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ABT Studio Co

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I notice that the other YAGP winner, Polunin, is not on the roster - does anyone know if there's been an official announcement anywhere of where he is going? Usually, RBS publishes a liste in their summer program of where their students are going. It is my understanding that this list was missing this year.

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The September issue of ABT Footnotes lists some (four), but not all, new members of the Studio Company.

Aria Alekzander, 19, a YAGP Finalist, who won the Grand Prix in the semi-finals in Southern California, and was a Principal in the Anaheim Ballet. Her YAGP performance photo:


Joseph Gorak, 16, YGAP Grand Prix winner from the Orlando Ballet School. A YAGP photo:


The following two young ballerinas were subjects of a Playbill article last year: http://www.playbillarts.com/features/article/2353.html

Devon Teuscher, 17, Vermont.

Faye Hideko Warren, 16, New Mexico.

Others, just recently listed with photos only on ABT's site, but not included in the Footnotes article, are

Roddy Doble, ABT National Training Scholar.

Eoin Gaj, who has studied and performed with Boston Dance Company.

Christine Shevchenko, 17, from the Rock School in Philadelphia. A Junior Bronz winner at the Jackson IBC, she became the youngest ever Princess Grace Award winner in 2003 and was a Gold Medalist in the Moscow IBC in 2005. Her experience dancing on the Bolshoi stage in that event was the subject of a Dance Magazine e-interview:


Reported in Footnotes as returning artists in the Company are:

Gray Davis, Thomas Forster, Brooklyn Mack (Sr. Silver at the Jackson IBC), Glyn Scott, Eric Tamm, Mary Mills Thomas, and Leann Underwood.

With 10 dancers no longer listed in ABT's corps since last season, one hopes to see many of these dancers at the parent company soon!

The September programs at Columbia's Miller Theater, that will include Studio Company members, takes on added interest.

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Joseph Gorak, 16, YGAP Grand Prix winner from the Orlando Ballet School.

Joey Gorak was already a member of the Orlando Ballet last year and a trainee the year before that.

(btw, it's YAGP -- Youth America Grand Prix, and Aria Alekzander, not Alexander. :crying: )

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