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Posts posted by Jayne

  1. I thought a lot about the promotions during the intermission of Sleeping Beauty on Sunday. I think we can believe the sincereity of Peter Boal by his written words (as posted above) He has promoted people based on Balanchine neo-classical criteria. He is perfectly within his rights to do so, and if PNB is still a member of the Balanchine extended family of dancers, this is 100% logical.

    That said, I didn't see anything this season that made me feel that Jerome Tisserand was anything other than a principal dancer. He can and does dance all the principal roles, in both story ballets and mixed rep pieces, and he brings excellence to all of them. When I compare him to the other male principals at PNB: Batkhurel Bold, Karel Cruz, James Moore, Jonathan Porretta and Seth Orza; I feel he is their equal in all respects: as a Prince, in his star wattage, in the quality and elevation of his dancing and in his innovation in contemporary pieces. Furthermore, I feel he has proved himself over the past two years to be a better partner in principal roles than the other male soloists and even some of the principals.

    I am very happy for his spouse, Laura Tisserand, that she has been promoted, based on her excellence in Mixed Rep performances. But I feel the lack of promotion of Mr. Tisserand is an oversight that must be corrected soon.

    Leta Biasucci has taken on three principal roles as Clara (Nutcracker), Swanhilda (Coppelia) and now Aurora (Sleeping Beauty). She has done well in mixed rep pieces (especially Twyla Tharp and other character- driven roles). Using the same logic, when I compare her to the other corps members who were promoted to soloist, I feel she is their equal in all regards. Further, I feel she has qualities that are equal to the established soloists in the company.

    I sincerely hope that a promotion will be given to each of them at the end of this season, or at the start of the Fall 2014/2015 season. I do understand that money is an issue and that a company cannot become too top heavy. But these are exceptional dancers and I was very surprised that the Friday announcement did not include their names.

  2. For mixed rep programs, PNB cheap seats are $28 / each. But for Sleeping Beauty, the cheap seats re $38 / seat, so I guess they expect it to sell well. SB on Superbowl Sunday matinee tickets are 50% off. For $19 I was seated in the 2nd balcony, 10 minutes before the start time of 1:00pm.

    I opened my program and discovered that all the promoted artists are already listed in their appropriate new homes (Principals, Soloists, etc). So the promotions must have been planned, and the announcement on Friday must have been a formality for the dancers. The program includes a very interesting historical essay about the 1890's SB at Mariinsky, written by Doug Fullerton and with several excellent photographs, including the original scenery mock up as painted by Matvei Shishkov of Versailles. The costumes are also interesting, and very very fluffy. When I think of the Mariinsky revival costumes (Sergei Vikharev), the main tutus still have a top layer of opaque material, but the pictures show just embroidered tull, so this was a surprise to me.

    Lots of Russian was spoken today in the cheap seats, and plenty of kids. In my rough estimate, the theatre was 80% full (the side boxes were not open) and the kids were vocal in a cute way this time. Lots of clapping and "yays" for tricks, even clapping in time to the music! The music was played at a medium pace, and I noticed that each time I sit up high, I think the music sounds under powered. But when I sit at orchestra level, it sounds just fine. So I think it's just acoustics at McCaw Hall, rather than the PNBO. I didn't hear any false notes, but I "heard" more brass this time. I think the strings and woodwinds get all the emotional bright spots, but I was trying to really listen to the music this time, so I heard more details. The orchestra all had blue/green "12" signs on their music stands, and before ACT III the audience clapped for the orchestra, so the orchestra waved their "12" signs back at them. (12 stands for the 12th man in football, i.e. the fans in the stands who yell and disrupt the opponent's play calls).

    I've discussed my views on this versions costumes (Gold Lame everywhere! But not a drop of subtlety to drink) so I won't bother with a re-run. I do love the hunt scene costumes and wish I could rent the Countess' costume for Halloween.

