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Tuesday, March 30


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Q&A with Christian Spuck about his new "Orlando" for the Bolshoi Ballet.


How did this commission to create an original production based on Virginia Woolf’s Orlando for the Bolshoi Ballet come about?

Makhar Vaziev, artistic director of the Bolshoi Ballet, has seen my work for Ballet Zurich. He invited the company to perform my production of The Nutcracker and the Mouse King at the International Contemporary Dance Festival “DanceInversion,” which took place at the Bolshoi Theater in November 2017. After the performance, he invited me for dinner and asked if I would be interested in creating a full-length ballet for the Bolshoi. I was very excited and surprised. And, of course, I was very proud to be invited to create a work for such a prestigious company. And voilà! Now it’s happened.


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