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Help. I have been desperately seeking to replace my tape that is completely worn out. I originally taped it from the TV (when A & E still stood for ARTS and Entertainment) on a beta tape then transferred it to VHS, but it is done for.

I search constantly on line to no avail. I recently found a used one on Amazon for $70 (with out the case) but I don't have that kind of money right now. I was outbid on e-bay not to long ago as well.

Does any one have one for sale or to lend?

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To the Pointe: someone emailed me this morning that they'd sent you a Personal Message. So please check your PMs on this board (and, I'm sure you'll figure this out, but just in case, please reply through PM and not publicly -- thanks! You can get to the PMs by clicking on My Controls, and then Inbox.)

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