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Posts posted by cubanmiamiboy

  1. Yes, Karen and Aurora. I confess it was a bit of a shocker to see every chainee turns segment on demi pointe (Gillian only did them on pointe in her solo during the wedding grand pas). I am on my phone right now, and my tablet crashed, so I will be posting mire in detail when I am back in Miami (oh, I miss the beach..!! :-)). Still...this is definitely a HUGE improvement since Kirkland`s.

  2. This is not a spoiler. This was widely publicized. Sorry you aren't enjoying it.

    Sorry I was not aware of it. No, I did not it was "widely publicized", so I sort if bumped into it. That I am not enjoying it..?! Hell, you better bet I am, girl! (demi pointes and everything). More to come from my big, loud mouth.

  3. What an emotional farewell. Paloma looked as if she couldn't think no more. She had a very intense, intimate moment with Mme. Kolpakova onstage. Her Giselle was earthier...or let's say..."less Russian", which is fine on my book. I saw her technically stronger than many half her age.Brava, Paloma!

    Bolle, oh..."Roberto el hermoso"...so passionate and beautiful. Damn, is he good looking! I didn't count his entrechats, but he certainly over passed Marcelo. He, just like Gomes, was all about taking good care of his Giselle.I am very glad I saw this performance.

  4. What a pleasure to see two dancers that take so much care of these iconic roles. I noticed Vishneva cut out some steps here and there (as with the sissonnes ouvertes during the initiation scene), or sought out some extra help as when, subtlety, she carefully grabbed the cross to get into arabesque penchee as she was bidding farewell to Albrecht at the graveyard, but other than that she was great to watch. Her sautees on pointe in the Pas Seul were right on the spot, as well as her developpes and promenades in her Act II solo. And Marcelo..oh, I always say that he embodies an almost defunct animal in current ballet male standards. ABT is so lucky to have someone who is a truly "danseur noble"..soft with his ballerinas, yet masculine and so beautiful to watch. He is from that same wonderful breed as Carlos Acosta and Toto Carreno...one that we are getting less and less to see onstage nowadays, with so many either male prima donnas or clueless, non capable partenaires. In a personal level, both Vishneva and him are in the very point of their careers where I have the most joy watching a dancer take on such iconic roles.

    That girl who danced Myrtha didn t do anything special for me, I have to say..

    Loved to see some of you guys last night! The blond in black will be there today once again! :-) :-)

  5. Great all!! :-) :-) I am already at the LC roaming around before tonight's performance. I worked my 12 hours shift last night...went straight to the airport in my scrubs to catch an early morning fly that got delayed..checked in my hotel at 4, a couple of hours nap and HERE I AM TO SEE THE GIRL DYING OF LOVE..A HEART ATTACK...A SUICIDE WITH A SWORD...OR WHATEVER. Just to see her!! :-) :-)

  6. I missed this very last program, which would had been my very first time watching "RV". Sadly, the program that preceeded it had a sad looking rendition of "Carmen" , which made me cringe, so I gave up MCB for the rest of the season.

    I will try to re charge myself for next season.

  7. The abscence of Catoya was of the main reasons I sort of stopped chasing MCB performances. I think it was unwise of MCB to get rid of one of their most-(if not THE most)- powerful ballerina. Also shameful that she didn't have a proper farewell gala. Oh weell, "Bienvenidos a Miami"....

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