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Sunday, June 16

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A review of the Royal Ballet by Sarah Crompton in The Observer.


There are more wild berries in the misty forest in The Dream, from 1964, coached by its original Oberon Anthony Dowell to emerge as a fierce and funny masterpiece to Mendelssohn’s score. Marcelino Sambé brought authority and flashing fire to Oberon; Francesca Hayward’s Titania has a petulance that melts into tenderness. Romany Pajdak and Nicol Edmonds and Olivia Cowley and Leo Dixon were sharply humorous as the mismatched lovers, Joshua Junker a bemused Bottom and Daichi Ikarashi a fleet, flying Puck.


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 Justin Peck wins his second Tony.


He beat out fellow fantastic nominees Camille A. Brown for Hell's Kitchen, Jesse Robb and Shana Carroll For Water for Elephants, Rick Kuperman and Jeff Kuperman For The Outsiders, and Annie-B Parson For Here Lies Love.


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A review of the Queensland Ballet's "Coppelia" by Ruth Ridgway in Bachtrack.


[Greg] Horsman has long experience of Coppélia as both an audience member and a dancer in different productions. When creating his own version, he wanted to set it in a place and time relating more closely to Australian audiences, rather than the traditional Central European village in the distant past. Keeping some of the Central European flavour, he chose late 19th century Hahndorf in South Australia, a town founded by Lutheran migrants fleeing religious persecution in Prussia.


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