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Old Fashioned

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Posts posted by Old Fashioned

  1. So much of Astaire's popular acclaim is tied up in "elegance" that it's sometimes easy to forget that he could really pound the floor as a tap dancer, and you see that in this number.

    His down to earth style is also evident in the Fred & Rita movie "You'll Never Get Rich," when he's doing those tap numbers in the guardhouse. The first one was to "Since I Kissed My Baby Goodbye" and the second one was called "A-Stairable Rag." :)

  2. Thanks for the report!

    I missed the HBA spring show, but I'm looking forward to this summer's American Festival for the Arts performance with choregraphy and dancing from students of the Academy and music compositions from the AFA students. I'm mostly there for the music because a couple of my friends are involved, but I'll be looking forward to see the dancers. Go orch dorks!

  3. Attended the Thursday night performance. Some interesting works; others not so interesting. The evening started with Kylian's jolting 27'52 (Netherlands Dance Theater II). My favorites were the filmed Kylian's Birth-Day, Henrique Rodavalho's Choreography for Listening (Quasar de Danca), and Lightfoot/Leon's Shutter Shut (NDT II). David Sonnenbluck's Lied Und Lieb was simple, yet elegant and classical. It was nice to see it among the lot of contempo works. It was performed to a recording of Richard Strauss's Beim Schlafengehen (Four Last Songs) sang by Jessye Norman, which made it all the better. Royal Ballet of Flanders performed Christopher d'Ambroise's Circle of Fifths and Royal Danish Ballet performed the pdd from Martin's Octet. The dullest pieces of the night had to have been Tim Rushton's Nomade (RDB- I really wasn't expecting something like this to come from a company of their calibre), Danny Rossell's Silent Night...Still We Dream (Maximum Dance Co.), and Susanna Leinonen's Trickle Green Oak (Finnish National Ballet), which closed the evening. Is it possible to sleep with your eyes open? I think I was.

    I saw some familiar faces in the crowd, many people from Houston Ballet, including Caleb Mitchell, Nicholas Leschke, Zdenek Konvalina, Maina Gielgud, and Mireille Hassenboehler. The most interesting encounters were with Li Cunxin, who was signing books in the lobby, and with Bridgette Zehr, who happened to be sitting right next to me.

  4. The beauty of Shen and Zhao's performance was that it was truly from the heart and showed their passion for skating. It said to me "This is why we do it." Very rarely is there such a performance. Too many times skaters become too focused on the prospect of winning when they get out there on the ice. This seems to be the reason why the most prepared skaters sometimes crash and burn even if they've landed ever jump in practice.

  5. A few quick notes after watching the pairs' and mens' competitions tonight.

    Shen and Zhao's performance and program were exquisite. I thought a skate to the music of the Nutcracker would be corny if not pulled off by the right couple, but they did an excellent job.

    WHOA! What a night for the mens'. Johnny Weir was perfection. I didn't find a trace of nerves in him. What beautiful, pure, clean skating. Brian Joubert had one of the best performances I've seen from him yet. I'm glad he's raising the bar in mens' figure skating, for awhile there it seemed no one would be able to reach anywhere close to Plushenko's level. It was touching to see Stefan Lindemann have the crowd going wild for the underdog, the home team. Plushenko did not have a flawless skate, but the wonderful thing about his freeskate was the building tension and excitement he created and those facial expressions! I never know what to expect from him. I wish they would have aired Stephan Lambiel, another skater I truly enjoy to watch.

  6. Casting is now up. I found out I'll be back in town next Friday, so hopefully I can catch it that weekend!


    March 11, 13, 19, 21

    1st pas de deux Julie Gumbinner

    Lucas Priolo

    2nd pas de deux Barbara Bears

    Simon Ball

    3rd pas de deux Mireille Hassenboehler

    Andrew Murphy

    Carl Coomer, Ilya Kozadayev, Ian Casady, Randy Herrera, Tyann Clement, Kim Wagman, Frances Perez-Ball, Cleopatra Williams, Kristina Harper, Lisa Kaczmarek, Nicholas Leschke, Caleb Mitchell

    March 14

    1st pas de deux Sara Webb

    Zdenek Konvalina

    2nd pas de deux Julie Gumbinner

    Nicholas Leschke

    3rd pas de deux Tyann Clement

    Ian Casady

    Carl Coomer, Firat Kazbek Özsoy, Peter Gleeson, Oliver Halkowich, Sharon Teague, Kim Wagman, Frances Perez-Ball, Cleopatra Williams, Kristina Harper, Lisa Kaczmarek, James Gotesky, Caleb Mitchell

