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Tuesday, October 26


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The Australian Ballet announces its 2022 season.


There are also plans to find a place in the 2022 calendar for the displaced DanceX if at all possible. DanceX is Hallberg’s inspired idea to bring together TAB and a selection of the country’s best dance companies in two programs of short works. Naturally the task of finding a time when Australian Dance Theatre, Bangarra Dance Theatre, Chunky Move, Lucy Guerin Inc, Queensland Ballet, Sydney Dance Company and West Australian Ballet can join TAB on stage is not an easy one, but Hallberg is determined the festival, as he calls it, will go ahead. “I believe in this so much.”


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Q&A with John Epperson.


Can you explain the difference between the pianism that rehearsals and classes require?

In rehearsal, the music is set. Sometimes the dancer is tired, and you don’t do anything. Some people look at their phones; in the past they would read newspapers. A rehearsal can get canceled. You never know what’s going to happen. But you go to a class, and you’re going to work. There’s a bit of a formula, but the music is up to you.


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An article about female choreographers in ballet by Talia Soglin in The Chicago Tribune.


Many of the women who spoke with the Tribune said things wouldn’t really change until more women are artistic directors, leading companies and making the decisions about which choreographers to hire.

“I just feel like women have a unique voice, period,” Fisher-Harrell said. “And a lot of times our voice is subdued or suppressed. And so if I can get that worldview out there, come on, let’s do it. If I can promote the next woman, come on. If I can support the next woman, let’s go.”


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James Whiteside talks about returning from the pandemic.


I sat down with Whiteside in March 2020, just a few days into the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown, and he was worried even two to four weeks away could be detrimental.

19 months later, he’s reflective.

“Nothing compares to rehearsing all day and performing. And when I'm not doing that over, and over, and over, and over again, you know, the body sort of atrophies and it's really difficult to get back into, you know, performance shape," the principal dancer said. "So it's been a lot of a lot of work and hard work, but worth every moment."


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