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An Extreme Delicacy

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While soaking in the extreme delicacy of Akane Takada and Fumi Kaneko in Christopher Wheeldon's rehearsal of The Winter's Tale (2018), I just had to rush to Ballet Alert and proclaim my excitement over my discovery. "O for the extreme delicacy of these two artists", I voiced outloud to no one in particular. My mind became instantly intrigued with the Japanese culture and those deep ancient roots that would surely have helped define and produce such a unique creative signature in these two magnificent artists. I wonder if anyone among the Ballet Alert population knows of a book that seeks to understand and articulate the nature of those glorious roots? I am somehow reminded of a kind of fine China -- Noritake, I believe it's called -- that my father brought back from Japan while once deployed as a Naval officer in the South China sea. How both Akane Takada and Fumi Kaneko seem as exquisite and refined as even that. 

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