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Posts posted by PeggyTulle

  1. 13 hours ago, apollosmuse said:


    Son: Angelo Greco*

    Siren: Jennifer Stahl


    Interesting casting. There's no * by Stahl's name. When did she perform this role in the past?


    And congrats on the new job, @apollosmuse! Perhaps you can bring back the SFB blog? I miss the behind-the-scenes posts from the dancers. Those added a personal touch that seemed balanced and lively!

  2. Maybe this is a dicey question, but what is the rhyme/reason to being promoted from soloist to principal? I was thrilled that Sasha got promoted, although right after Nutcracker when she and all of the other soloists were dancing the same lead roles seemed a little odd. Seeing the Elizabeth casting, now I wonder why Lauren Strongin hasn't been promoted. She stepped in for Mathilde in the initial programs, and seems to dance similar "important" roles to Sasha. Any thoughts? Am I missing something re: ballet politics? 

  3. Casting for the upcoming gala is posted:


    2017 Opening Night Gala

    Choreography: Myles Thatcher
    Music: Franz Liszt
    Pianist: Natalya Feygina

    Natasha Sheehan, Angelo Greco

    SF Ballet Premiere
    Pas de deux from PROMENADE SENTIMENTALE 

    Choreography: Liam Scarlett
    Music: Claude Debussy
    Conductor: Martin West 

    Lorena Feijóo*, Wei Wang*

    Pas de trois from AGON
    Choreography: George Balanchine
    Music: Igor Stravinsky
    Conductor: Martin West

    Dores André, Jaime Garcia Castilla*, Sasha De Sola 

    Choreography: Helgi Tomasson
    Music: Enrique Granados
    Piano: Ronny Michael Greenberg

    Mathilde Froustey*, Carlo Di Lanno*

    World Premiere

    Choreography: Trey McIntyre
    Music: Barbara Lewis, Of Montreal, The Zombies

    Sarah Van Patten*, Luke Ingham*

    Pas de deux from FLAMES OF PARIS
    Choreography: Vassili Vainonen
    Music: Boris Assafiev
    Conductor: Martin West

    Vanessa Zahorian*, Taras Domitro


    World Premiere

    Choreography: Benjamin Millepied
    Music: John Adams
    Conductor: Martin West

    Maria Kochetkova*, Carlo Di Lanno* & Ensemble

    Choreography: James Kudelka
    Music: Michael Torke
    Conductor: Martin West

    Frances Chung*, Vitor Luiz*

    Choreography: Paul Taylor
    Music: The Andrews Sisters

    Joseph Walsh

    Pas de deux from LA CATHEDRALE ENGLOUTIE 
    Choreography: Stanton Welch
    Music: Claude Debussy
    Pianist: Natalya Feygina

    Yuan Yuan Tan, Aaron Robison*

    Finale from DIAMONDS
    Choreography: George Balanchine
    Music: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
    Conductor: Martin West

    Sofiane Sylve, Tiit Helimets

  4. In a recent article, Dusty Button says she and her husband are relocating to California soon and she's going to open a studio. A frequent follower of hers on Instagram, this doesn't surprise me too much. She seems to really enjoy teaching and choreographing (and modeling with giant trucks and sports cars). Wonder how soon is "soon".

  5. 1 hour ago, apollosmuse said:

    Similarly, I'm somewhat confused by Juliet Doherty's remaining in AZ and on the competition/Instagram circuit after her successes w/ SFBS and the Stroman "Little Dancer" show and wonder if these girls are really making a decent living outside the confines of a traditional company through sponsorships etc. 


    Agree to an extent, but she didn't stay at SFBS long. IIRC, she left for Master Ballet Academy (where her mom is now teaching) and Instagram. Perhaps Instagram should start its own ballet company...

  6. 22 hours ago, apollosmuse said:

    SVP was rehearsing step sisters in the World Ballet Day lifestream, with Lauren Strongin as the mother and (I think) Jahna Frantziskonis as the other sister. Masha was rehearsing the lead. 


    I thought that was Ellen Hummel...?

  7. Yes, I don't think I've seen Garcia Castilla perform in quite a long time. Anthony Vincent also seems to be a rarity, but he was a regular partner for Sarah Van Patten, who has been on maternity leave. Curious about other apprentices, especially Sebastião; he was a lovely dancer. Grace Shibley, too, was always a standout.

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