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If you go to their website www.balletmet.org you can look up there history and it shows alot of information about the company from 1978- to the present. It talks of how the company formed, the original 12 or 13 dancers that founded it, and tons of other interesting information. Not sure if that will help you but that is all I know.

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I danced with many of the original dancers when I was with Ballet Met from 82 to 83. I know that a woman named Kathleen Smith was the ballet mistress. Is this who you are referring to, or Darryl Kamer who ran the school when I was there.?

I had a class mate at WSB in the early 70s named Kathleen Smith, but I doubt she's the same person. But ask her if she knows a Philip Rosemond from WSB or Ballet Met after she was there.


Edited by Philip
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Hi Phillip!

I am sure you won't remember me because I was quite young at the time but I am Daryl's daughter. I am going to pass along your info. to her because I'm sure she would want to know how you are doing.

I can't wait until you get PM priviledges!!! We can gossip!!!! :gossip:

I hope you enjoy this board as much as I have! It's a great way to keep up with what is happening in our universe.

Take care!

Clara 76 :)

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