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Guys in tights

Guest iceland12320002

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Guest iceland12320002

I'm a guy, new to ballet, and I am getting to like it quite a bit now that I getting the hang of it. I am the only guy in class, though, and I am feeling a little odd about wearing tights. I know that the class is not a fashion contest and that I shouldnt care what people think. But I am curious about what women think about guys in tights. Do guys look attractive in them ?( if he is good looking ). Do we look feminine, or is it no big deal. I feel self concious wearing them, and wonder if women are checking me out. It's really no big deal wearing tights, I was just curious. Thanks

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Tights show off your body (legs). You can't help but look masculine in them because you have a masculine body.

Ballet is one of the few art forms in which you not only CREATE the art, but you also ARE the art. Women are used to being a piece of art and presenting themselves as such. I think this is a much harder concept for men today, so much so that anything involving making your body the art gets labelled "feminine".

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Do you check out the women in leotards or other men in tights? They check you out just about as much.

These are work clothes. This is what dancers wear, both men and women: tights. Most dancers have beautiful bodies; they aren't scoping you out, don't worry. Most dancers are watching themselves in the mirror, or watching the teacher for corrections--they aren't watching you.

Until you are comfortable in tights, talk to your teacher and wear sweats or warmups until you can't stand the heat anymore. You can always wear two pairs, too, if you wish.

Good luck, you'll get used to it and really, don't worry about anyone looking critically at you.

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