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Posts posted by glebb

  1. I'm well acquainted with the choreography of 'Theme and Variations', 'Symphony in C', and 'Giselle'. I've staged a 'Giselle' and could probably stage the other two, (with a little advance video studying).

    In 'Giselle', as you have said Paul, it's the way the penche is done. I don't think a six o' clock penche is necessary. I love Makarova's develope a la second in her solo leading into the pas de deux in Act II. But there is something poetic about the high leg. It's not high for the sake of being high, or "scratching her head with her toes" as is asked in the first post of this thread. It's just in the right place, taste wise.

    I do think they way the develope, or the penche is executed makes the difference. I've recently seen photos of a gorgeous NYCB ballerina (one of my favorites), in a past six o' clock penche in the 2nd movement of 'Symphony in C'. It just didn't look good.

    Get out your video of Gelsey in 'Theme' and see her a la second, and her penche. That is what I like.

    I don't think the leg to the ear (as it is more often done today), in a short or long tutu is appropriate.


  2. The first time I saw Nichols, she was in the corps and it was announced before the curtain that she would dance the first violin in 'Concerto Barocco'.

    She was quite wonderful in the role she origniated in 'The Four Seasons'.

    One of my favorite ballets to see her dance was 'In G Major'.

  3. I love to show my support to dancers by yelling bravo at the end of a performance. I have to admit that I usually use bravo for female as well as male dancers. I don't know why, but I am most comfortable with that and I'm sure they know that I am saluting them.

    I am okay with thunderous applause and even bravo after a variation. I am fine with applause for a spectacular scene revealing. But noise while the dancer is dancing, is distracting annoying to me.

    I really enjoyed the unison applause, at the end of the night in Europe, Russia and Asia.

  4. I love to show my support to dancers by yelling bravo at the end of a performance. I have to admit that I usually use bravo for female as well as male dancers. I don't know why, but I am most comfortable with that and I'm sure they know that I am saluting them.

    I am okay with thunderous applause and even bravo after a variation. I am fine with applause for a spectacular scene revealing. But noise while the dancer is dancing, is distracting annoying to me.

    I really enjoyed the unison applause, at the end of the night in Europe, Russia and Asia.

  5. Great one!

    'Les Sylphides' was the first ballet I ever saw, so part of me thinks Fokine has to be the greatest. But then there's 'Apollo' and 'Prodigal Son'. Those are amazing too!

    I have seen and even learned three Nijinsky ballets (or at least what we think they might have been).

    I've been a part of Massine ballets, and they are quite fun to do.

    I'll be learning Nijinska's 'Les Noces' next year, so I am most curious about her.

    But I guess it's a Fokine/Balanchine tie, for me. :)

  6. I hear you Bobbi. It does not make sense that NYCB didn't get the critical attention it deserves.

    I have not seen the company since last spring, but the performance I saw (All Balanchine), was impeccable.

    I cannot say the same for what I saw at ABT.

  7. I agree with 'thank you' being a good way to address the performer even if I didn't like the performance.

    But I often use a simple 'thank you' for a sublime performance, when words cannot describe the beauty I have just witnessed.


  8. Treefrog:

    Your daughter's observation about 'Birthday Variations' was correct. No multimedia effects.

    After 911, Mr. Arpino decided to cancel 'The Clowns' due to it's destruction of humanity theme.

    He wanted to give the Joffrey audience something light and colorful.

    I do think that the way the Joffrey dancers made the fiendishly hard choreography look easy was the special effect.


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