    March 20

    1st pas de deux Leticia Oliveira

    Carl Coomer

    2nd pas de deux Mireille Hassenboehler

    Andrew Murphy

    3rd pas de deux Kelly Myernick

    Caleb Mitchell

    Chavo Killingsworth, Ilya Kozadayev, Ian Casady, Randy Herrera, Tyann Clement, Kim Wagman, Frances Perez-Ball, Cleopatra Williams, Kristina Harper, Lisa Kaczmarek, James Gotesky, Travis Bradley



    March 11, 13, 20, 21

    Walkin' After Midnight Lauren Anderson

    Why Can't He Be You Julie Gumbinner

    Nicholas Leschke

    Crazy Barbara Bears

    Too Many Secrets Andrew Murphy

    Tyann Clement

    Kim Wagman

    Leticia Oliveira

    Frances Perez-Ball

    Sweet Dreams (of You) Sara Webb

    Ian Casady

    Stop, Look and Listen Ilya Kozadayev

    Just a Closer Mireille Hassenboehler

    Walk with Thee Simon Ball

    Jaquel Charlesworth, Ingrid Zweifel, Kelly Myernick, Cleopatra Williams, Carl Coomer, Peter Gleeson, Lucas Priolo, Randy Herrera, Oliver Halkowich, Caleb Mitchell

    March 14

    Walkin' After Midnight Leticia Oliveira

    Why Can't He Be You Tyann Clement

    Phillip Broomhead

    Crazy Kim Wagman

    Too Many Secrets Peter Gleeson

    Sharon Teague

    Susan Bryant

    Ingrid Zweifel

    Frances Perez-Ball

    Sweet Dreams (of You) Laura Richards

    Randy Herrera

    Stop, Look and Listen Oliver Halkowich

    Just a Closer Lisa Kaczmarek

    Walk with Thee Lucas Priolo

    Clare Miklaunus, Kristina Harper, Michelle Carpenter, Anne Harshbarger, Chavo Killingsworth, Barry Kerollis, James Gotesky, Alexander Pandiscio, Firat Kazbek Özsoy, Travis Bradley

    March 19

    Walkin' After Midnight Kelly Myernick

    Why Can't He Be You Tyann Clement

    Phillip Broomhead

    Crazy Frances Perez-Ball

    Too Many Secrets Peter Gleeson

    Sharon Teague

    Susan Bryant

    Ingrid Zweifel

    Frances Perez-Ball

    Sweet Dreams (of You) Laura Richards

    Carl Coomer

    Stop, Look and Listen Randy Herrera

    Just a Closer Lisa Kaczmarek

    Walk with Thee Lucas Priolo

    Clare Miklaunus, Kristina Harper, Michelle Carpenter, Anne Harshbarger, Chavo Killingsworth, Barry Kerollis, James Gotesky, Alexander Pandiscio, Firat Kazbek Özsoy, Travis Bradley



    March 11, 13, 14, 20

    Pecos Bill Ian Casady

    Slue-foot Sue Mireille Hassenboehler

    Widow Maker Nicholas Leschke

    Coyote Mother Lauren Anderson

    Coyote Pups Ilya Kozadayev

    Firat Kazbek Özsoy

    Leticia Oliveira

    Frances Perez-Ball

    Mortician Phillip Broomhead

    Pecos Bill's Mother Kim Wagman

    Snake Oil Salesman Oliver Halkowich

    Ranchers, Cowboys, Steer, Horses, and Townspeople

    Artists of Houston Ballet and Academy Students

    March 19, 21

    Pecos Bill Simon Ball

    Slue-foot Sue Barbara Bears

    Widow Maker Andrew Murphy

    Coyote Mother Julie Gumbinner

    Coyote Pups Ilya Kozadayev

    Oliver Halkowich

    Ingrid Zweifel

    Frances Perez-Ball

    Mortician Nicholas Leschke

    Pecos Bill's Mother Kristina Harper

    Snake Oil Salesman Zdenek Konvalina

    Ranchers, Cowboys, Steer, Horses, and Townspeople

    Artists of Houston Ballet and Academy Students

  7. Whoa. This story actually received the cover page of Houston Chronicle's entertainment section. I don't think I've ever seen a fine art as the main feature. The general director of HGO, David Gockley, made a few comments in the article:

    HGO traditionally has steered toward svelte, stylish singers and away from the big girls, said Gockley.


    "If there is a truly extraordinary voice, you'll make a place for it," Gockley said, regardless of how the singer looks or moves.
  8. Houston Ballet:

    Ingrid Zweifel is veeerrrrry blonde. She's the only blondie I can pick out on stage without second guessing myself. Other blonde ladies with the company: Sara Webb, Barbara Bears, Sharon Teague, Britain Werkheiser, Laura Richards, Jaquel Charlesworth, Anne Harshbarger, and quite a few others.

