and one of the 3 Prince Desire TBA's. He's very good with quick footwork, so I could see him with Lane or Brandt.

    I'm sure he'll get to reprise his Benno and Bluebird. But, after such a successful Met season this year, I can't believe how he's been left out (too).

  9. 19 minutes ago, fondoffouettes said:

    Just checked and they aren't following each other on Instagram, which seems odd considering that they both follow many ABT colleagues, including those with whom they've frequently danced. Cornejo follows Copeland, Brandt, Paris and Boylston. Lane follows Simkin, Gorak and Cirio. 

    The performances they turned out in Manon and Sleeping Beauty were sensational last year, and they had such chemistry. I can't imagine those performances being the product of a frayed relationship. But who knows what may have happened between then and now.

    I hope anyone who attends Saturday night will report on whether Lane presents Cornejo with flowers during the curtain calls and what the interaction is like. Those interactions, as well as absences, during anniversary/farewell curtain calls can sometimes speak volumes. Herrera's chilly reception of McKenzie during her farewell curtain calls comes to mind...

    Well, that is bizarre that they don't follow each other. Hmmmmm. Does Cornejo follow Trenary?

    I'll be there Saturday night. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, canbelto said:

    Not that this means much but Cornejo has been absent from Sarah's Instagram for awhile now. And she's usually very effusive about posting about the fun times she has with colleagues.

    Yes, but when they’re rehearsing together. They have no performances together this season.....

    I guess I just have a hard time imagining a rift between them given their history vs the ongoing dislike the AD has for her. If Cornejo now dislikes her so much she shouldn’t even be understuding Copeland for Apollo or SL. 

  11. As someone mentioned upthread already, Cornejo’s partnering request may have been fulfilled somewhat in having his sister return. I think that’s a big deal. I doubt anyone, even for an anniversary, would get a complete blank check. If it was a full length I assume he could choose that partner, but we have 3 pieces. I also assume he chose the piece he’s doing with his sister since that  ballet is what brought them to ABT. Also,    he probably didn’t have say in Tharp creating Ghosts for him. He may be thrilled, but I’m sure the AD made that decision. Lane has gotten the short end of the stick forever. The anniversary and Met season casting is the icing on the cake. Why else give her Gorak? 

  12. 3 minutes ago, fondoffouettes said:

    Herrera, Part and Dvorovenko were all given dwindling opportunities until they were phased out, all at age 39. Reyes at least made it to 42, but also left because her casting dried up. It seems ballerinas at ABT have 50-50 odds of retiring on their own terms. 

    I'm hoping Lane's season may be rounded out, at least a bit, by T&V, The Seasons (presumably she could dance the Rose role again, since it won't be on the same program as T&V), and perhaps the new Ratmansky full-length. She was also a superb Princess Florine, and I'd love to see her in that role again, along with Aurora, of course. 

    Lane is what, 34? The other thing that doesn't bode well for her, is that fact that Simkin (one of her two most frequent partners) is now barely performing with ABT now. And, Cornejo is being saved for Copeland (and I guess now Trenary and Brandt).

    I don't have high hopes she'll get T&V this time. There are only four performances and Murphy will be back and that's one of her roles. Teuscher will undoubtedly get two performances. So, unless Murphy only gets one, I bet Lane won't be cast. I could also see another dancer get a debut in the role over Lane. I do hope she gets The Rose again. She was so great in that role.

  13. 26 minutes ago, LadyBubbles said:

    Romeo is a whole lot of lifting and they pair up Lane with the worst lifter? No Lane/Cornejo, no interestng Bayadere show, two O/O's for a ballerina who can't do the steps, oh and jane Eyre again???

    It's clear that ABT is beginning to "phase out" Lane the way they did with Part.

    Re promotions: it's obvious that Trenary is being promoted. I've always felt that ABT management preferred Trenary over Brandt and casting is showing that. In the not too far future, I see Hurlin being promoted before Brandt as well. I think they see her as the new Murphy, red hair and all. As for the guys, perhaps Forster will get principal now? What about Bell? It's unusual to go from corps to principal in such a short time, but it could happen.

    I'm going to be at Lane's Juliet with massive worry and hesitation, due to Gorak. I used to think they'd be dream casting for R&J (but also her with Cornejo), but that was before he showed a lack of improvement in the partnering area.

    Lane had an exceptional Met season this past summer and mostly performances with Cornejo. It's inexplicable why she's not being given more opportunities and, and I'll say it again, nothing with Cornejo?!

    I'd rather see Trenary be promoted if there's only one principal spot right now. She has an elegance and old-school grandeur and is naturally charming. Her technique is gorgeous. And, there's nothing show-offy about her presentation.

    I always thought the AD thought of Teuscher as the new Murphy. In any case, Teuscher has been the new favorite since she was promoted; almost always two performances of everything and a lot of opening nights. I do think she's gorgeous in the right things and she does have exceptional technique. But, not in everything. I just don't get it. I wonder if Hurlin will be promoted before Brandt. I do hope they keep Bell as a soloist for at least another year. He's carrying a principal load now, but he needs time to develop and mature.

