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Dena Abergel

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I noticed that corps member Dena Abergel was replaced for the first week casting and doesn't appear next week either. Has there been any official word on her status? I actually enjoy her dancing a great deal and look to her as an example of what tasteful Balanchine technique should look like.

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We've gotten all caught up in injuries in the past around here, so I'm answering this one now. The company has a policy of not announcing injuries, with a few exceptions. When there are exceptions, we will post them. But regarding most, there will be no announcements. This is theater, not rotisserie sports leagues, there are no injured lists.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but we get into this every NYCB season (injuries never seem to be much of an issue with other companies) and it always causes problems between posters, problems with the company, etc... We are only four days into the new season and it's already starting.

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Dale, you don't sound harsh. Just exasperated! I think the interest in NYCB ballet dancers in an indication of the passion and loyalty of its followers. (Maybe that's another thread.)

It would be easier if we all understood the rules, which would seem to be: if a principal or soloist is injured severely enough to be out for a number of weeks, NYCB will make a statement. Otherwise, we can assume the dancer will return in due course.

It's understandable that minor injuries, although distressing to the dancer, company and audience, do not call for official annoucnements. After all, many things are day to day. But when stars like Taylor and Whelan are out for entire seasons, it is a subject of interest and concern. And if we can't ask for information on a ballet board, where can we ask for it?

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For those of us who go to NYCB 2 or 3 times a week, injuries - even among the corps - are a source of aggravation. I buy tickets up front for programmes I want to see, and then I buy additional tickets when the casting goes up. You'd be surprised at some of the seemingly tiny bits of casting that have induced me to go. There are certain corps dancers who, if they get a featured role of even just a few moments duration, I'm there. Then if they cancel, I have to "suffer" thru someone else's performance :(

Some of the people who post here know certain dancers personally and if an inquiry is made as to a dancer's injury status, a personal message reply can clue the inquirer in as to when the dancer might be back in action.

I knew about Wendy's injury 2 days after it happened. I knew it was serious and that she'd miss the winter season but I couldn't say anything here because it was gossip. But I did send personal messages to other readers who asked about her.

We don't expect the management to post and update a list of everyone who has a tummy ache, sore toe or stiff neck...nor do we expect the moderators to keep bugging the press office. But as justafan says, "if not here...where?"

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We don't expect the management to post and update a list of everyone who has a tummy ache, sore toe or stiff neck...nor do we expect the moderators to keep bugging the press office. But as justafan says, "if not here...where?"

You've answered your own question.

A lot of people "know" about injuries, but without official confirmation it's not going up here. We've had to make this our policy because of wrong information and contradictions betweeen posters who "know" (one says it's a leg injury, another swears it's a toe, another still says the AD doesn't like the dancer etc...). Anybody can pm me with injury information and I will try to get it confirmed. But for now, I'm going to close this thread.

(Believe me, I go for casting too, I feel your frustration)

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