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Posts posted by Pegasus

  1. There has been some discussion on this board with regards to how the loss of experienced dancers in companies is affecting the development of the up and coming stars. Additionally companies are choosing to perform new repetiore rather than the older classics in an attempt to appeal to a larger audience base. It also seems to me that many schools are not including the history of dance, the music, and the history of choreography as part of the corriculum. Have others observed the same thing or is it even necessary?

  2. An exciting company called the "Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami" will be performing the full length ballet "Le Corsaire" at the Fillmore Theatre (formally the Jackie Gleason Theatre) at Miami Beach on 2/28 at 8:00PM. Lorena Feijoo/Hayna Gutierrez and Miguel Angel Blanco/Taras Dimitro will perform the leading roles. Additionally there are two young up and coming American starlets, Grace-Anne Powers and Jordan Elizabeth Long that are definately worth seeing.

  3. In glancing today at the story of a baseball player who was fired despite having pitched a huge number of games (disclaimer: I know NOTHING about the game!), I couldn't help but think: What if we kept track of ballet dancers' moves in the same way that baseball fans and the press do? What stats would be important to note? Lifetime Number of Fouetees (LNFs)? Maximum Jump Height (MJH)? Swiftest pickup of errant hair clip?

    In all seriousness, does anyone keep track of number of performances/roles, the way opera fans do?

    I imagine that we may have played this game before; if so, just terminate this thread, please!

    It would be irrelevant to keep stats because of all the variables. How large is the stage? What type of floor? Who is the partner? There are many other issues as well such as artistry which would impact on how a piece should be interpreted.

  4. This is not the first time that Grace-Anne has successfully met this type of challenge while dancing for the Cuban Classical Ballet of Miami. At the last Miami International Ballet Festival she scratched the cornea of her eye the day before the Gala performance. On top of that it was decided that she would dance with Octavio Martin rather than Joseph Gatti on the day of the performance. Octavio arrived about two hours before the performance. They went through the piece twice before she danced 'Giselle' Pas de Deux, Act II while blind in one eye. Everyone was calling her Alicia after the show. She also danced 'The Slave and the Merchant' Pas de Deux with Isanusi Garcia with no rehearsal at all in a different show.

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