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Posts posted by pville

  1. Sigh, I was hoping Carla Korbes would get SOMETHING as well, even if it couldn't be Titania. I'm worry she will waste away as a soloist. As for MSND I suppose it depends on if Darci is up to dancing ... I think when she danced it before it was when Kistler pulled out. I guess we'll have an idea this week with Morgen, Korbes or Kistler is a pretty good deal. And here's to hoping Somogyi will be well enough to dance Hippolyta.

  2. Can anyone elighten me on what this guy is up to? I was thrilled when he joined NYCB then he seemed to be plagued with injuries before he really established himself. It seemed he was just getting started and then left. Musgate absolutely needs him and I'm glad NYCB can get him back and to see that he is dancing alot. But it is rather strange that he's been in 3 companies over the past few years. What is he doing right now, did he ever explain why he left and is there any chance he'll come back?

  3. The earlier discussion of Sofiane Sylve's debut in Emeralds piqued my interested because I had always thought of Sofiane as a Diamond maybe a Ruby. So which ballerinas in NYCB do you think correspond to each of the Jewels, in my opinion








    The McBride Role






    The Neary (big girl) role



    Bouder would be interesting, smaller girl but dances BIG!









    Korbes !!



    so what would be your try as casting director?

  4. Ditto Evans, Higgins, Van Kipnis, Korbes

    Of dancers past (or pushed away?) - Meunier, Ash, Ritter, Liang

    Others that come to mind - carmena, fowler, abergel, and angle (but i think thats because of chronic injury)

    Overutilized - ... borree, martins

    Misutilized - kistler, kowroski, abi stafford

  5. I was extremely worried when I saw that Darci Kistler was replacing Nichols in Chaconne. I didn't see her Chaconne last season but her Symphony in C was shaky enough for me to think she was only a few steps away from eternal retirement.

    I agree last night she flubbed, simplified, and skipped some stuff through the 2nd pas de deux. But I still left with that "I just saw something wonderful feeling". I would saw she had her old magic back. The type that makes you forget about the actual steps and makes you just relax and think about the performance and presentation on the whole .... and this is how I want to remember Kistler. I think what makes her so great especially in view of many of today's up and comers is she has "ballerina polish" in abundance, charm, refinement, authority, etc. I would rather see a simplified kistler with polish than a perfect kowroski without.

    In conclusion, if Kistler can pull off one performance a year like this (in an Allergra Kent type arrangement) she still worth keeping on the roster

  6. I]With Whelan and Kowroski in Russia, was there anyone other than Kistler at home who knew Second Movement? If so, who? If not, wouldn't it have been a good opportunity to teach it to a worthy newcomer?[/i]

    Carla Korbes is the obvious choice for the role, definately an adagio dance with beautiful extension and the artistic ability to carry out such a role .... of course she was injuried on this particular sunday .... Hmmm, has Nichols ever danced the role ? That would be an interesting contrast. Maybe Ansanelli, or Somogyi, they always make the most of the opportunities they get. I wonder if Meunier was still with the company if Martins would have let her try it .... :rolleyes

  7. I've been going back on forth of my highlight of this winter season ... was it Kyra Nichols glorious and triumphant return or was it the sensational debut of Sofiane Sylve, an outsider who energized the whole company.

    Nichols, the most steadfast of the last era of Balanchine ballerinas, she was promoted before Caligeri, Fugate, Saland, Lopez, and Hlinka and yet outlasts them. Truly a study in longevity, amongst other things. One hopes that the new generation of dancers, Korbes, Bouder, Fairchild, Stafford (not to mention Kowrowski, Ansanelli, Taylor and Somogyi) have the chance to learn from her tempered, balanced and tasteful but still fufilling performances. Its not about superlatives, lifting the leg higher or whatnot completely matching and living in the music. Her performances of In G Major, Davidsbundlertanze, Vienna Waltzes, Pavane and Mozartiana will long live on in my mind.

    Sylve, on the other hand represents (hopefully) the future of the NYCB. Sharp, witty, all-out performances of Kammermusik 2, and Western Symphony and Slaughter on 10th Avenue were opposite in flavor of Nichols performances but both completely fufilling. Please, please, please bring her back!!!

