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Wednesday, July 10

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The Royal Ballet appears at jacob's Pillow.


The Royal Ballet’s recent appearance was also historic in that it’s the first time that one visiting company has fully taken over the Pillow campus; performances were held at both the Ted Shawn Theatre and the outdoor Henry J. Leir Stage, which is typically reserved for smaller or up-and-coming dance troupes. 


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The National Ballet of Canada revamps its website and picks a new logo.


The new look was created in a partnership with Bruce Mau Design of Toronto, and is intended as a contemporary update of the company’s brand. It’s worth noting that it will be the first visual update for the NBOC in about two decades.

“The brand isn’t just a logo,” said Muir. “It’s a philosophy that has to represent our company and culture, our value system and how we want to move forward as an organization. The new look is bold and brave and sets the stage for dialogue. We’re providing access and we’re providing a diverse repertoire. It’s an exciting moment to be here.”


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