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BRB-Swan Lake


Community Calendar

Event details

Swan Lake

February 19, 7:30pm

February 20, 7:30pm

February 21, 2pm

February 21, 7:30pm

February 22, 7:30pm

February 23, 2:30pm

February 23, 7:30pm

Birmingham Hippodrom

Swan Lake

Choreography: Peter Wright; Lev Ivanov, Marius Petipa

Music: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky


Ticket Info:



By telephone

Telephone Ticket Sales on 0870 730 1234; Monday to Saturday, 9.30am-8pm

In person

At the Hippodrome Theatre, Hurst Street, Birmingham B5 4TB; Monday to Saturday, 10am - 8pm

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