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Kathleen O'Connell

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Posts posted by Kathleen O'Connell

  1. 9 minutes ago, cubanmiamiboy said:

    Could Alvin Ailey be a proper repository...? They have a very well established, loyal following.

    I know that some Ailey company members participated in "Night of 100 Solos: A Centennial Event," but I don't know if there are any plans to incorporate what those dancers performed into the Ailey repertory. The list of choreographers Ailey has drawn upon for its repertory is long and distinguished, but they tend to be positioned along very different branches of the modern dance tree—the ones that are more theatrically kinetic and forward-facing than Cunningham often is. I could see them adding a "MinEvent" (a sequence of excerpts from Cunningham works) to their rep, but not their acting as a true repository. Two French companies, CNDC/Angers and Lyon Opera Ballet seem to be at the forefront of Cunningham preservation. A lot of dance schools and university-based dance programs do license Cunningham's work for educational purposes. You can find a list of professional and educational licensees here.


  2. 4 hours ago, cubanmiamiboy said:

    I really can't see his works staged "regularly", and even less "for decades and decades", I'm afraid. His style is one that might not attract the big bucks for a ballet company, nor the proper amount of ballet lovers enough to make it a staple for a company.

    I wouldn't expect Cunningham to be a ballet company staple. But ballet companies aren't the only dance companies out there, nor is the audience for dance limited to those who only like ballet.  

    There are Cunningham works that a ballet company might tackle with some reasonable expectation of success, e.g. Duets, Summerspace, Septet, maybe Antic Meet. But frankly, I think his work would be better served by companies and organizations that make their home in other dance forms. 

  3. 1 hour ago, cubanmiamiboy said:

    I have the feeling Cunningham knew his work would work for a specific audience/fashion within a specific time frame, and that after that it would be seen as a vintage rarity. Hence his desire for a troupe dissolution at a specific time. 

    I think it's more than OK if Cunningham's work just doesn't work for someone (it doesn't work for Robert Gottlieb for example), but I for one hope that it will continue to be taught, staged, and performed regularly for many, many decades to come. It deserves to be more than a vintage rarity, although one could make that claim for any number works that have unjustly slipped into obscurity—and that, unfortunately, applies to many art forms, not just dance. (We almost lost Herman Melville, for instance. By 1876 all of his work was out of print and he was considered a minor writer until the 1920s-30s, when there was a major revival of interest in and critical appreciation of his work.)

    Cunningham didn't want his work to die with him. He may have dissolved his company, but he did create a very active and robust trust to "actively share his legacy and offer it to future generations." In addition to maintaining the materials and licensing structure necessary to restage Cunningham's works, the Trust also offers "classes and workshops in Cunningham's technique, repertory, and choreographic methods to dancers and the public, keeping interest and practice alive," which is equally important. Thirteen bucks will get you into a daily class taught by a former Cunningham company member

    Many Cunningham dancers are now choreographers in their own right, and while they aren't, by and large, "mini-Merces," his art lives on in theirs. (Pam Tanowitz didn't dance with Cunningham, but she did study with Viola Farber, one of Cunningham's original dancers. The throughline to Cunningham is evident in her work, even though she definitely has her own voice.) 

    One of the side benefits of the Cunningham Centennial was putting Cunningham's choreography into the bodies of dancers who never worked with him—including Sara Mearns, who appears to have embraced the opportunity to dance his work with fearlessness and joy:

    "After performing her third solo, Ms. Mearns went into the hallway and cried. (She isn’t the type to hide her emotions on or off the stage.) “It was out of pure joy,” she said. “I put everything I could into it and I took chances, and I couldn’t believe it when I came off. I haven’t had that feeling in a very long time.”

    Will ADs, dancers, and audiences hold on to their Centennial enthusiasm for another decade or another century? Who knows? But for the moment, at least, he lives on.

  4. 13 hours ago, sandik said:

    If you're new to Cunningham's work, you might also appreciate the documentary "When the Dancer Dances." 

    Along similar lines, Elliot Caplan documented the creation of and rehearsals for Cunningham's 1993 work CRWDSPCR. Cunningham used the choreographic software program LifeForms to create the dance. From the notes to Caplan's film:

    At age seventy, Cunningham became the first choreographer of international renown to create work in dialogue with software technologies, when he was forced to explore the limitations that severe arthritis imposed upon his own freedom of movement. Cunningham's use of the computer has been described as an extension of his interest in integrating vernacular movement into the context of the dance. In CRWDSPCR, dancers aim at exact angles with their arms and feet, changing phrases quickly and methodically, as though transitioning from one keyframe to the next. These movements seem directly influenced by the shapes and rhythms of the LifeForms figures.

    You can find the complete film in the CRWDSPCR dance capsule.

    Here's a brief CRWDSPCR performance clip: 

    And here's about a half hour of rehearsal footage:


  5. I would like NYCB to keep on performing Cunningham's Summerspace and not just dust it off once a decade for special occasions. While they're at it they can add Paul Taylor's solo back to Episodes

    7 hours ago, miliosr said:

    I would like to see a sustained recommitment to the Antony Tudor repertory including (but not limited) to Continuo, Dark Elegies, Dim Lustre, Gala Performance, Jardin aux Lilas, The Judgment of Paris, The Leaves Are Fading, Pillar of Fire, Undertow and -- above all others - the complete Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

    Yes indeedy. We're going to forget how to watch Tudor if no one dances him anymore. 

