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Friday, July 19

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Q&A with corps de ballet member Lleyton Ho of San Francisco Ballet.


DJ: What is your first memory of dance?

LH: My first memory is watching a televised performance of SFB performing Helgi Tomasson’s Nutcracker. I was about 7, and while I remember watching the whole production, I have a very vivid memory of the Russian men bursting out of the eggs, and being awed by the center man do straddle jump after straddle jump, as though gravity didn’t exist for him. Ten years later, I learned that Russian Center was Pascal Molat, one of my teachers at San Francisco Ballet School. Not even in my wildest dreams did I think one day I would get to learn from that dancer. Having now had the opportunity myself to jump out of that egg on many occasions, and getting the privilege to perform Russian Center, has more than made my 7-year-old self’s dream come true.


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A review of American Ballet Theatre in "Like Water for Chocolate" by Erin Bomboy for Bachtrack.


If the choreography is serviceable rather than memorable, then so are the score and the visual elements. Joby Talbot’s music – whimsical yet insubstantial – ferries us briskly along. Occasional sonic burbles remind us that we’re supposed to be in the Mexico of yore. Bob Crowley’s costumes and scenery get the job done, but he takes few risks, so not much garners a reward. His most outstanding bit is a lacey scrim that does double duty as a dramatic bridal veil.


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