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Veronika Part on the David Letterman Show July 9

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the arabesque photo was from LE CORSAIRE - VP as one of the Odalisques - during the taping i thought i heard VP say Odalisque in her response to Letterman, but the comment seemed to have been tweaked and/or edited out of the telecast if i heard it correctly.

Marcelo Gomes was in the audience as was former-ABT dancer Scott Schlexer.

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Having just watched the interview online, I think it's important not to be too precious about ballet and Part. Part came across as bright, funny, witty, charming, sexy as hell and willing to laugh at herself and able to take a joke - and the audience were laughing with her. In short she was a terrific advocate for ballet.

The last time a ballerina had such a mass-media platform was probably when Kirkland was pushing Dancing on My Grave and let's face it that hardly did ballet's PR any favours. In that short interview she probably reached a wider audience and piqued more interest in ballet than a thousand performances of Swan Lake.

The greatest thing about her and the image she presented was debunking this rather anachronistic view of a ballerina as some quasi-sacred, sexless, anorexic bunhead - which let's face it is the layman's view of a ballerina. She was sexy, gorgeous, womanly and despite some obvious nerves held her own against a seasoned interviewer such as Letterman. She didn't take umbrage at ballet being presented in such a media friendly, accessible way and that was why she was so great - she was fun, irreverant she really did ballet a lot of favours and good for her. And in case I didn't mention it already, she was beautiful and sexy as hell.

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I'm guessing there were many jealous principal dancers over at ABT who would have loved to be on Letterman. Any idea how Veronika got the invitation? I remember reading somewhere that one of the producers or directors at the Letterman show loves the ballet and goes as often as possible. Maybe it was his idea.

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I agree Simon G. And I think she was joking about "falling on a mat on my face." She also teased Letterman, who, after giving her the shoes, said "I put them on and couldn't do anything in them." She replied, "You want to try again right here?" When she stood up on point, she started talking, like she was trying to explain something about ballet, but Letterman steered things in another direction. I'm sure some of the men watching thought, "Wow, that's what they have at the ballet?! Let's go." :wub:

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I'm guessing there were many jealous principal dancers over at ABT who would have loved to be on Letterman. Any idea how Veronika got the invitation? I remember reading somewhere that one of the producers or directors at the Letterman show loves the ballet and goes as often as possible. Maybe it was his idea.

"Tony Mendez a former dancer and current staff member on “Late Show With David Letterman,” asked to have her appear on the program."

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I'm guessing there were many jealous principal dancers over at ABT who would have loved to be on Letterman. Any idea how Veronika got the invitation? I remember reading somewhere that one of the producers or directors at the Letterman show loves the ballet and goes as often as possible. Maybe it was his idea.

"Tony Mendez a former dancer and current staff member on “Late Show With David Letterman,” asked to have her appear on the program."

Thank you. That was the interview I was thinking of. It was an interview with Tony Mendez. I think it was in the New York Times a year or so ago.

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I'm guessing there were many jealous principal dancers over at ABT who would have loved to be on Letterman. Any idea how Veronika got the invitation? I remember reading somewhere that one of the producers or directors at the Letterman show loves the ballet and goes as often as possible. Maybe it was his idea.

"Tony Mendez a former dancer and current staff member on “Late Show With David Letterman,” asked to have her appear on the program."

Yes, Abatt. You are correct. However, it had to be approved by the EP and (especially) Dave.

Tony Mendez is a really cool guy (he does clips online too on the Letterman site).

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I thought that was a great interview of Mendez by Kourlas. I loved what he said about sitting in the balcony and never seeing the head of the Golden Idol or the apotheosis in Swan Lake. As I was reading it, I was saying "me too, me too!" He sounds like a lovely person.

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Is there a possibility of this being put online?

Thanks for the link, sealings, but it didn't work for me. I got an ad, which linked to a page which my spyware program blocked but was obviously not the Letterman-Part segment.

However, ABT posted the video (just under 7 minutes, including show's intro) on its FaceBook page.


You probably have to join FB to view it, but I don't know if you have to "friend" ABT.

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Is there a possibility of this being put online?

Thanks for the link, sealings, but it didn't work for me. I got an ad, which linked to a page which my spyware program blocked but was obviously not the Letterman-Part segment.

However, ABT posted the video (just under 7 minutes, including show's intro) on its FaceBook page.


You probably have to join FB to view it, but I don't know if you have to "friend" ABT.

I found the link on Youtube. Enjoy!!


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In rewatching the video a few times, I've mellowed in my response! :thanks: When I wrote last night, it was immediately after watching the segment on Letterman, and everything I said was my gut reaction and my true feelings at the moment. I had been so excited and expected more.

