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ABT 2019 Manon

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4 hours ago, California said:

Here's the complete list. Guess he won't be doing ABT's fall season at Lincoln Center, not that we expected him to.


I really hope Hallberg retires from ABT. Yes, he's only dancing three times, but those are spots that could have gone to actual company members. For me, he has ceased to be a compelling dancer since his comeback, and yet his danseur noble affectations have only grown stronger. I'm not surprised to hear that Des Grieux was a good fit for him, though. 

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20 minutes ago, fondoffouettes said:

I really hope Hallberg retires from ABT.

I don't see that happening. He has a loyal fan base here, and he's guaranteed a hearty welcome in NYC any time he wants to dance here. I expect he'll continue on, with a role in the company similar to that of Roberto Bolle.

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As others mentioned with regard to the Bolle Seo performance, it was a fine performance, but certainly not a Manon for the ages.  Seo is an attractive dancer with lovely qualities, but  blandness creeps into her performances.   Bolle, however, has keen dramatic abilities and stage charisma.  Even though he is diminished technically, I  felt that he gave an excellent performance.  James Whiteside and Stella Abrera were vivid  and did nearly steal the show last night.  

It was wonderful to have Bolle on the Met Opera stage for so many years, even if he only gave a few performances per season.  He was a world class artist. 

Edited by abatt
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1 hour ago, fondoffouettes said:

I really hope Hallberg retires from ABT. Yes, he's only dancing three times, but those are spots that could have gone to actual company members. For me, he has ceased to be a compelling dancer since his comeback, and yet his danseur noble affectations have only grown stronger. I'm not surprised to hear that Des Grieux was a good fit for him, though. 

Unless injury forces him sooner, I think he'll hold out for a few more years. He's 37 and in two years it will be his 20th anniversary. I imagine he'd like to make it to that celebration.

It is a shame that a principal dances for so few performances, but he's a star and a box office draw, so I'm sure management would very much like to keep him for as long as possible. If he wasn't dancing this season, or had already retired, I kinda doubt that all three of his performances would have gone to another company dancer - and, who? If the AD wanted Forster as Siegfried, he'd be dancing it this year instead of a corps dancer. I think it's likely that they may have brought in another guest artist, at least for Manon.

I do agree that his danseur noble affectations are, in my own words, too pronounced now. I didn't see his Des Grieux, but his Romeo last year was way too mannered and self-consciously performed. He knows he looks like a prince and looks good in a cape (he really does, but....*insert eye-roll*).

Anyway....super excited for the Lane/Cornejo cast tonight!

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7 hours ago, California said:

Here's the complete list. Guess he won't be doing ABT's fall season at Lincoln Center, not that we expected him to.


This list does not include anything from 2020. ABT will be doing Giselle at the Kennedy Center February 11-16. No casting announcement yet, but the KenCen has an ad running relentlessly on Facebook for the ballet series that features Hallberg in Giselle.  Perhaps they figure most people won't know who that is.


He's also doing Giselle with Nunez in LA July 24-26, 2020 with La Scala. 


So, we might wonder if he'll be doing Giselle with ABT in 2020?

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Lane and Cornejo tore the house down last night, especially Lane, who danced immaculately and fully embodied Manon's transformations from act 1, to 2, to the finale. She also looked gorgeous, with her very dark hair bringing out the "femme fatale" in the character. As many have said, Lane and Cornejo have great chemistry and their pas de deuxs were genuinely steamy. 

I've seen bigger dancing from Cornejo before -- you can tell he may not be 100% after his injury, as his jumps were quite low, and arabesque balances didn't always seem totally secure -- but thank god he was able to be up there with Lane this week. He brought a real sense of innocence and romance to the role; you could buy how he would be easily swept away by Manon, then heartbroken in act 2, and ultimately ruined by infatuation. 

Hoven was hilarious in the drunk scene. Trenary did not particularly stand out as the mistress, although her comic acting in the drunk pas de deux was strong. 

The audience was very enthusiastic last night, especially at the end, with a big standing ovation. 

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After Act I, my husband asked who was playing Manon and I told him it was Sarah Lane and that we had seen her before several times. He said he didn't even recognize her because she is 'a real prima now.' I thought that this was actually pretty insightful, as this is the first time this season I've seen someone besides Shevchenko bring international level power and glamour to a role. Her transformation was so spot on, her dancing so fluid and confident. I've always liked Lane (and love her when paired with Cornejo) but last night I was swept away. 

