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Posts posted by SpiritIvy

  1. BlackbirdBallerina, I have no idea what "Itarilde" means. "tar" and "tari" usually refers to royalty, though I can't honestly remember it's exact meaning or if it's from Quenya or Sindarin. She just got her name from www.barrowdowns.com, if I remember correctly. barrowdowns.com is a really awesome site, but it's name generator just gives you a random name because they really can't sit and translate actual meanings of names all day long.

    So basically, no. lol

  2. BattementCloche, they have the extended on VHS, as well, it just doesn't come iwth the documentaries at the end. The extended DVD has two extra disks of documentaries with it, which is not included with the extended VHS, but the extended VHS has all the extra scenes and added on stuff just like the DVD version does. They have the VHS version at Blockbuster. I never had the chance to rent it from Blockbuster because they were always out but it DOES exist on VHS.

  3. BattementCloche, have you seen the extended DVD of the Fellowship of the Ring? If you haven't I would HIGHLY reccomend that you go to Blockbuster ASAP and get it.

    Aragorn sings a part of 'The Lay of Luthien' in one of the added bonus scenes. He sings it in Elvish so I'm not sure if it is a real verse from the real poem, but it's really pretty cool. That's not all- the extended DVD has countless extended scenes. Bilbo's party, Rivendell, The Council of Elrond, Moria, Lothlorien, Galadriel's Mirror and countless other scenes are extended, to name a few of them anyway. There are also a few bonus scenes. One shows the hobbits at The Green Dragon, which is very amusing because Merry and Pippin get to sing on a tabletop :D Then they show more on the way to Rivendell, and in Rivendell there's a scene with Aragorn and Elrond and then another bonus scene when the Fellowship leaves.

    *Kisses my copy of the Extended DVD*

    I thought you'd be interested in it because many of the added scenes and extended scenes have to to with Aragorn, rather than Frodo. In one of the appendices disks that comes with the Extended version, they explain that for the theater cut version, they wanted the movie to be about Frodo as much as possible. Once they went back and added some of the deleted scenes, most tended to be about Aragorn and his history.

    It's really interesting to see more of Aragorn's side of the story, I think it really adds a lot.

    Random question now- about The Two Towers- does anyone know when it's going to be on video? I keep hearing June, and September for the extended version, but I don't know how reliable my sources are.

    I'm already itching to get the extended copy of The Two Towers- I was watching The Two Towers trailer from lordoftherings.net and they showed some stuff that wasn't in the theater. Now I'm all interested and I want to see them!

  4. Thanks for the link! I haven't seen it before.

    Well I'm homeschooled, which gives me some freedom, and I stopped taking ballet about a month ago. I'm in cheerleading now which is only 3 times a week opposed to ballet which seemed to be 'round the clock. I have quite a bit more time on my hands now that I don't have ballet, so I can devote more of my time to my obsessions- Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings...

  5. Nice to see another Tolkien fan around here :D Welcome to the conversation, BattementCloche

    I do believe you know more about this than me... lol. I'm just now really getting into Sindarin, though I know bits an peices of Quenya as well. I'm not very good yet though. It's a fun hobby, even though I don't have time for it most of the time. Though, I have to say I've seen the Fellowship more times than you have. I lost count, but it's over 20 times. Oh the joy of being homeschooled- I can watch LOTR while doing schoolwork *grins*

  6. I, personally, think that the movie served the books justice. I can see WHY they left Tom B out, you're right, he really isn't necessary to the plot. I think it would have been interesting to see Peter Jackson's interpretation of it, though I don't think it would have added much to the movie. It seemed to me that they left quite a bit of that part of the story out for a reason- they where "running" from the ringwraiths, and by poking around talking to Bombadil. Good character, really, but movies and books are two completely different mediums for telling a story. I honestly do not think that it would have added anything to the story, simply because they "speed" everything else up, too- they make it seem like it could have been a much shorter time from when Bilbo left to the time that Frodo left, they made Frodo's trip to Rivendell shorter, as well as the time it took to get to the Caradhras (did I spell that correctly?). They speed up their visit to Lothlorien and their trip to Edoras is quite a bit quicker- as is how quickly the hobbits are on their way to Mount Doom. They have to skip a lot that doesn't pertain to the plots as much, and I think that while Tom B is quite a big character in the book, he would have only made movie goers a bit bored. I don't understand why it was necessary to cut out Glorfindel... well... actually, thinking about it, I suppose it makes sense. It was a good way to introduce Arwen to the plot, especially since they didn't do the banquet like they did in the book, which is what originally introduced Arwen. I suppose the romance *could* have been left out of the movie, especially since it wasn't that prominent in the first two books (if it is or isn't in the last half of the ROTK is beyond me, I haven't gotten to that part yet)... my guess is that they wanted to introduce Arwen in the first movie to establish the fact that Eowyn's infatuation wasn't "allowed" and that in the third book they (I'm assuming here, I can only use what my friends have told me about this part, correct me if I'm wrong!) get married. (again, I don't totally know this for sure... I suppose I should haev researched it out a bit more lol, but this is what I've heard from various friends and other things. The way my mind peices the info I have together is this- elrond doesn't leave until after they are married, and the last chapter is the "Undying Lands" which presumably is when Frodo goes to the undying lands because of Arwen.... but again, do correct me if I'm wrong :o) I think the only thing that DIDN'T make sense is in the Two Towers in the book, Legolas WISHED for Mirkwood archers, but never got them. In the movie, Haldir (of LORIEN) was sent from RIVENDELL with MIRKWOOD archers (huh?) guess it didn't click with me haha

    I think the movies did to the books justice... the scenery really is another world, the music is fabulous. I can't go 24 hours without listening to the Fellowship CD, I'm dying to buy the Two Towers. the characters matched the descriptions given in the books, as did the scenery. I think they did a beautiful job.