    To round out the ballerinas. IMHO Whelan is the NYCB ballerina now, she holds the lion's share of the reperatory and does it well, and her range is simply unparalleled, particular highlights include In the Night, Chaconne, Agon, Symphony in 3 movements, Barocco, and Ballade. Somogyi came into her own with Piano Pieces and Concerto Barocco as well as setting a new standard in Sernade and 1st movement Symphony in C. Kowrowski ... hmm unquestionably a talented dancer, but unless she's in a completely abstact role (Kammermusik 2, Sonatas and Interludes, or acting Western Symphony) she doesn't do it for me, I feel she's still trying to find herself and hides behind her talent instead of using it to express herself. Ringer contiues to shine, never having seen McBride perform its hard to compare but I've never found her performances lacking in Coppelia and Who Cares? I would prefer her in Tales from Vienna Woods though.

    Borree is a hard dancer for me to comment on ... I have a tendancy to avoid her performances, that being said her Raymonda was nerve racking, let I saw a nice recovery from falling off point in Square dance. Weese has made a nice comeback ... hopefully she will be strong enough to return to full use. Kistler: I wish Nichols could share her secret with her. She still has and always will the soul of a great ballerina, but her body is unquestionably deteriorating and its hard to watch. Finally I'm including Ansanelli with the principal women, its the role she plays in the company now, she dances with joyousness and vulnerability unmatched by anyone in the company, just lovely in Piano Pieces and Carousel, looking forward to new Ansanelli/Wheeldon colaborations.

    Amongst the soloist, Rutherford continues to be lovely and is slowly developing her rep. Stafford is still finding her stage presence, she does best when she can just dance as in Square Dance, she still has to work on presenting herself in Who Cares? and Symphony in C. Taylor contiues to shine in Martins works. Van Kipnis is perhaps the most misused dancer in NYCB, Martins seems to throw her around wherever he needs a dancer, hopefully he can work on developing her into the principal she deserves to be.

    Corp standouts include Korbes, used very cautiously, Mandradjieff, Fairchild had quite a season. Edge, Abergel, Ash, Walker and Ash are amongst those who give the corps some stability. Most missed : Ashley Bouder.

    Among the men, ditto MVP Millepied, always a great jumper but now has refined his dancing and partnering. Neal and Askegard held the company together. Soto remains the partner of choice. Boal doesn't seem to be danceing as much as I'd like. Martins ... another dancer I try to avoid. This season we also saw the long-awaited return of Angle, and then he disappered again, hopefully he will have the chance to make a full recovery, as he seems to have the most potential amongst the current soloists.

    Corp: Orza, Ulbricht, Carmena are the ones that seem to standout, all have great (and different qualities, but I've rambled on long enough) still works in progress.

  8. In general I have been satisfied with the female casting at NYCB this winter season. But I do feel that sometimes Peter Martins lacks insight into individual dancers abilities and temperments and reverts to casting into sterotypes of dancers he has worked with in the past.

    You can just see him saying to himself "well, abi stafford has Merrill Ashley like technique, so lets put her into Merrill's old roles." Sometimes it works, square dance and Ballo, and sometimes it just doesn't .... first movement Symphony in C.

    Or, Yvonne really looks like Kay Mazzo ... thus we have her in Stravinsky Violin Concerto, Square Dance and Duo Concerant.

    I could go on for a while in this line, Maria is his Suzanne Farrell. Jeny Ringer and Miranda Weese are his Patty McBrides. Jennie Somogyi is half Whelan and half Nichols.

    Its for his personal favorities (Taylor and Ansanelli) that he is bothers thinking about how the would really fit into each role. Its only the rare dancer such as Whelan who dances with such conviction and passion that she is able to break is sterotypes. I feel it may be a reason why so many men just seem to lag in the Soloist role. He just doesn't seem to take the time to see what would fit them and they don't get roles

  9. Mozartiana with Kyra Nichols ..... just divine. Kyra Nichols was so able to inhabit the ballet, she is such a worthy interpreter of a work so associated with Suzanne Farrell. Nichols simply seemed to be floating seamlessly and soundlessly through the entire preghiera, showing the beauty in the simplicity and pureness of each movement. Thankfully the corp (Abergel, Beskow, Bowers and Natanya) was able to match Nichols in maturity which made for a very satisfying performance in general. Ulbricht performed the gigue very well. He seems like the male corps member with the most promise right now, and I hope Martins doesn't corner him into the "short guy who jumps well" role. Nichols and Neal were just beautiful in the theme and var. Neal's line and Nichol's musicality are just unparalleled. One can only hope that Nichols will have a Fonteyn length career.