Act III Scene I was devastating. Act III Scene II, especially upsetting (there are of course more explicit scenes in ballet but Zhurbin's creeping determination and Lane's fight then disassociation was genuinely shocking). 

Hoven's death scene was a little hammy but otherwise he was fabulous. Weird comment, but he has such a great face for this role. 


Edited by Inge
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Yes, Sarah and Herman were breathtaking last night... especially Sarah. Manon is the role for her. What a magnificent performance!! Blaine Hoven has never been one of my favorites. In my opinion, he's competent but blah. Last night, though, he was surprisingly good. And Herman was everything I had hoped he would be. His partnership with Sarah just continues to grow and get even better. The final scene was heartbreaking. But the night belonged to Sarah.

The contrast between Sarah's performance on Friday night and Hee Seo's on Thursday was like night and day. Hee Seo has everything going for her as a ballerina, yet she's another one who just comes across as blah. I remember seeing her debut as Juliet in Detroit back in 2009. It truly was a mesmerizing performance. Hers was probably the best Juliet I have ever seen, both before or since (and I've seen R&J many, many times). Juliet is still a good role for her, but that's about it. I think she was promoted to principal too soon based upon her Juliet debut. Since then, she has been a letdown.

But back to Sarah:  I've always liked Sarah. She’s always been an elegant and beautiful dancer, but I can't say that I loved her...  until last night. Something changed with this role, and she crossed the line and went to an even higher level. I absolutely agree with Inge's husband (see comment above): yes, Sarah is now a prima ballerina. I think we’ll look back and say that Manon was a pivotal moment in Sarah's career.

Edited by BalletFan
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On 6/19/2019 at 2:32 PM, angelica said:

Lane proved her principal dancer chops long before she was promoted to Principal Dancer, but last night she outdid herself, delivering a heart-stopping performance that took every risk and nailed it, along with her fellow principal Herman Cornejo. Her dancing was, indeed, "transcendent," as Fleurfairy noted above, both technically, and emotionally. I've long been a fan of Lane's and hope that this Manon will give her access to more performances of Giselle, Swan Lake, and Romeo and Juliet.

I'd like to put in a plug here for Courtney Lavine, who is a beautiful dancer and finally got to take a curtain call outside the curtain with her fellow harlot (was that Betsy McBride?).

The other Courtesan with Courtney Lavine was Kathryn Boren. Happy to see them both take a curtain call outside the curtain. 

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I don’t know that I can add much more to what others have said about Lane/Cornejo. When the final curtain came down, I was in shock and emotionally drained. They gave career-defining performances last night. They both had to wait a long time for such an opportunity and for Cornejo it came almost too late. His technique isn’t what it once was and he’s frequently dealing with injury, but he is a beautiful artist and a sensitive partner who gives 100% to every performance. 

In Act I, scene II, when Manon slides onto the bed and seduces Monsieur GM,  my only thought was “whoa!”. That was not Lane. That was Manon. When Manon enters the party on Monsieur’s arm in Act II, scene I, the glance she gave Des Grieux was exactly right: haughty, guilty, ashamed, in denial, all at once. While she was being passed around amongst all of the men, you could hear a pin drop. That scene was done to perfection. 

The chemistry between Lane/Cornejo is unmatched in the company and in its own right is so rare and special. They are steamy, romantic, believable. Can we please see another Giselle with these two? Lane and Simkin are wonderful; it’s a young love but not quite as passionate. I really wish we were seeing a SL next week with them.

Hoven as Lescaut was incredible. He really is in fine form. His dancing was excellent and he was a strong and perfect Lescaut to Lane’s Manon. Trenary was very, very good and had some charming moments, but she wasn’t seductive or sassy enough for the Mistress. I have to mention the ballet master Keith Roberts as Monsieur GM. He was wonderfully disgusting and every interaction he had with Manon made me think “ick!”. He has always been a great actor. Zhurbin was an evil and menacing Jailer.

I hope we’ll get to see another Lane/Cornejo Manon again and before too long. Imagine the performance they’ll turn in once it’s really in their bones.

