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Roster Changes Announced Spring 2018

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I'm glad they are moving on to fulfilling, dynamic careers! It must be a huge transition. They are used to working demanding hours, but the switch from physical to mental demands (medical school!) must be huge. 

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Well I will miss Likolani Brown who was always so beautiful with that shock of black hair. But I wish her well in her new endeavors. And honestly after Restless Creatures I'm glad so many dancers have a plan B, C, and D. Watching Wendy tearfully anticipating the end of her dancing career was so hard.

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Who would be the most senior corps member with Brown leaving? Possibly Anderson? Congrats to her with a full ride to NYU (assuming to their medical school)!

Megan Fairchild posted a cute tribute to Lowery the other day (hover over the picture and click the arrows to see all four pictures):


Edited by wonderwall
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On 5/25/2018 at 8:06 AM, susanger said:

Did you notice the casting for the last day (June 3) of the season? Cameron Dieck gets to retire making his debut (!) in Agon and reprising his role in The Four Temperaments.  Savannah Lowery retires dancing Concerto Barocco and Agon. Should be a lovely day at the ballet.

I was there for the final performance and I have to say Lowery was just ravishing. I've been watching NYCB since 1979 and it was such a special afternoon at the ballet. I can't think of when I've seen her look so good, expansive, musical dancing, everything completely fulfilled. She looks in excellent shape and like she was relishing every moment, master of her elements, particularly in Concerto Barocco. Agon isn't quite the "joyous" ballet, but it was also finely done. It's great to see someone that tall who dances that big.

"You can see more," Balanchine said (of tall dancers in general). 

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On 5/31/2018 at 7:08 PM, canbelto said:

Well I will miss Likolani Brown who was always so beautiful with that shock of black hair. But I wish her well in her new endeavors. And honestly after Restless Creatures I'm glad so many dancers have a plan B, C, and D. Watching Wendy tearfully anticipating the end of her dancing career was so hard.

Likolani is training to be a surgeon at NYU.  She also has two young children.  Congratulations to her.  She is an inspiration.


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