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  1. Sania Davlekamova, ballet critic 1979. "The concept of two schools -Leningrad and Moscow - is now retrospective. Nevertheless, Moscow expression and catchy effects prevail in male modern dance. The art of A. Godunov is determined by the laws of Harmony. Energy is ennobled by purity of form, but grace is devoid of willlessness... Motorism, accentuation has been defeated by dancing, the most important property, but it is not so common now in ballet, especially in men's dance. Godunov's expressive impulse and the sophistication of the academic canon live in harmony. The beauty of the lines, the completeness of the form with the most virtuosic technique in all the "registers" - this is his dance, which reveals the synthesis of two historical ballet styles..."
  2. Thank you so much for these priceless memories. Surely Giselle's videos were in Alexander's personal archive, which disappeared without a trace instead of being given to his relatives. And we could see it now...
  3. Godunov is great! He is extremely charismatic
  4. I've got a wonderful picture of them recently, https://vk.com/public221123399?z=photo-221123399_457243733%2Falbum-221123399_00%2Frev
  5. Could you please write about this in more detail? What was special about his Albrecht? How exactly did he walk at the end of Act 2?
  6. I think Baryshnikov, with his 5.6 inches, had more injuries than Godunov with 6.2.
  7. From an article in Christian Science Monitor about Godunov (February, 1983): "He is especially complimentary about his experience dancing with Alvin Ailey, Ballanchine's New York City Ballet, and Paul Taylor". I know about his work with Ailey and Jamison. He danced some Balanchine ballets, but I thought it was in ABT. And I don't know anything about his work with Paul Taylor. Does anyone have any information about this? I will be very grateful for clarification.
  8. We can reed in Britannica: "Following a series of guest appearances with other companies, a tour with an ensemble he put together, and his own television show, Godunov: The World to Dance In (1983–84), Godunov embarked acting career". https://www.britannica.com/biography/Alexander-Godunov I don't know anything about this TV show. Do you?
  9. Thank you very much. By the way, do you have favorite ballet dancers? Could you please give links to your posts about them?
  10. Yes, there are very few. To my mind the last photo is after Giselle, not after Romeo and Juliet.
  11. These comments are written under those videos where different dancers perform the same fragments of ballets. Something like that:
  12. Are his legs supposed to be just like that?
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