Edited by ABT Fan
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2 hours ago, ABT Fan said:

I don’t know that I can add much more to what others have said about Lane/Cornejo. When the final curtain came down, I was in shock and emotionally drained. They gave career-defining performances last night. They both had to wait a long time for such an opportunity and for Cornejo it came almost too late. His technique isn’t what it once was and he’s frequently dealing with injury, but he is a beautiful artist and a sensitive partner who gives 100% to every performance. 

In Act I, scene II, when Manon slides onto the bed and seduces Monsieur GM,  my only thought was “whoa!”. That was not Lane. That was Manon. When Manon enters the party on Monsieur’s arm in Act II, scene I, the glance she gave Des Grieux was exactly right: haughty, guilty, ashamed, in denial, all at once. While she was being passed around amongst all of the men, you could hear a pin drop. That scene was done to perfection. 

The chemistry between Lane/Cornejo is unmatched in the company and in its own right is so rare and special. They are steamy, romantic, believable. Can we please see another Giselle with these two? Lane and Simkin are wonderful; it’s a young love but not quite as passionate. I really wish we were seeing a SL next week with them.

Hoven as Lescaut was incredible. He really is in fine form. His dancing was excellent and he was a strong and perfect Lescaut to Lane’s Manon. Trenary was very, very good and had some charming moments, but she wasn’t seductive or sassy enough for the Mistress. I have to mention the ballet master Keith Roberts as Monsieur GM. He was wonderfully disgusting and every interaction he had with Manon made me think “ick!”. He has always been a great actor. Zhurbin was an evil and menacing Jailer.

I hope we’ll get to see another Lane/Cornejo Manon again and before too long. Imagine the performance they’ll turn in once it’s really in their bones.

^^ all of this makes me hope that ABT will do Manon for many more upcoming seasons. I’ve been hoping to see this ballet for years and I’m thrilled to hear that the company has very strong casting for the roles to actually support performing this production. 

Overall, so positive to hear all the debuts went well and that any shortcomings are relative small and will improve with time. If anything, this week of Manon proves that ABT can still bring “theatre” to the stage. 

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I just got home from seeing Misty Copeland as Manon. I have to say that she was surprisingly good… pretty amazing, in fact. I'm not always a big fan of hers, but Manon is a very good role for her... maybe even her best. Unfortunately, though, she was paired with Cory Stearns. Cory is a good dancer and a very handsome man. Yet I never feel anything when he is on stage. He just lacks that certain “spark” and always comes across as bland. He is another dancer (like Hee Seo) who, in my opinion, was promoted too fast. Maybe Kevin McK. hoped that Cory would turn out to be another leading man type, à la Marcelo Gomes, but that didn't turn out to be the case. 

Misty, however, was sublime tonight. I would love to see her again in this role. I think it's really too bad that she wasn't paired with Roberto Bolle this week. She really would have elevated his farewell performance.

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I saw yesterday’s matinee with Boylston/Hallberg.  I thought Bolyston was positively stunning as Manon.  Her dancing and portrayal were superb.  Hallberg is still a terrific partner, but his solos were not especially exciting, nor was there much elevation.  I found Cornjeo far better, even coming off his injury.  As we know, Hallberg is just not the same dancer since being sidelined some years ago.  That being said, he still partnered Boylston beautifully.  As some others have mentioned on BA, he had some peculiar facial expressions throughout the performance.

I really loved Hoven yesterday.  While he was good in his debut Tuesday night, yesterday was even better.  He has definitely become more comfortable in the role.  Shevchenkco was priceless as Lescaut’s mistress, and a particular shout out to Hammoudi who was marvelous as Monsieur GM!

The audience gave an immediate, and well deserved standing ovation.

As an aside, Irina Dvorovenko was at the performance yesterday.  

Next on to my three Swan Lakes! 

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46 minutes ago, CTballetfan said:

In response to NinaFan, Irina was also at the Lane/Cornejo debut Tuesday evening. It looked like she was with Alban Lendorf, but I can’t be sure. Since she has been to 2 or more Manons this week, was she coaching?

She was at Bolle's farewell. Actually I was sitting by her, Daniil Simkin, Veronika Part, and Max. All of them chattered in Russian. Wish I could speak Russian to understand what they were saying!

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