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Posts posted by Thalictum

  1. It is very disappointing to me as well that ABT refuses to hire Tudor's former assistant, Airi Hynninen. She notated many of Tudor's ballets and knows them inside and out -- and more than just the steps.

    I saw Kathy Moore first in 1987 when ABT was in Los Angeles. I thought she was bland then but by the time she last performed the role in 1991 I was moved by her performance. It does require time, thought and repeated performances, but Hagar in my opinion requires a more dynamic, even volcanic dancer than Kent, perhaps with a more mobile torso.

    I also loved Leslie Browne and Magalie Messac in the part. I saw Cynthia Gregory's one and only performance and was impressed, although Tudor was not. Lise Houlton was also a first class interpreter of Tudor as Hagar and Caroline, et.al.

    I was always at the edge of my seat watching Pillar of Fire -- until this season. McKerrow's second performance was vastly improved, however.

  2. Let's face it; Tudor is barely a presence in ABT's current landscape, and it is disingenuous of McKenzie to pretend otherwise. Pillar of Fire has not been performed by ABT since 1991, and the performance I saw Thursday night told me that most of the cast had no idea what they were doing or why. In all likelikhood, no one on stage had ever seen it performed. They simply repeated the choreography, more or less accurately and with respect if not insight. It was Tudor as school recital piece -- a novel experience!

  3. I must say Part was mesmerizing even in the corps of the Harrison. She is much thinner than during the Met season. It is frustrating that she is not cast -- think of what her sensuality and regality could make of the Woman in White in Diversion of Angels? If she put her mind to it and worked out the Tudor-esque kinks, she could also be a great Hagar - as could Meunier.

    And what about Raymonda? Part was coached at the Kirov for Raymonda by her teacher Inna Zubkovskaya, herself a great Raymonda. I saw Part perform the scarf variation in a special on Russian TV and she was divine.

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