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  1. Long time lurker, first time posting! Agree with everything above. Having been to 4 SLs (Murphy->Seo/Gomes; Part/Steans; Semionova/Gomes; Seo/Bolle) this week, I have to agree that Friday evening's performance was by far the most disappointing. I wanted to watch Cojocaru/Cornejo of course, and I leave New York tonight. But my interest in a Seo SL was piqued after her Monday Black Swan (substituting for the injured Murphy) but she was scheduled to perform only on Saturday evening, until the switcheroo that occured yesterday.. Anyway, last Monday her Black Swan opening with Murphy was breathtaking. Despite the sloppy solo, I thought it would be better today after more preparation. However, while she traveled less during her fouettes today, she fell off her double fouettes at the end of the coda section. As mentioned, she also failed to hold her balance (Bolle quickly saved the situation). Act 2 was really boring today. To add to the above: while I have always liked Hee's back (she was also beautiful with it today) her arms were just left trailing behind or following the force of gravity. Her beautiful port de bras were there only when she was close to stationary. While I walked off Semionova's performance feeling the same, at least Polina's O/O were clean and technically amazing.. I have always thought Hee was somewhat special, and Monday's and today's black swan opening showed her potential. If she can manage her solo well, she may well become one of my favorite Odiles. I hope tomorrow evening's performance would be better. Looking forward to read how they compare! The rest were really good. Very entertaining spanish dance today. Best neopolitan (Joe Gorak, Zhiyao Zhang) who are technically secure compared to other neopolitans..The pdt was not really musical and clean. Except for Jared Matthews of course. The orchestra felt so tired today. Lacked volume and I could not feel the passion in the score. Anyone felt that way too?
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