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Posts posted by ABT Fan

  1. Outrageous. How insulting for Paloma and her fans. She learned the new SB role, so why did she suddenly have a change of heart now. No adequate partner for her?

    This may be her choice. She might want to finish in a work she knows well.

    This is very surprising, but I agree it may have been her choice after performing it in CA last week. She may not feel comfortable in it and wants to give the best farewell performance possible.

    But, I agree this is an awkward announcement and an even more awkward scheduling choice. Two retirements on the same day? I imagine some of her fans work during the day and will have a hard getting to this now.

  2. David Hallberg is still on his way to recovery from injuries and will not be dancing at this MET season.


    From the Times: He will be replaced in some of his 13 scheduled performances by the Mariinsky principal Vladimir Shklyarov, in “Giselle,” and by Leonid Sarafanov, a principal dancer with the Mikhailovsky Ballet, in “La Bayadère” and “The Sleeping Beauty.” It will be Mr. Sarafanov’s debut with Ballet Theater.

    So, I believe these 2 replacements make the number of guest artists 10 total who will be at the Met.

    I'm quite speechless.

  3. Boylston is doing Giselle with Hammoudi at the May 23 matinee. She debuted in that role at the Met season last year with Whiteside.

    Hopefully, Whiteside recovers from his injury (assuming he is injured) quickly.

    From my vantage point, ABT seems determined to make Hammoudi into a principal despite his unimpressive turns in principal parts and his recurring injuries (yes I know dancers get injured, but he seems to be out more than others). Though I'm all for giving folks second chances, I haven't seen any development from him. Maybe he's a late bloomer.

    I agree that ABT needs more tall, strong men as principals. I'm a broken record on this point - why haven't they been giving Forster any opportunities? Talk about tall and strong and he's a gorgeous dancer.

  4. I think Shayer has enormous potential. He really stood out in Clear with his enormous jumps and super plush landings so I'm very happy he's been given Bluebird. I think this could be a break out role for him. Copeland is quite petite. I can't recall if Shayer is much taller but he's not slight of build (like Simkin) so their pairing could work really well although I haven't seen him partner much.

  5. Hallberg has now been replaced by Whiteside in Rodeo during the first week of the Met season. He is still scheduled to dance in Fancy Free during the same time. I expect many more "replacements" for Hallberg to trickle in as we get closer and closer to the season.

    Whiteside has certainly become MVP #2. Hopefully he won't get injured with the enormous load he's been/will be carrying. Too bad they couldn't have given the Champion Roper to Forster or Royal. I think Royal would be fabulous in it and it would have been a great opportunity.

  6. Salstein still dances, but he's usually cast in character parts or contemporary ballets so he dances less often than the "princely" dancers. He has his own company now, Intermezzo, but it's a small company and still rather new so they don't seem to perform too often right now. He also teaches company class at ABT.

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