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Everything posted by BalanchineFan

  1. Hello Everyone I’ve been enjoying reading your posts (NYCB Fall 2017 mostly) and since I’m a big NYCB fan and go often I thought I’d join. I’m a dancer, I say that even though I don’t perform much anymore, but I had a satisfying performing career and now teach in fitness and the arts. I saw a lot of NYCB’s fall season. Loved Tiler Peck’s SL debut and I’m sure she’ll continue to grow in the role. I’m a huge fan of Unity Phelan. I first noticed her in the corps during a rehearsal (I donate) for Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto 2. The corps moves around so much I had a hard time asking who she was. Plus you’re not supposed to talk during the rehearsals. I’m also enjoying Indiana Woodward’s rise through the ranks. I was sad to see Rebecca Krohn retire, and remain absolutely bereft at Robbie Fairchild’s retirement from NYCB (though it seems right for HIM for both professional and personal reasons). What beautiful dancers in a company that’s positively bursting with talent. I’m planning to write more but it’s proving difficult on my phone. Ps LOVED the Swan Lake discussion!
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