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Monday, May 27

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The Australian Ballet releases its annual report.


The company also posted a profit of $7.2m for the year, a substantial rise from the previous year’s slender profit of $0.3m. However, the underlying financial result showed a loss of $3.8m, an improvement over the $6.1 m deficit in 2022, but indicative of the ongoing operational challenges in the post-pandemic landscape.


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A story on Ballet Tech by Gia Kourlas in The New York Times.


For Kids Dance, repertory refers to the dances of Eliot Feld, the prolific choreographer who formed Ballet Tech in 1978 to provide opportunities for children in New York City public schools to study dance. And now those dances are available to everyone: Feld, who choreographed his first ballet in 1967 and in the ensuing years stretched the notion of classical dance, has recently put his work in the public domain. (He and Ballet Tech have also donated archival materials to the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center.)


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Ballet Abilene celebrates its fortieth anniversary.


Continuing the legacy of the Nutcracker, Gore said it is unbelievable to look back on where they started.

“We have done other things. We do Nutcracker every year. It’s great because now we fill up the Paramount every time, and I can remember when we started it, you know, you start on a smaller scale, right?  The first year we did it, we actually moved it by horse trailer to Sweetwater,” Gore said.


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