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Jean Paul Comelin

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I have read on a previous listing, I think it was from Estelle, of the circumstances regardng Jean Paul Comelin's departure from Ballet du Nord. Would be very interested in finding out more about that incident. Any background info. on Jean Paul Comelin would be much appreciated.

Edited by carbro
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I just did a search, equess, and came up with these posts:



There is a search function on this board. You'll find it in the pale blue strip beneath the Amazon banner. I found these by entering "comelin" and searching the entire board.

These posts are not linked to any documentation. Estelle is a Moderator, and I trust her, but you should take the comments perhaps with a critical eye.

Meanwhile, anyone with solid, documented information, please post here, with links and/or citations.

Welcome to BalletTalk, equess!

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I remember that Jean-Paul Comelin left the Ballet du Nord mid-season and that there were some serious financial problems with the company then, and also some artistic/political problems to find a successor...

The only reference I found online so far is (on the Encyclopaedia Britannica):


"Another company facing major change was France's Ballet du Nord, where "internal problems" led to the mid-season departure of director Jean-Paul Comelin and the cancellation of further performances of his ballets. There was talk that a new director might be appointed to give the company a more contemporary look."

What I had read about it was in the French ballet magazines "Les Saisons de la Danse" (now defunct) and "Danser", unfortunately my collection of magazines is at my parents' place and so I can't have a look at it.

By the way, the Ballet du Nord now is called "Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Nord-Pas de Calais" (with Carolyn Carlson as its present director) and isn't a ballet company any longer. But perhaps they could reply more precisely to your questions ? Their web site is there:


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