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2009! We couldn't be more ready for you! May you bring as much financial bounty as 2008 brought financial ruin! (and may the Muse be bountiful too!)

That's by far the best-phrased New Year's Resolution I've ever heard--esp. since it gives an order, instead of making a guilty plea about some personal habit...

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SanderO, thank you!!!! I admit that it WASN'T my "kind of dance," but it now is.

This video provides the most hopeful images of people around the world I've seen in years. Everyone gets into the spirit. With only a few exceptions: a menacing military guard in the Korean "demilitarized zone" and a rather aloof camel in Jordan.

I'm full of admiration for Matt's consistency of style and choreography, no matter where he is. Only in India is he tempted, briefly, to alter his routine. The influence of Bollywood? :)

It's nice to associate "Happy New Year" with such joyful dancing.

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