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Saturday, May 29


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Carla Fracci's funeral is held in Milan.


The funeral of Italian ballerina and cultural icon Carla Fracci has taken place with hundreds applauding the hearse as it arrived.


Obituary in Forbes.


Born on August 20th, 1938, in Milan, Fracci (whose original first name is actually Carolina) was the daughter of Luigi Fracci, a tram driver, and Santina Rocca, a factory worker. She first entered the Scala dancing school in 1946, through family acquaintances. Her slim figure and delicate features made her perfect for the role. She would then become famous for her interpretation skills, which allowed her to almost completely merge with her characters. Among the most popular is “Giselle”, a woman driven to madness and death by her lover’s betrayal.


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Ballet West says two black dancers were called racial epithets in a drive-by incident.


An Instagram post says "two separate times on the streets in Salt Lake City, two black Ballet West dancers were subjected to angry racial epithets screamed at them by people passing by in their cars."


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The Adirondack Dance Company returns to live performance.


“Because of COVID, I couldn't really bring in any principal dancers from Colorado like we've done in the past because I wasn't sure if they would have to quarantine or if they would have their vaccinations,” Kathy Koester, artistic director, said.

“So, I picked a ballet I could fully cast from our local area. As such, similar to the opera, a lot of times Hansel is played by a woman in the opera. We are having a dancer, a woman, play Hansel in the ballet.”


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Bossov Ballet Theatre, likewise.


He noted that on July 1, Bossov starts its summer camp with 52 dancers from all over the country and world who will perform for the public the first week in August.

Getman told the audience members before the performance that her students were “beyond excited” to perform for them — that ballet must be shared with an audience.


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David Nixon is leaving Northern Ballet.


Under Mr Nixon's leadership, the Northern Ballet moved from West Park into its purpose-built headquarters in Quarry Hill in 2010 which allowed for more dancers, more studios and the development of the Academy of Northern Ballet.


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