  14. 7 minutes ago, Lena C. said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong but are Lane and Cornejo not cast together at all?

    That's correct. It's as if McKenzie sees a great thing, but decides, Nah!, for inexplicable reasons.

    4 minutes ago, stuben said:

    Completely agree with the disappointments: Lane 😔 and IMHO Hurlin is technically good but both her and Bell is quite young and needs time to grow yet into their roles, I know I will be the minority here, I know most audiences love technique and tricks but it should not sacrifice emotional connection. It is unfortunate for those seasoned dancers not given the chance like Hoven and where is Paris? Seems there is the ticket sales factor and as Hamrick says in her interview, it is "politics". So happy for Forster to get his break finally!!!

    Hurlin and Bell do need time to grow for sure. But, McKenzie is now sacrificing the dancers in their prime, though he's clearly never been a fan of Lane (I'm not against Hurlin or Bell getting opportunities, quite the opposite.) 

    Hoven's absence is perplexing. He's been dancing exceptionally well. Paris, is really a solid soloist; she's never been on the principal track IMO. I'm not surprised she wasn't given any lead roles. Her debut as Princess Praline last year was only because Copeland was pulled. Otherwise, she's never had a major lead.

  15. Geez, where to begin. So many surprises, and disappointments.....

    Lane: gets screwed...again (why am I surprised?). She FINALLY gets a Juliet, but not with Cornejo??? And, with a terrible partner instead? No Nikiya reprisal. One Giselle and a matinee, again? One Aurora.

    Shevchenko: gets a Giselle?! I would never have thought of her for Giselle. But, who is her partner? I guess she will take the TBA on tour in February. I'm thrilled she gets two SL's, and with Forster.

    Abrera: it's too bad we won't get to see her Lilac Fairy again.

    Hurlin: wow, gets a Gamzatti debut and Aurora and Myrta (we knew that one from the tour schedule). She's obviously getting a lead in the new Ratmansky, if judging by the photo with Bell. Clearly, they are really pushing her hard and fast.

    K Williams: only gets Myrta. No other debuts.

    Trenary: happy she gets a Juliet debut, I just wish they put Cornejo with Lane instead. Agree, that she seems to be on track for principal with Juliet, Gamzatti and Aurora this season.

    Brandt: Aurora debut, but not the Giselle she wanted. Or, a Gamzatti reprisal. Or, anything else. Surprising.

    Simkin: is he going the way of a la Hallberg? Or, should we expect him to leave soon?

    Forster: I think this could be his year to get promoted! Romeo! Albrecht! Siegfried! Wow.

    Hoven: Yeesh. Nada. I don't understand.

    Royal: wow, Romeo, Albrecht! (Though, I have doubts he'll be able to handle the bravura dancing of Albrecht.)

    Fancy Free - really, again? They couldn't have chosen a less-performed "Then" ballet? How about some de Mille and Fall River Legend.

    Gathering of Ghosts - I knew that would come back. Blah.

    Thank goodness no Whipped Cream or Harlequinade.

    Glad Jane Eyre is returning (I know I'm in the minority, but I loved it last year).

    Sleeping Beauty TBA's: is it possible Cornejo will be cast with Lane? And, who will take the other 2?

  16. 4 minutes ago, Leah said:

    Doesn’t her husband run the studio company? I’m sure if she doesn’t get a place in ABT proper there would be a job for her either with him or at JKO.

    Yes, Sasha runs the studio co. Of course, she could work with him but I’d personally rather see her teach/coach with the main company where I think the need is greatest. 

  17. 8 minutes ago, Leah said:

    Oh, I hope she does more than just Giselle for the spring season.

    I’m sure she will, but probably not a lot. If they do Bayadere, I’d expect one Gamzatti opposite Murphy. And, if Harlequin returns again, she’ll do two Pierrette’s, a role she’s perfect in. 

    3 minutes ago, Syzygy said:

    I wonder if this opens up a principal spot for a woman? As others on the form have mentioned, this would leave six female principals and three regular men. Hmmm...

    (Off topic, but I'm still so surprised that Brooklyn Mack doesn't have a contract.)

    I would think so. When the Met season is announced this week along with preliminary casting we should have a pretty good idea which soloist that would be. A major debut in Giselle or SL? 

    I’m betting Mack will return as a guest artist next summer. 

  18. Well, this made me gasp.

    We all knew it was coming, but I hate the  thought of it. She hasn’t been cast much lately (not much this summer and fall and no Nutcracker) so I wondered if this could be her last year. Still, a shock.

    Abrera is pure class, grace, and sophistication. I’ll be at her last Giselle with bells and tears. Wonder who her Albrecht will be? Whiteside? Will Murphy be her Myrta?

  19. 3 hours ago, nanushka said:

    There were plenty of problems with the performance, but I personally did not see Lane's nerves as being among them. She looked fine in that regard.

    I agree with this. And if she had a better partner, I think her overall performance would have been better (though I think she did really well anyway).

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