    Ballade replaced Burleske which was okay by me. I actually enjoyed it more on second viewing. But it does puzzle me that I could hear the toe shoes at all during mozartiana and the were very loud during Ballade, whatever. Whelan really carries the company now in the Balanchine rep, and is such a beautiful adagio dancer, despite how her body looks odd in in it at first. I thought she and Tewsley work quite well together. I'm curious to see what kind of roles will be created on Tewsley, because he seems and is cast in very vanilla roles at the moment.

    Chiaroscuro .... very well danced by Jock Soto, Miranda Weese, Pascale Van Kipnis, Jennie Somogyi, James Fayette and Tom Gold. Not much to say, I kept wondering what the words on the backdrop meant and if I should be thinking about some kind of abstract story line in general.

    Who Cares? Askegard made a great debute as the carefree swinger. Ringer was perfect in the McBride role, as described last season. It was so nice to see Pascale Van Kipnis in not just one but two pieces this afternoon. She really has been underutilized this season, but she is such a complete dancer, and I think she has the ability to inhabit many roles, including this one. More contained then Taylor but still very fresh and satisfying.

  10. Well, I completely agree with what everyone else has been saying about Maria K and Sofiane's stunning performances in Kammermusik 2. I really like that when Sylve is on the stage Maria has to rely on more than have just her beautiful body line. This is one of the few performances that she did more than just choreography. It must be a relief for her to share the stage, not the role with Sylve ;).

    Ballade, the corp parts seemed like much of a rehash of Wallpurgisnacht. But Whelan was beautiful. Tewsley was fine, but he needs to loosen up a bit in this new rep.

    Piano Pieces ... what a great performance, unlike what I have been reading in the other posts the corps in Piano Pieces was great! Young, enthusiastic, and cleanly together. Wouldn't it be nice if every piece could get as much attention as this "major revival" has gotten? Somogyi just stole the show for me, with Ansanelli in a close second. I think this ballet captures what Somogyi is all about with the possible exception of Concerto Barocco. She danced with such perfect fluidity, clarity, grace and musicality. I hope I don't take away from her performance by saying how much she looked like a young Kyra Nichols. Seeing her dance with Jared Angle makes me realize how unfortunate it was that he was injured last year. Not only is he better for her in terms of partnering technique, they are so well matched in terms of expression. Hopefully this is a partnership that can flourish, although I would also like to see her dance with Tewsley too.

    Jeu de Cartes. Well, I saw unfortunate performance last week when Hubbe was injured. I stayed to see what it would be like to have the King. Ummm.... unfortunately Martins did not add to much, I think the first version was better where Millipied was Jester and King.

  11. Friday's performance went from weak to strong. Eight more was a very good work, but that doesn't mean it can't be a showcase for new dancers. Dan Ulbricht simply stole the show. And while Keenan, Mandradjieff and Fairchild did a fine job I couldn't help thinking that Korbes and Bouder would have given Ulbricht a run for his money. Korbes looked beautiful in her corps roles, I hope she can start getting some more solo and principal parts.

    I do think a large part of the programing this season is tailored for the dancers. There was no reason to bring back Bach V or Burleske except they give Darci Kistler an opportunity to dance without taxing her body. If Kyra Nichols were still on maternity leave I don't think that Martins would have brought back Pavane, Ballade or possibly Davidsbundlertanze. Does that make Davidsbundertanze a minor work? Of course not, Nichols being a such a seasoned, mature and subtle dancer can best bring out the choreography in Pavane and Davidsbundlertanze. Just as a young dancer can infuse tremendous energy and excitement into Eight easy pieces.

    I fear that Jenifer Ringer may be injured. Miranda Weese replaced her on Saturday evening. Yvonne Borree was less sucessful on Sunday in Raymonda. Raymonda is one of Ringers best roles and I though perhaps I was being hard on Borree. She didn't fall apart but was extremely choppy, and at the end of every variation she had a huge smile of relief on her face. A friend, new to the ballet asked me why she was in the princpal role verses the corps soloits.

    Western Symphony ..... SOFIANE SYLVE was incredible and Zelensky was quite the fetching Russian cowboy. I find it hard to describe Sylve's performance except to say that it reminded me of something Tallchief used to say about the pressures of being a principal dancer, that no one cares how good the swans are if the Swan Queen doesn't perform well. I didn't really understand that comment, but now I think I do ... the entire cast, the audience and the orchestra seemed to respond the Sylve's stunning performance and gave a most energized finale. It was definately worth the performance of the weekend.