After reading some posts that followed mine, I do see that from the standpoint of pure entertainment, the segment worked and probably did give a friendlier face to ballet. As a picky balletomane, I wanted Veronika to fulfill a greater function in the service of her art. However, she only got less than 7 minutes, and was cut off at the very end (before she could even complete the position she was going into) due to time constraints.

Daniel Radcliffe, the first guest, got loads of time. I understand the reasons and all, but the kid's only 20, and, despite what he's accomplished, and even given his endearing quirky manner, I was quite bored and inwardly chanting "Veronika! Veronika! Veronika!" to hasten her appearance. Yes, yes, I know that Radcliffe was the draw and all (I've watched Letterman most every night for over a decade), but in my fantasy world.....

I do applaud Veronika on her appearance and on holding up to Letterman, especially with her limited English speaking (and even comprehension) skills.

She was gorgeous. She was statuesque. She was anything but standoffish or haughty, as some may picture Russian ballerinas to be (although mostly none of them are). I will backpedal on one of my statements and concede that she probably didn't harm the chances of another ballet dancer being called into the hotseat, after all.

Well done, Miss Divinity!

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I thought that Veronika was both gorgeous and charming. Her green dress was to-die-for and she had ample opportunity to show-off those beautiful feet/high arches! My only complaint: not seeing enough of her ravishing face during the interview section. She forgot to occasionally turn towards the camera -- as seasoned talk-show guests do -- instead of looking constantly at the host; hence, we saw her mainly in profile. Luckily, we got to savor her face a bit more after Dave handed her the pointe shoes.

p.s. If it weren't for Veronika, I would have turned-off the TV once the guy in the creepy yellow outfit came on. On the other hand, Radcliff-Harry Potter was a lot of fun and revived my enthusiasm to pull-through with the show.

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Thanks, carbro, for the Face Book link. I had problems with the first link posted here, and the You Tube link seemed to repeat the first part of the interview three times.

Part is both charming and beautiful. I'm in love. Letterman, playing the role of someone who apparently never heard of, let alone looked at, ballet, is gentle and kind. Would that all dance partners were as responsive to their ballerina. I loved it when he kissed her hand at the end and performed just a hint of an end-of-performance bow.

Question for Letterman watchers: does he behave this way often with young women or guests from fields outside his comfort zone? or is it something Part herself seems to have brought out in him?

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Thanks, carbro, for the Face Book link. I had problems with the first link posted here, and the You Tube link seemed to repeat the first part of the interview three times.

Part is both charming and beautiful. I'm in love. Letterman, playing the role of someone who apparently never heard of, let alone looked at, ballet, is gentle and kind. Would that all dance partners were as responsive to their ballerina. I loved it when he kissed her hand at the end and performed just a hint of an end-of-performance bow.

Question for Letterman watchers: does he behave this way often with young women or guests from fields outside his comfort zone? or is it something Part herself seems to have brought out in him?

Letterman was entranced by Veronika. He was very flirty, which he always is with gorgeous young woman (actually with women of all ages), even though he's now married to his girlfried of many years. His wife was a producer for the show -- years ago -- and is just great! I loved how he was trying to partner Veronika (and she was a great sport!).

I know that Dave is an acquired taste for some, but I'm a huge fan (and also get some of my clients on the show). He was not outside of his comfort zone (this is partly an act). Again, he said he didn't know much about dance but that's not quite true. It's better entertainment for him to say things like this (the guy studies up on all of his guests -- he's a perfectionist even though it may not seem that way). Veronika's dress was to die for. ABT mentioned the designer on Facebook. Her appearance surely garnered a lot of new ballet fans.

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I was reminded of the descriptions of the glamorous ballerinas of old, who always looked impeccable in public. She not only looked beautiful on TV, she even looked gorgeous in the pictures of her arrival, hair down, black top and slim pants that emphasized her long legs, high high heels! No hopping out of the car in jeans and T-shirt for Miss Part!

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Veronika was absolutely gorgeous and charming and sweet, and it was so nice to see ballet promoted on late night TV. I even enjoyed Daniel Radcliff, and thought he was very charming. I REALLY loved the way Veronika was dressed, and she did a wonderful job portraying the class and style of what I think of when I think, "ballerina."

That said, everyone else must have watched DL before, because you all gave him more credit for his behavior toward his guests than I can. I think he was boring and NOT funny and it seems to me he showed up for work and was just putting in his time. My observation was that he couldn't have cared less about his guests. I much prefer Leno, who actually engages with his guests and helps draw them out, and does actually manage to be funny some of the time.

OK, OK, I know that no one else agrees with me -- but that's ok, I'm not trying to convince anyone I am right -- we all have our own opinion, and it was my first time seeing this tv show -- ever! So no shooting, please :thanks:

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