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Carolina Ballet

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I just wanted to mention Carolina Ballet's latest production, which was on stage last weekend. For La Sylphide, they had costumes and sets from Boston Ballet, and they were gorgeous, as was the dancing -- I went on Friday night and saw the debut of two second soloists, who did an outstanding job! I can't wait to see them settle into these roles... sadly, it was an extremely short run over 4 days. I hope they do it again!

La Sylphide was prefaced by a new work by Lynn Taylor-Corbett, Nine by Twelve. I enjoyed this fun piece, but thought that first half was somewhat referential, and enjoyed the majority of the second half much more.

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Yes, thank you, ami 1436. There's a long interview with Robert Weiss in the latest issue of Ballet Review (Winter 2009-2010). This must have been one of Francis Mason's last interviews.

There's quite a lot about the establishment of Carolina Ballet and Weiss's ambitions for it. Weiss also talks about a number of his dancers and productions.

He says that the Taylor-Corbett piece was created especially for this Sylphide program.

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I just wanted to mention Carolina Ballet's latest production, which was on stage last weekend. For La Sylphide, they had costumes and sets from Boston Ballet, and they were gorgeous, as was the dancing -- I went on Friday night and saw the debut of two second soloists, who did an outstanding job! I can't wait to see them settle into these roles... sadly, it was an extremely short run over 4 days. I hope they do it again!

La Sylphide was prefaced by a new work by Lynn Taylor-Corbett, Nine by Twelve. I enjoyed this fun piece, but thought that first half was somewhat referential, and enjoyed the majority of the second half much more.

Margaret Severin-Hansen was indeed gorgeous as the Sylph: her light, billowing jumps and lapidary beats were along the lines of Gelsey Kirkland in this role, if video footage is to be trusted. 'Somewhat referential' is putting it too kindly for the Taylor-Corbett piece, but Melissa Podcasy displayed again her remarkable presence, with Alain Molina and Lara O'Brien distinguishing themselves as usual.

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Sure -- I saw a different cast than jsmu. Jan Burkhard was the Sylph, and the outstanding James was Richard Krusch. (I hope I spelled these right). Krusch, especially, was impressive, especially considering that these were debuts from both.

JSMU -- again, I saw a different cast -- but I'm glad that in 9x12 I wasn't the only one seeing the references!

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