  6. Here's a longer extract from Beach Birds for Camera* You can access the full length version in the Merce Cunningham Trust's Beach Birds dance capsule. (You can also access videos of many of Cunningham's notable works in their respective dance capsules. Biped is among them. The Trust's capsules are an amazing resource.)

    * Beach Birds for Camera is a variant of Beach Birds. It was filmed in two different settings. The first portion of the film is in black and white; the second is in color. You can read more about the film here

    Cards on the table: I adore Beach Birds—the movement, the stillness, the music, the costumes, the whole thing. I think it is very beautiful, even when it's not conventionally pretty. But then I'm a Cunningham and Cage fangirl, and consider it a privilege to have been alive when both of these great artists were creating new work. 

    Dance goers who are new to Cunningham—especially those whose primary lens for dance-watching has been fine-tuned for ballet—might find a work like Duets an easier point of entry into the Merce canon. (Duets is in ABT's rep, and I believe, in Washington Ballet's as well.) 


  7. OK - I took dive into some videos and I think I've figured out what bugs me about hops on pointe: the persistent and unresolved bend in the leg and the backward tilt of the foot behind the pointe. It just never looks right somehow: I think of ballet's basic energy trajectory as being up-and-out and there's something about hops on pointe that seems to violate that expectation.  That, and they look painful.

  8. 13 minutes ago, nanushka said:

    I think the ones in Ballo Della Regina, at least, have tremendous aesthetic benefit, but that’s of course a subjective opinion. (And I suppose hops on both pointes may not be quite as painful.) Also the corps ones in final movement of Concerto Barocco.

    Sigh. I don't really like those either, but I was thinking mostly of poor Giselle having to do a whole diagonal of them. The hops in Ballo do seem to fit into the just-shy-of-a-circus trick flavor of much of the ballerina's choreography. 

  9. 1 hour ago, BalanchineFan said:

    This made me laugh. Having been on pointe, I ALWAYS think "Ow, ow, ow" in rhythm to any hops on pointe.

    Well, that's my response too, and the closest I've ever come to being on pointe is four-inch heels. It's hard to enjoy watching someone do something that looks so painful, and for so little aesthetic benefit to boot. Like traveling arabesques, they flatter no one IMO.

  10. 3 hours ago, BalanchineFan said:

    When I look on the NYCB website Davidsbundlertanze is not even listed as part of the repertory. Does anyone have an idea why?

    Believe it or not, you have to look under Robert Schumann's "Davidsbündlertänze."

  11. 19 hours ago, dirac said:

    Yes. That's what I assumed when I read what Macaulay wrote. I'm sure he meant no harm, and it's just a social media post, but it's not as cute as he thinks it is.

    I'm going to hazard a guess that Macaulay's social media posts have more reach than his reviews, which may well have been locked behind a paywall for much of his presumed audience, and will likely remain there. But IG's algorithm, in its relentless quest for user engagement, will happily give his careless attempt at cuteness more prominence than it deserves. 

  12. Congratulations!

    I know you're looking for classical music, but Talking Heads' "Naive Melody" — the tenderest little "we're spending our lives together" pop love song ever (yes! from Talking Heads)— might be nice for the party:

    Home is where I want to be
    Pick me up and turn me around
    I feel numb, born with a weak heart
    I guess I must be having fun
    The less we say about it the better
    Make it up as we go along
    Feet on the ground, head in the sky
    It's okay, I know nothing's wrong, nothing
    Oh! I got plenty of time
    Oh! You got light in your eyes
    And you're standing here beside me
    I love the passing of time
    Never for money, always for love
    Cover up and say goodnight, say goodnight
    Home, is where I want to be
    But I guess I'm already there
    I come home, she lifted up her wings
    I guess that this must be the place
    I can't tell one from the other
    I find you, or you find me?
    There was a time before we were born
    If someone asks, this is where I'll be, where I'll be oh!
    We drift in and out
    Oh! Sing into my mouth
    Out of all those kinds of people
    You got a face with a view
    I'm just an animal looking for a home and
    Share the same space for a minute or two
    And you love me till my heart stops
    Love me till I'm dead
    Eyes that light up
    Eyes look through you
    Cover up the blank spots
    Hit me on the head I got ooh!


  13. On 11/4/2019 at 10:13 PM, vipa said:

    Even though I've seen the ballet [T&V] many, many times there are sections in which I'm so focused on the principal that I don't pay a lot of attention to the demi-soloists. This gave me a new appreciation for how much dancing they do, and how difficult it is. 

    Many, many years ago I read an interview with Heather Watts in which she discussed the (to her mind at least) lackluster first five years or so of her career. She approached Balanchine for guidance and he recommended that she go watch (if I recall correctly) Gelsey Kirkland in T&V. "I wasn't even good enough to be in the corps of Theme!" she remarked to the interviewer. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Leah said:

    Oh no, she was great in Summerspace.