  7. *whee!* I just bought The Return of the King. FINALLY! I have been looking for a few days now, but it's been sold out everywhere. we finally checked out a used bookstore and they had ONE copy (new) left. I bought it, of course, and am very happy, as it has a nice big picture of Aragorn on the front *swoons*

    The first thing I did when I got home was looked in the appendix (could it be any longer?!) and read Arwen and Aragorn's story *sighs* it was so sad. I cried, really. I mean I suppose this way was the only way but it upsets me how Aragorn had been the last of the Numenoreans, *sighs*... I already knew it, but I still had to read it.

    I also read various parts of exactly how Aragorn is related to Elrond and Arwen. It makes much more sense now. Basically, the Numenoreans where directly related to the Elves, as Elros was Half-Elven- correct?

  8. Now I really MUST go buy the third book. they are all out at the local library, as they where with the FOTR and TTT, so I wound up going to wal mart and buying them, I have a strong feeling that will also happen with ROTK... hopefully soon, I need my fix :) I happen to like the little bridge scene, I think it adds a lot of depth to the movie. Aragorn was determined to proove himself so he could marry her, and I think with that scene it explains WHY he is so determined, because not a lot of people know this. Because of my massive Aragorn crush, I am really jealous of Liv Tyler. Really, how lucky do you get? a year and a half in New Zealand, living amongst such talented people, then getting to be Arwen, the Elf Princess, and getting screen time with Aragorn... heck, I'd do it for free, she got paid. I'm actually trying to convince my best friend (who is a guy) to go as Aragorn for halloween, and I'll be Arwen. We'll answer the door to trick or treaters and make them watch an reenactment of the entire bridge scene to get candy. The bonus is that how many kids would sit and watch much past the "you said you'd bind yourself to me" line? We'd get all the candy. GO US! lol

    I think the names on their (the Tolkiens') graves is really really sweet... honestly, I'm getting way too many ideas from this thread...

  9. BilboBaggins (love the name :D), I read something regarding this just a couple days ago. They said: "So charming was the beauty of Arwen's appearance that when Aragorn first perceived her walking in the forest of Rivendell, he even called her 'Tinúviel, Tinúviel', thinking her to be Lúthien, whose beauty and fate she shared. And although Aragorn was abashed by the age of the elf-maiden, he at once fell in love with her." the link is http://barrowdowns.com/Description.asp?Siz...Data=282&Thumb=

    Elronds description also explains some of it: http://barrowdowns.com/Description.asp?Siz...ntryID&Data=137

    There was more, but I have a killer headache and my sister has the TV blasting so I can't concentrate enough to find it all, let alone make sense of it right now.

  10. Ms. Witchel, I didn't mean offense... it's just that hes approximately 30 years older than I am, which is quite an age difference for a 16 year old....... On second thought, if Galadriel was 30,000 in the story, and Celeborn (I love that name) was 15,000, I don't see why Viggo and I could work something out haha :D

    I had always guessed Galadriel was about 8000, just a wild guess, 30,000 is quite a length of time! I think Elves have it really easy. None of them seem to have jobs, they just kind of sing in the forests all day and throw lots of feasts. Sounds like fun to me!

    On the subject of Orlando again, thinking back to the first movie, to me he seems very grounded when walking on the snow. It makes no sense, as the elves are light on their feet, but it seems fitting- one of my biggest corrections in ballet is to STAY GROUNDED in my balances (and a few other things). I've been working on it for a long time, and I am improving, but I FELL grounded when I dance this way, even if I'm not. Maybe this explains why Legolas LOOKS grounded on the snow when he is obviously not. I can't remember his physicality in the second movie, as I've only seen it once, and that was over a month ago. I almost went to see it last night but it snowed a lot and no one wanted to drive. I DO remember crying when Aragorn *died* (when they thought he had died) and when Elrond told Arwen about her future life if she stayed with Aragorn... I also kept going "nooo, you can't fall in love with Eowyn, Aragorn! Arwen's totally in love with you and you can't ruin it!" I'm such a hopeless romantic.

  11. I liked the comment that made about legolas being so light on his feet. I understand it, because my ballet teacher is constantly telling me to stay grounded because I am NOT a faery, yet :D I have no sense of my weight, truthfully. rather comparable to Legolas I suppose- my ears are even slightly pointed :D I am a much bigger Aragorn fan. He's SOOOOOOOOOOO cute. *sighs* Viggo Mortensen is also 4 years older than my dad (as well as married, I believe) so it's totally unrealistic haha. Legolas was my former favorite, but as I watched more and more of the movies and started reading the books, I realized Aragorn is more my type ;) I've actually been raiding the comic book stores around here trying to find an Aragorn standee... I could order online but I dont want to pay for shipping. It's quite sad, really.

    I am dying to read the Simarillion though, but I am only halfway through the Two Towers. I plan to read that after I am finished with the trilogy.

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