    The Prologue began with a curtain that was specially illuminated half blue and half green (for the Seahawks). Then it was on to the usual fluff in the prologue, I really enjoyed Sarah Ricard Orza as the Lilac Fairy, but she is so delicate that some authority was missing. I guess I prefer a tall dancer in this role. Of the other fairies, I enjoyed most Amanda Clark as Fairy of PUrity and Elle Macy as Fairy of Generosity. Jonathan Porretta had a lot of fun with the Carabosse role, and in this version, he flies in and out on a wire, rather than arriving in a carriage with rats as his guards. It works, and the kids ate it up. The Guards were actually very good in their pantomime and I am pleased to see that PNB has made Catalabutte (played by Kiyon Gaines) into a forgetful comic and even supercilious character, but not necessarily a stereotypical homosexual fop. The corps looked a little sloppy in the prologue as Lilac Fairy Attendants. They weren't up to their Swan Lake precision from last year.

    Act I (where the real action starts). As noted in this thread, Leta Biasucci peers from behind a column at her parents before entering the ballroom (a la Evelyn Hart). From the very get-go, you pay attention to Ms Biasucci's feet. I don't think her arch is any better or worse than any other ballerina's, but my goodness she has legibility in her feet. I couldn't take my eyes off of them. Every Petipa step is executed with clarity, speed and placement. She looks light on stage, but very strong. I don't think her physique is similar to Alina Cojucaru, but the clarity of her feet remind me of Ms Cojucaru. Thankfully she doesn't over-do the extensions, I thought they looked very classical in height and I wanted to say "good for you, Leta! Don't be a Mariinsky Show Pony!"

    On the first introduction balances, she completed them, but her hand was held aloft for a mere second. I never paid attention before, but in this version, when Aurora accepts the 4 roses, she spins (once, twice, thrice, then a fourth time) with the same (first) partner. In this case it was Seth Orza. I assume it is easier from a partnering standpoint for the dancers. On the final balances, the horns really slowed down, the second turn (or was it the third?) went very wonky and she began to tilt off her leg. She completed the turn but then had to hop down and then back up. But from there on out it went fine, and she relaxed her hand from Charles McCall's and finished with grace. She didn't get the bravos that accompany a perfect Rose Adagio, but the kids sure loved her. Despite the hop, I thought it was otherwise a successful Act I, and I was happy she didn't overact the part.

    Act II is the vision and awakening. Now I've criticized Laura Tisserand before, but she was exceptionally good as the Countess, which is a physical role requiring good comedic skills and physical timing to portray a diffident aristocrat. I wish I could play that role, actors always say the villains are the most fun to portray and Ms Tisserand surely looked like she was having fun on stage.

    The scene opens with the Prince walking onto the stage with his aristocratic friends, so there is no "grand entrance" like the Bolshoi version. But I felt Jerome Tisserand looked and danced like the star of the stage. He really has the princely bearing down, and his ballon sets him apart from other men in the company. Normally I don't get too excited about the Vision scene, but, I have to mention the clarity of Leta Biasucci's feet, and how clear the Petipa steps looked. The corps returned to form in the Vision scene and the audience was enthralled. As Swanhilda8 noted in "Diamonds", I just wanted to shout "Bravo Tchaikovsky!" because the music brings it all together.

    By Act III I am usually a bit fatigued and the divertissements usually bore me. Fortunately for me, this is not the Bolshoi version, which goes on forever in this Act. While the kids loved Puss & Boots, and Red Riding Hood & Wolf, the Gold & Silver ppt with Elizabeth Murphy, ERic Hipolito and Price Suddarth was exceptionally beautifully danced. I thought the Bluebird ppd was ok, but lacking in ballon and speed.

    The wedding ppd was beautifully danced by Ms Biasucci and Mr Tisserand. Her feet were beautiful, his partnering was strong yet effortless. The show ended with a seated audience clapping, but plenty of bravos for the leads. Ms Biasucci received flowers and gave one to her partner.