  9. Saw the movie tonight. I went to see it for the same reason. :wink: I'm also a sucker for latin ballroom and couldn't miss it.

    Eeh, the dancing was so-so coming from the two leads. It seemed hardly to be set during the 50s considering the music used in the movie and the continuous bump-and-grind throughout. Yes, cumbia is very sexual and dancers get up close and personal, but the way it was done in this film was very 21st century. The best dancing came from Patrick Swayze and a leggy dancer in the scene the two make their first appearance. Not as good as the original Dirty Dancing.

  10. Friday, 3/5, evening performance:

    Who is managing ticket sales for HB? I am really fed up with not receiving student discounts. I understand if they can't be given out due to sold out or nearly sold out performances, but the house was half empty today (or, at least that's how my section looked- well under half full)! I sat in balcony (upper most level) center, second row. My seat was better than I thought it would be. I could see the patterns clearly and my new Bushnells helped me get a close up of the dancers.

    Damien Welch and some dance writer, whose name I didn’t catch, hosted the Dance Talk session. Nothing terribly interesting was said, only an overview of each ballet that had been read before in articles and a little bit about Damien’s experiences as a dancer.

    I didn’t care for the choreography of Ketubah. Not much of it was actual ballet vocabulary, and it was heavy on motifs. I was expecting to see folk dancing incorporated into ballet, but instead it was more folk dancing and a few ballet steps thrown into it as seasoning. The only part distinctly ballet was a short little solo for the father figure (Simon Ball). It went something like attitude turn, pirouette, double tour, then he falls back into the motifs. Very generic, and it was repeated a few times. Lisa Kaczmarek and Ian Casady were easily believable as the youthful glowing couple. I might prefer to see this on a local modern dance company; didn’t think it world-class ballet company material. The dancers seem to be enjoying themselves in this, and it looks fun to dance, but from my viewpoint as an audience member, I was pretty bored. It was like watching a wedding celebration and not being able to join in on the festivities. The music was fun and lively, although a few pitch problems coming from the solo wind instrument.

    This was my first time seeing Four Last Songs. It’s overly-sentimental for my taste. There’s nothing wrong with drama, but parts of it seemed almost cheesy. I enjoyed the first movement, Fruhling (Spring), with Sharon Teague and Carl Coomer in the pdd. Coomer has a beautiful line. He really engages his upper body, particularly his back, to stretch it out. Julie Gumbinner and Ball were in the second pdd of the third movement, Beim Schlafengehen (Going to Sleep). They were lusciously musical, as I expect from these two, and danced well together, although I couldn’t stand the aimless running around. Kim Wagman danced the solo in the last movement, Im Abendrot (At Gloaming). With her waif-ish figure and dark hair and complexion, I immediately likened her to Kay Mazzo and Helene Alexopoulos. Her port de bras is exquisite; she might do well in something like Emeralds (was Jewels ever staged on this company?).

    Divergence was very interesting. The costumes were absolutely crazy. I could hardly tell the women from each other due to those funky head pieces. The casting only listed “artists of Houston Ballet,” so that didn’t help any. I feared for the men’s heads when they held the women from behind while the women's working legs jabbed up into penchée positions. Funny stuff going on, like the spider-like crawls and men slapping their chests and running across stage like they were airplanes. My favorite part was when the dancers form a line and do a continuous ticking of port de bra positions and when the women throw off their tutus. The central pas de deux danced by Nicholas Leschke (?) and someone else I couldn’t figure out brought gasps of shock and astonishment from the audience. The level of difficulty could not be hidden. I applaud the dancers for getting through those absolutely insane lifts. Although this ballet was exciting and an obvious challenge for the dancers, I’m not sure how I would feel about it with subsequent viewings. It doesn’t go much deeper than a bag of tricks.

  11. There's a good chance I'm not going to get a response but I have to ask...did anyone go last night? I thought about it, but alas, I had homework to attend to. Maybe this Sunday.

    I'm looking forward to hearing the Best Little Klezmer Band play for Adams' piece.


    FEBRUARY 26 - MARCH 7, 2004

    *All casting is subject to change*





    Sara Webb, Lucas Priolo, Britain Werkheiser,

    Oliver Halkowich, Ingrid Zweifel, Firat Kazbek Özsoy

    Leticia Oliveira, Alexander Pandiscio, Clare Miklaunus,

    Caleb Mitchell, Kelly Myernick, Carl Coomer



    Artists of Houston Ballet

    The casting for Four Last Songs doesn't transfer well so go here to take a look.

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