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Sunday, May 21


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 A preview of Ballet Manila's 'Don Quixote.'


A true classic dotted with light humor, "Don Quixote" requires exceptional dancing skills from its performers, and so San Francisco Ballet’s principal danseur, Esteban Hernandez, will fly in to Manila to play the male lead role Basilio, with Ballet Manila’s principal dancer Pia Dames essaying the role of the female lead character Kitri.


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The Grand Kyiv Ballet visits Australia.


Some performers chose to leave the ballet company to return to Ukraine to be with their families. Some even chose to join the war efforts. Those who stayed - like Stoianov - did so after they evacuated their families from Ukraine. They haven't been back since.


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A preview of Aspen Santa Fe Ballet School's student recital.


The Aspen Santa Fe Ballet School serves more than 500 students through a network of satellite locations in Colorado and New Mexico. It instills the appreciation of dance and encourages first-hand participation. Founded by longtime Aspenite Bebe Schweppe in 1991, the school formed the genesis of Aspen Santa Fe Ballet and continues to act as the organization’s core and foundation.


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