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Thursday, June 20

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A review of the Washington Ballet's closing program of the season by Richard Selden in The Georgetowner.


The nine dancers in “Delusional Beauty” didn’t seem “more like us,” especially the Golden Figure. Danced at the May 25 matinee by TWB Studio Company member Misha Glouchkova in a gold harem costume, this creature had a flower bouquet instead of a head (designer: Mark Zappone). Lopez Ochoa, who often uses an image as her starting point, decided to bring Salvador Dalí’s “La femme à la tête de fleurs” to life, with a varied electronic score — eerie, pulsing, stormy, at times with the sound of wind or suggesting Asian or Spanish guitar music — by composers Aaron Martin, Christen Lien and Zoë Keating.


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A review of Birmingham Royal Ballet by Vikki Jane Vile in Bachtrack.


......The mood shifts then in a memorable pas de deux to the ballad Solitude, involving the longest stage kiss you’re likely to ever see. Yaoqian Shang and Javier Rojas are joined at the mouth throughout as they contort themselves into an array of aesthetically pleasing poses and stretches. It’s a gentle, heartwarming number, and not at all what I expected to see from a celebration of the band Black Sabbath.


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