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Monday, July 1

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A review of "Ballet Nights" by Deborah Weiss for Bachtrack.


Nine months after its official launch, this was the best yet. Even a cancellation from Royal Ballet Principals Mayari Magri and Matthew Ball in his new choreography (Re)current, due to injury, did not dent the quality of the performances. Indeed, initially disappointed, their replacements gave one of the most exquisite performances I have ever seen. More of them later.


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A preview of New York City Ballet's Saratoga series.


We’ll see what the weather does this year—the company is bringing back Jewels, plus crowd favorite Swan Lake, Stars and Stripes, Steadfast Tin Soldier, and scenes from Coppélia, which will feature 24 local children. The contemporary program includes the SPAC debut of Gustave le Gray No. 1, the dynamic Red Angels, and Justin Peck’s The Times are Racing.


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