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Posts posted by JosBiviano

  1. Hi Fraildove, I'm not sure if this helps, but the original score included a short number inserted in between The Chinese Dance (Tea) and the Trepak of Act 2. The number was composed by Tchaikovsky and it was to be called "Toffee" and was in the form of an English Jig. Todate, there is only one recording that I am aware of that has this variation included in the score---The Nutcracker (Complete Recording) John Lanchbery conducting the Philharmonia Orchestra, issued on the MHS - Musical Heritage Society CD #MHS-522054X (2CDs). I have the recording and according to the booklet notes that comes with the set, it also states that the piece was removed after the first rehearsal as Petipa was not fond of it. The English Jig was also ommited from the published score, but able to be included in this recording thanks to its exsitance in a piano version. This piano version was orchestrated by Lanchbery. Hopes this helps. --Jos

  2. I am presently reading a book on the life of Galina Ulanova entitled: "Galina Ulanova--The Making Of A Ballerina," translated from the Russian by S. Rosenberg. Within the first few beginning pages of the book, Madame Ulanova makes mention of her first dancing debut for the Imperial Ballet in Drigo's "Caprices Of A Butterfly." I've never heard of this ballet before and was wondering if anyone had any information on it? Was it an insert-piece into a much larger work, or was it, perhaps, a stand alone divertissement or 1-Act piece? Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.

  3. Hello Ian----no, Mr Terry doesn't list the breakdown any further. I own the VHS video of the ballet and have watched it many times, so I can tell you that some of the themes utilized from Symphony #3 come from movements 1 3, & 4; and snipets from various points throughout the Russian Overture. Obviously, the vast majority is from the film score.

    On a side note, I really enjoyed viewing your website; well done.

  4. Stinger---Walter Terry's "Guide To The Ballet" (1976 Edition) lists the themed sources for the ballet as having come from Prokofiev's Russian Overture, Symphony #3 as well as excerpts from the Ivan The Terrible film score. The film score contains slightly different orchestrations with bits of additional musical material not present in the Prokofiev Oratorio of the same name. With respect to the pieces used in Grigorovich's ballet, the pieces were re-arranged, edited, and some re-orchestrated by composer Mikhail Chulaki. It was first performed at the Bolshoi Theatre in 1975. I am not aware of any ballet recording of it.

  5. Wow Natalia. This is disturbing to learn on the pirating. Is this your personal speculation or do you know for sure of the pirating? I'd definitely would like to know as I have already bought 4 complete ballets from this Company. The company's home page seemed to be legit.

  6. OK---here is the web site: go to www.classicalballetmusic.com and click on complete ballet catalogue. You will see 2 complete / different versions of Le Corsaire Ballets. The recording I have contains the full Kirov version, and is a live recording. Sound quality is pretty good given that it is a live recording. Hope this helps!

  7. Yes, there is also another music CD presently out containing the complete score for Le Corsaire as danced by the Kirov Ballet. It contains all of the music used in the Russian Production---Adam, Pugni, Delibes, Drigo, as well as Prince Oldenbourg. This is a 2- CD is on the KUBADYSK Label (manufactured in Poland I think) ( Label# KD001-05/011307). I bought it from a mail-order classical music house in the USA about a year ago. I will see if I can find the website where I purchased it from and post it here.

  8. Can anyone tell me if there is, or ever was, a recording of Drigo's Les Millions d'Arlequin ballet? I have read how successful this ballet was in Imperial Russia as well as the great success it enjoyed when Balanchine revived it for NYCB (under the name Harliquinade). I'm surprised that I cannot find any recording of it. Any ideas? Thank you.

  9. Greetings All! I just recently purchased a complete recording (Audio CD) of the Paris Opera's 3-Act La Bayadere. While the program notes list Minkus as the "complete composer" to the ballet, I can't help but notice that a few dance numbers seem out of character for Minkus. Cheif amongst these is the tempestuous Indian Drum Dance from Act II. Did Minkus compose this number? It's seems more in the style of Soloviev-Sedoy, a modern-day Soviet composer. I know that Soloviev-Sedoy did compose some interpolations for Don Quixote, which can be heard in Boris Spassov's recording for the Capriccio Label. Did he do the same for La Bayadere? Any information I could get would be gratefully appreciated. --Jos

  10. Deldevez a mainstream composer? He's not even listed in Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians! If they can't find a place for you in twenty books, you're obscure.

    I suppose you're right but I've heard other pieces of his. Off the top of my head I can't remember what they are. But he's like Cherepnin except the other way around. (T)Cherepnin is pretty famous but I've only ever heard one piece of his!

    Hi Agnes-----There is now a complete recording of the Deldevez-Minkus 2-Act Paquita. It is a live recording of the DVD presently out with the Paris Opera Orchestra playing under the direction of J. Coleman. I have a copy of this recording and it's quite nice. Note that because it is a live recording, there is some background noise such as audience applause and coughing. All in all, it's not bad. The recording sells for around $34.99. You can obtain a copy at www.classicalballetmusic.com Go to their catalog section and look for "The Complete 2-Act Paquita". I hope this all helps.

    Also, as a side, Deldevez is quite an obsure composer. According to my musicology sources, only one piece of his has ever been recorded, and it taked the form of a piano sonata. Nicolai Tcherepnin faired better. At least 2 of his 5 ballets have been recorded: Le Pavilion d'Armide (Marco Polo Label) and the more obscure Narcisse Et Echo (Chandos Label). Tcherepnin's real claim to faim, of course, was his orchestrations for the ballet Les Sylphides.

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