    She was indeed! But then she was great in everything. I could never understand why her career didn't get more traction—to my eyes, she was a more interesting dancer than some who made it to the soloist (and even principal) ranks. Not just technically strong—actually interesting. She was in my fantasy cast for a lot of things. I will miss her.

  15. 51 minutes ago, abatt said:


    Maybe, but the issues with her torso and neck have been noticed, at least by the NY Times, as a negative limitation on her success in certain roles.

    I'm not disagreeing, but it wouldn't be the first time a company's artistic leadership (and not just ABT's) appeared to be unfazed by something that looks less than ideal (at the very least) to the audience. 

  16. 4 hours ago, angelica said:

    It shouldn't have to take the presence of any single choreographer to point out a dancer's flaws, since these appear in every ballet she dances. Somebody on the artistic staff needs to coach her or else present her with the need to get an outside coach, as many dancers do. There are too many ballets I have to avoid because she is dancing the leading role.

    Maybe the artistic staff thinks she looks just fine? 

  17. 1 minute ago, abatt said:

      It is said that short guys can better handle the demanding male solo, but I have vivid memories of  Damian Woetzel thrillingly dancing the male lead.

    I've often wondered if NYCB's 21st Century T&V ballerina casting has been more or less dictated by the requirements of its male roster. When Ashley, Nichols, and Kistler were dancing the role, the company had a luxury contingent of taller men to partner them like Sean Lavery, Adam Lüders, and Igor Zelensky. Lavery certainly put the lie to the contention that the male role is better suited to a shorter dancer: I think he was something like 6'3" and all legs.

  18. 2 hours ago, abatt said:

    With respect to the comparison of ABT and NYCB in T&V, NYCB has been casting soubrette types in the lead role for a very long time - Megan Fairchild, Tiler Peck, Bouder.  For me, it is always interesting to see a regal type of ballerina take on the role, such as Devon Teuscher.

    During the first decade or so of my NYCB-watching career, I only saw taller dancers like Merrill Ashley, Kyra Nichols, and Darci Kistler perform T&V's ballerina role. Nothing against Fairchild, Bouder, and Peck, but I wouldn't mind seeing some of the company's taller women get a shot at it—and would very much have like to have seen Teuscher dance it. 

  19. 16 hours ago, fondoffouettes said:

    To be fair, we truly don't know what Macaulay meant by "Double-Barrelled" and Danchig-Waring himself says he's not sure if it's intended as a comment about his physique. It could be a compliment, an insult or just plain dumb. But it obviously triggered what I think is a perfectly valid response.

    Honestly, it doesn't matter what Macaulay meant. It's rude for anyone to refuse to refer to someone by their name, and worse than rude for a person of Macaulay's public prominence to do so. He's a journalist: part of his job is learning how to pronounce the names of the artists he writes about. He's also a human being and part of that job is according every other human being the dignity that is their right, rather than treating them as vessels for his wit. 

  20. Woo Hoo! Olga Tokarczuk! 

    I really enjoyed Flights, and Drive Your Plow over the Bones of the Dead is the next book up in my TBR (to be read) pile. There's a good article about Tokarczuk and her work in a recent issue of The New Yorker: Olga Tokarczuk's Novels Against Nationalism.

    There's more than a little controversy around Handke because of his friendship with Slobodan Milosevic. Handke delivered a eulogy at Milosevic's funeral, and said once in an interview that he considered him a "tragic" man. I think many people would consider that to be a rather generous assessment. 

  21. 8 hours ago, On Pointe said:

    As far as I know,  Porgy and the far less known Treemonisha  by Scott Joplin are the only representations of black Americans on the opera stage.

    There is another: Richard Danielpour's opera Margaret Garner, for which Toni Morrison wrote the libretto. 

    I saw it in 2007, when New York City Opera was still alive. Sigh.

  22. 59 minutes ago, On Pointe said:

    Presenting Bugaku today as Balanchine intended is potentially so problematic it might not be worth the effort ... Like Porgy and Bess,  it is a work that comments on a culture by someone who isn't a part of that culture ... It could be interesting to strip Bugaku of its Japonaiserie and present it as a leotard ballet.  Let it succeed or fail on the merits of the choreography. 

    I tried that thought experiment myself. Then I went and watched some videos. I think there may be just too much recognizable Japonaiserie in the movement vocabulary to keep it from seeming like "a work that comments on a culture by someone who isn't a part of that culture," as On Pointe so aptly put it, even reduced to leotards without the wigs, costumes, and sets. (And the more I look at it, the cheesier it seems.)

    Anyway, here are two clips to compare / contrast. The first is of Miami City Ballet with costumes and sets. The second is a clip from a Sarasota Ballet rehearsal in practice clothes with no sets. The clips are from different sections of the ballet, but some of the motifs from the first are repeated in the second. Note that the ballerina in the Sarasota clip is Asian. (I don't know the Sarasota dancers well enough to know for sure who she is - perhaps Ryoko Sadoshima, who was born in Japan.)


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