    ....And then everyone rushed out of the theatre to go watch the game. I walked up the street to Racha (a Thai restaurant) to eat appetizers at the bar and watch the game. I missed Renee Fleming singing the national anthem (saw it on YouTube later) but saw the entire game, and a great half time show with the very entertaining Bruno Mars & band. The Thai / Vietnamese staff watched the game at a board room adjacent to the bar, and while they spoke their native languages during the game, they all chanted "SEA.....HAWKS" with the rest of us. Fans in every language have the same emotional connections.

    Petipa really was a genius. The steps are glorious and it is such a pleasure to see them. But I really feel that PNB is a Balanchine company, and they "try on" Romantic and Classical ballet. The fast allegro work looks amazing, but the corps looks so careful in the adagio steps, and I kept waiting for them to break out and start "flying" in some fleet Balanchine or David Dawson steps and set the world on fire. I've had my fill of story ballet for a few months. I think I am craving some Balanchine and look forward to the June Encore program, where we'll hopefully see plenty of it before Kauri Nakamura retires. But in the meantime, PNB has a mixed rep in March, and a Balanchine Story Ballet (Midsummer) later this spring.

    I will comment on my opinions about promotions in the other thread, based on what I saw on Sunday.

  3. I saw the Sunday Matinee and then walked to Racha and watched the Superbowl in a bar with a friend. I have good things to say about Leta Biasucci:

    she was good in Rose Adagio, but had one small foot-down halfway through the first set of balances, due to a wonky partnering balance with the 2nd cavalier (name escapes me at the moment). She was better in the Vision scene, and she was Excellent in the wedding scene.

    Jerome Tisserand really deserves to be a Principal, I'll expand on my opinion tomorrow.

    Unfortunately I have to be at work at 6am (it's 10:18pm now), I'm downing a Sleep Aid to get me through the night. Cars are still honking horns, fireworks going off, and general rebel yells throughout Lower Queen Anne to celebrate the Seahawks' superbowl win. Fortunately I think everyone will be worse for wear on Monday at work, so I won't be the only one.

    So the full write up will come Monday night when I get home!

  4. I've heard of online discussions (aka "wars") between fans in opera and figure skating. One of the things I like best about BA is the civilized nature of the discussions. I hope it is ever thus.

  5. one thing the tights don't show is the difference between muscle and fat. A dancer may have a body type that fights very hard to add extra muscle, due to the unrelenting strain of 6-10 hour days of hard dancer work. But once encased in dancer's tights, that muscle just looks like a wide leg, or a wide hip, etc.

  6. Last weekend I watched my DVD of POB's 2004 "Jewels" and I was struck by how *careful* everything looked. In Diamonds it works, and Emeralds too. But it really doesn't work at all for Rubies.

    It's a different aesthetic, and we should just accept it, the same way Alvin Ailey's troupe dances differently than NYCB. Different species of beautiful flowers of dance.

  7. BC is not closer (but still attractive), thanks for the good thoughts everyone. Still mulling this over. My usual suspects to accompany me are balking at 7am Sunday. And work will not allow me to travel that far north on Tuesday for the 7pm show (though gawd-awful I-5 traffic). I'm still considering....it would be something of an adventure. And back in the day (waaaaaayyy waaaaayyy back) I got up at 4:30am Mon-Sat for rowing practice at 5am. So I know it's possible.

  8. Leta Biasucci as Aurora! I'm quite excited (can you tell?) She is hopping over all the soloists for this opportunity. If she does well, I anticipate a promotion. I'll bet she thinks she made the correct choice to jump from OBT to PNB.

    IMHO I'd also like to see soloists Linsdi Dec and Sarah Ricard Orza perform Aurora. But with only 9 performances it will be difficult to cast all the principals twice and still have room for soloists,

    Angelica Generosa would also make for a lovely Aurora. We just need more PNB audience members so there are more performances!

  9. I think Macaulay has mentioned Mearns' physique more often after the thunderstorm that developed from his "too many sugar plums" critiques of Jenifer Ringer (and her partner for that performance, I can't think of his name).

    At any rate, when you see pictures, it's very clear that she is as lean as her body type will allow her to be.

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