  12. A friend got a pair to tickets to NYCB and against my better judgement I went for a second look, and I'm glad I did. I still wish I could have seen Monique more before she crossed the plaza, but I felt korbes was more believable in the role today, less smiling or something. Rachel Rutherford was her lovely self and gave weight and mystery to what is time spent waiting for T+V to start. I'm very glad that Janie Taylor decided to put her hair half back, it really was flying in her face last week, which was somewhat distracting. She seems to be growing into her role as Peter's chosen one. Its a good role for her, she can really dance all out.

    I guess what I comment on last week was a case of opening night jitters. Today Jenifer Ringer was just marvelous none of the little flubs that marred her performance last week. Her smile as her dancing was unforced and executed with confidence. Its not the same as Miranda Weese a think a couple steps might have been delibrately left out, but it was still a satisfying performance. I did sit up straight in my chair.

  13. Hmm... I went to the Saturday performance and I found the to entire performance of Tsch suite #3 to be rather thought provoking. To start off with I was pretty disappointed that I missed yet another of the dwindling opportunities to see Monique Meunier dance with NYCB. Carla Korbes is undoubtly a great talent and I look forward to watching her develop as an artist, I felt she was prematurely miscast in Elegie (I was also quite upset about Meunier). It was a very good fluid performance, and there was nothing blatantly wrong that I could point to either. However, it just feels like one of those moodier roles better suited an older, more mature dancer, like Meunier. She just didn't convey the same aura and feel that came across it when Helene Alexopoulos danced it.

    Consquently, I spent the next two moments trying to decide who I would have rather seen dance it. Nichols would have been the dream choice, but she's not really dancing. I don't know if Kistler would have been right for this role. Seeing Rutherford in the second movement made me think she could also be well suited for the Elegie. And then I got stuck, I couldn't think of anyone who would be perfectly suited like alexopoulos or meunier. Maybe Pascale Van Kipnis, maybe.

    As for T+V. Well again I spent some time in my mind re-casting. First of all, I do think that Jenifer Ringer did an admirable job. It certainly has been her season, maybe Peter wanted to see just how far her range of roles could go. However this roles just didn't seem to highlight any of her best characteristics. I think of her as an upper body ballerina, and this role as focused on the lower body. I feel that she tried to adjust it, and it just didn't seem right to me. In addition, T+V seems to call for a certain sharpness and clarity in bringing out the choreography and Ringer is a dancer who has a lovely softness about her dancing that also didn't match. She did bring the grandeur to the role that was missing in Stafford's performances. But I think Somogyi, Ansanelli, Bouder or van kipnis would have been better suited.

    All in all, I missed Helene and I missed Miranda.

  14. This is just such wonderful news. I"m almost afraid it isn't true because I can't seem to find it on the nycb website.

    Rutherford is of course overdue.

    I actually wasn't too surprised about Fayette's promotion ... I always thought of him as the dark horse. I noticed that he seemed to be filling the role of the strong but silent partner, so while he doesn't have alot of the star male roles I think he's built up quite a few roles in the partnering category, off the top of my head, In the Night, Serenade, Ancient airs and dances, Morgen, Episodes and Kammermusik#2. I can see him becoming a Jock Soto type dancer and I'm glad that his work has gotten recognition.

    I was surprised about Ansanelli. I think its still a bit early for Taylor (even if she is the favorite), but Ansanelli has been dancing all principal roles, and more than many principals. Oh well, maybe Peter is waiting for a big debut, he seems to like to do that.

  15. I'd like to second all the previous opinions posted. I think Somogyi is a dancer with beautiful fluidity of motion and conviction of movement. I had hoped that she would be able to obtain some new roles this season with Weese and Nichols on leave, Tracey about to retire and Kistler, Whelan and Alexopoulos dancing less ... but she hasn't. I was hoping she might get to try her chance at theme and variations, and that I would be able to see her in roles like Dances at the Gathering and Symphony in C. In fact she has only been cast in 3 ballets thus far, 2 of which were created on her. It seems all we get is Borree all over the place.

    This all makes me wonder the allotment of roles at NYCB. And as someone fairly new to the world of ballet is there something I'm missing?

    Whither Somogyi indeed. And for that matter whither Rutherford ... why isn't she a soloist yet?

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