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ABT-2024 Promotions and Roster Changes

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I think Zimmi Coker would have been promoted if she hadn't been reinjured.

A soloist who has been MIA is Sung Woo Han who isn't down for anything and I haven't seen him recently.

Also wasn't Zhong-Jing Fang one of the Mama Elenas last season?  It's minimal dancing.  Fang didn't repeat it this season - am I correct?

I hope Zimmi gets promoted next round and congratulations to all the well-deserving promoted dancers!


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7 minutes ago, FauxPas said:

I think Zimmi Coker would have been promoted if she hadn't been reinjured.

A soloist who has been MIA is Sung Woo Han who isn't down for anything and I haven't seen him recently.

Also wasn't Zhong-Jing Fang one of the Mama Elenas last season?  It's minimal dancing.  Fang didn't repeat it this season - am I correct?

I hope Zimmi gets promoted next round and congratulations to all the well-deserving promoted dancers!


I thought Fang appeared in a character role this season.  Maybe Juliet's mother?

Edited by abatt
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Congrats to Fleytoux, Frenette, and Li! 😀

Li looked right at home opposite Park in the Swan Lake PDT on opening night. And it was great to see Frenette's technique become more confident this season:  he'll be an experienced dramatic asset in the secondary male leads.

I've been keeping my eye on Fleytoux since she did Amour in Don Quixote a few years ago. (I hadn't realized that she trained in France...it explains the excellent placement.) I thought that she gave the performance of the night on the opening night of Woolf Works:  McGregor's choreography is well arranged and paced, but lacks room for shaded characterization from anyone except Clarissa, Septimus, and Richard. So, physically full-throttle dancers who know how to project came off best...and she was absolutely that. (Hurlin and Roxander looked similarly strong for the same reason.)  She hasn't really shown us how she is as an actor, so it will be interesting to see how that might develop. She's not dissimilar to Teuscher--another Francophile dancer--at a similar stage in her career.

Edited by choriamb
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More of a corporate roster change:




NEW YORK, NY (August 26, 2024) – Effective August 19, 2024, Kyle Ridaught has been named to the position of Chief Advancement Officer at American Ballet Theatre. 


Ridaught most recently held the title of Head of Business Operations at American Ballet Theatre, being named to the position in 2022. In this role, he oversaw several key functions, including contract review, board affairs, insurance, building and real estate management, and special projects.  


Ridaught first came to ABT in 1998 when he served as Manager of Institutional Support. He left ABT in 2000 to serve as Senior Vice President for Corporate Philanthropy at Lehman Brothers and Vice President and Treasurer of The Lehman Brothers Foundation. He rejoined ABT in 2011, serving as Director of Development for five years before becoming Director of Capital Projects to spearhead ABT’s search for a new headquarters building and to help launch the early phase of the ABTomorrow Campaign. 


Earlier in his career, Ridaught danced professionally, working for Opryland Productions, Jean Ann Ryan Productions, North Carolina Theatre, and Radio City Music Hall, among others.  


Ridaught holds an International Baccalaureate diploma; a B.A. cum laude, in political science from Duke University; and an M.B.A. from New York University’s Stern School of Business with concentrations in finance and management.  


As American Ballet Theatre’s Chief Advancement Officer (CAO), Ridaught will be responsible for conceptualizing, organizing, and implementing a comprehensive fundraising program inclusive of the Company’s annual fund campaign and all individual, corporate, and foundation efforts for annual operations, as well as handling designated programming needs, fundraising for new productions, and more. 


Working with Artistic Director Susan Jaffe and Executive Director Barry Hughson, Ridaught and his team will strengthen and grow ABT’s philanthropy program and move the organization to a new level of vibrancy and sustainability in the years ahead.  


“Kyle has been a talented and loyal member of the senior management team at ABT for more than 15 years. His love for the Company, strategic mindset, and natural ability to connect with people make him the perfect partner as we move ABT forward. Susan and I are grateful to Kyle for stepping into this important role at a pivotal moment in our history,” said Hughson. 


Of his appointment, Ridaught said, “I am thrilled to join Susan Jaffe and Barry Hughson in leading ABT into its next era of excellence and achievement. It is a privilege to continue to serve this hallowed institution that has been so important to me and such a gift of inspiration, creativity, and beauty to our audiences and our artists. I look forward to working with our donors to ensure we keep giving this gift for generations to come.” 



American Ballet Theatre is one of the greatest dance companies in the world. Revered as a national treasure since its founding season in 1940, its mission is to create, present, preserve, and extend the great repertoire of classical dancing for the widest possible audience. Headquartered in New York City, ABT is the only cultural institution of its size and stature to extensively tour, enchanting audiences for eight decades in 50 U.S. states, 45 countries, and over 480 cities worldwide. ABT’s repertoire includes full-length classics from the nineteenth century, the finest works from the early twentieth century, and acclaimed contemporary masterpieces. In 2006, by an act of Congress, ABT was designated America's National Ballet Company®. 


For more information, please visit www.abt.org.  

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18 hours ago, DPell said:

Kayake Carvalho, Brady Farrar, Arisu Hirata, Vince Pelegrin, and Trinity Santoro have joined the main company as apprentices. 

Lilia Greyeyes as well, although that was announced in a separate post--I think her start date is before theirs.

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1 hour ago, ABT Fan said:

The roster is now updated to reflect the new season. Copeland is still on it. Seriously? When was the last time she performed - 2019??


Yes, I think she last performed in the December 2019 run of The Nutcracker. This press release from the Segerstrom includes her name in the casting. She wasn't cast in Of Love and Rage, which followed in early March 2020, and then of course she has appeared in nothing since the pandemic. She'll be turning 42 in a few days.

While a full-fledged comeback might be extremely unlikely at this point, it's still hard for me to imagine Misty retiring quietly; it just doesn't seem like a fitting ending to the career narrative she has crafted. I wonder if they are still leaving the door open for her to come back in a reduced capacity and have an official farewell of some sort. In the meantime, it's probably mutually beneficial for ABT and Copeland for her to remain on the roster, and presumably it costs ABT nothing in terms of salary.

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22 hours ago, fondoffouettes said:

Yes, I think she last performed in the December 2019 run of The Nutcracker. This press release from the Segerstrom includes her name in the casting. She wasn't cast in Of Love and Rage, which followed in early March 2020, and then of course she has appeared in nothing since the pandemic. She'll be turning 42 in a few days.

While a full-fledged comeback might be extremely unlikely at this point, it's still hard for me to imagine Misty retiring quietly; it just doesn't seem like a fitting ending to the career narrative she has crafted. I wonder if they are still leaving the door open for her to come back in a reduced capacity and have an official farewell of some sort. In the meantime, it's probably mutually beneficial for ABT and Copeland for her to remain on the roster, and presumably it costs ABT nothing in terms of salary.

Take a look at the recent photo of her from the US Open party she attended last week.  She appears to be   out of shape.  (The photo was in the NY Times.) She has said in an interview a while back that she may be done dancing.  

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