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Vienna New Year Concert Jan. 1, 2011

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Here's a preview of this year's televised concert from Vienna. Ballet-related segments will include a tribute to Fanny Elssler. I am guessing that this will be the first telecast in which the Vionna Opera Ballet is directed by Legris, non?


I guess Legris is recruiting all of his old colleagues? The choreography this year is by Jean-Guillaume Bart.

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From the company's website:

Since September 1, 2010, the new title of the Vienna State Opera ballet company is the Vienna State Ballet. It is directed by Manuel Legris, and provides the ensembles at both the Vienna State Opera and the Vienna Volksoper.

The Vienna troupe has only four principals at the moment but three of them are Vaganova Academy graduates. In fact, the entire troupe has many, many graduates from academies from throughout the former USSR, including Vaganova, Moscow, Kyiv, Minsk, etc. So far, not many (if any) French. Not too many Austrians, either. (yikes!)


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