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Alban Lendorf promoted to soloist

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The very talented Alban Lendorf was promoted to soloist last night after the first performance of the RDB's 'Danseur Noble' programme. Born in 1989 and trained at the RDB school, he's only been a full member of the company for 2 years - but I don't think anyone who's seen him will be surprised at this rapid advancement. He's not tall and is quite stockily built but - as someone once said to me - he can fly!

(The RDB has a flat hierarchy, like NYCB - corps de ballet, soloist, principals.)

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Congratulations to Alban Lendorf! He has been the most obvious choice for a promotion for a long time.

It is true, that he can fly, and like many clever dancers before him he makes you forget, that he hasn't got the ideal stature for a balletdancer from nature's hand, by compensating in many ways. He is one the most silent dancers I have ever seen, you never hear a bump when he lands after one of his soaring jumps, and he uses his strength to make the movements look light and smooth. In that way he always reminds me of a cat. It is going to be interesting to see how he will develope furtheron.

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On the homepage of the RDB Nikolaj Hübbe has motivated the promotion of Alban Lendorf as follows (I have tried to translate it below):

”Alban Lendorf er et af de største talenter dansk ballet har fostret de sidste 30 år. Hans enorme talent har på rekordtid placeret ham i den solistiske ende af Den Kongelige Ballet, og jeg spår ham en stor stor karriere. Han har en naturlig forståelse af klassisk ballet og en usandsynlig stærk teknik og fysik. Hans sceniske udtryk er formidabelt, og han har, trods sin unge alder, en instinktiv evne til at få publikum til at kigge på ham og lave drama og skabe teater på scenen.”

"Alban Lendorf is one of the greatest talents Danish ballet has produced during the last 30 years. His enormous talent has in record time placed him among the soloists of the Royal Danish Ballet, and I predict a great, great career for him. He has a natural understanding of classical ballet and an incredibly strong technique and physique. His stage presence is outstanding, and he has, despite his young age, an instinctive ability to make the audience look at him, and create dramatic moments and "make theatre" on the stage."

Link with more informations (in Danish)

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Alban Lendorf in a handsomely made short documentary, with Susanne Grinder. Some nice glimpses of his work.

I'm afraid it is not Lendorf that we see in the glimpses of Symphony in C. I think it is Gregory Dean, another very talented young dancer in the company. But it is Lendorf who is being interviewed.

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