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Nutcracker Casting

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Casting posted on sfballet.org, for the following performances:


Friday, December 02, 2005 7pm

Saturday, December 03, 2005 2pm

Saturday, December 03, 2005 7pm

Sunday, December 04, 2005 2pm

Nutcracker Opening Night

Friday, December 02, 2005 7pm

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Yuan Yuan Tan, Ruben Martin

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Muriel Maffre

Grand Pas de Deux: Tina LeBlanc, Gonzalo Garcia

Nutcracker Matinee

Saturday, December 03, 2005 2pm

Drosselmeyer: Jorge Esquivel

Queen and King of the Snow: Lorena Feijoo, Moises Martin

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Frances Chung

Grand Pas de Deux: Kristin Long, Joan Boada

Nutcracker Evening

Saturday, December 03, 2005 7pm

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Muriel Maffre, Pierre-François Vilanoba

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Vanessa Zahorian

Grand Pas de Deux: Yuan Yuan Tan, Tiit Helimets*

Nutcracker Matinee

Sunday, December 04, 2005 2pm

Drosselmeyer: Peter Brandenhoff

Queen and King of Snow: Sarah Van Patten, Sergio Torrado

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Rachel Viselli

Grand Pas de Deux: Katita Waldo, Davit Karapetyan*

* Premiere in a role

Casting subject to change.

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More Nut casting!

Nutcracker Evening

Friday, December 09, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: Gary Sheldon

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Nutnaree Pipit-Suksun, Stephen Legate

Sugar Plum Fairy: Vanessa Zahorian

Grand Pas de Deux: Muriel Maffre, Pierre-François Vilanoba

Nutcracker Matinee

Saturday, December 10, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Jorge Esquivel

Queen and King of the Snow: Frances Chung*, Hansuke Yamamoto

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Elizabeth Miner

Grand Pas de Deux: Sarah van Patten, Sergio Torrado

Nutcracker Evening

Saturday, December 10, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: Gary Sheldon

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Yuan Yuan Tan, Ruben Martin

Sugar Plum Fairy: Kristin Long

Grand Pas de Deux: Lorena Feijoo, Tiit Helimets

Nutcracker Matinee

Sunday, December 11, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Gary Sheldon

Drosselmeyer: TBA

Queen and King of the Snow: Rachel Viselli, Peter Brandenhoff

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Nutnaree Pipit-Suksun

Grand Pas de Deux: Elizabeth Miner*, Nicolas Blanc*

Nutcracker Evening

Sunday, December 11, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Val Caniparoli

Queen and King of the Snow: Claire Pascal*, Damian Smith*

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Yuan Yuan Tan

Grand Pas de Deux: Vanessa Zahorian, Davit Karepetyan

* Premiere in a role

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More casting:

Nutcracker Matinee

Thursday, December 15, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Kristin Long, Nicolas Blanc

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Rachel Viselli

Grand Pas de Deux: Tina LeBlanc, Gonzalo Garcia

Nutcracker Matinee

Friday, December 16, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Val Caniparoli

Queen and King of the Snow: Frances Chung, Hansuke Yamamoto

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Claire Pascal*

Grand Pas de Deux: Vanessa Zahorian, Davit Karapetyan

Nutcracker Evening

Friday, December 16, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Peter Brandenhoff

Queen and King of the Snow: Sarah Van Patten, Sergio Torrado

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Muriel Maffre

Grand Pas de Deux: Lorena Feijoo, Tiit Helimets

Nutcracker Matinee

Saturday, December 17, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Val Caniparoli

Queen and King of the Snow: Nutnaree Pipit-Suksun, Stephen Legate

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Elana Altman

Grand Pas de Deux: Muriel Maffre, Pierre-François Vilanoba

Nutcracker Evening

Saturday, December 17, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: Gary Sheldon

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Katita Waldo, Davit Karapetyan*

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Frances Chung

Grand Pas de Deux: Kristin Long, Joan Boada

Nutcracker Matinee

Sunday, December 18, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Jorge Esquivel

Queen and King of the Snow: Elizabeth Miner, Pascal Molat

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Lorena Feijoo

Grand Pas de Deux: Sarah Van Patten, Sergio Torrado

Nutcracker Evening

Sunday, December 18, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Muriel Maffre, Pierre-François Vilanoba

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Frances Chung

Grand Pas de Deux: Yuan Yuan Tan, Tiit Helimets

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Even more casting. :blush:

Nutcracker Matinee

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Val Caniparoli

Queen and King of the Snow: Muriel Maffre, Pierre-François Vilanoba

Sugar Plum Fairy: Frances Chung

Grand Pas de Deux: Elizabeth Miner*, Nicolas Blanc*

Nutcracker Evening

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Jorge Esquivel

Queen and King of the Snow: Lorena Feijoo, Moises Martin

Sugar Plum Fairy: Kristin Long

Grand Pas de Deux: Katita Waldo, Davit Karapetyan

Nutcracker Matinee

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Sarah Van Patten, Sergio Torrado

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Elana Altman

Grand Pas de Deux: Tina LeBlanc, Gonzalo Garcia

Nutcracker Evening

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Yuan Yuan Tan, Ruben Martin

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Vanessa Zahorian

Grand Pas de Deux: Kristin Long, Joan Boada

Nutcracker Matinee

Thursday, December 22, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Peter Brandenhoff

Queen and King of the Snow: Elizabeth Miner, Pascal Molat

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Claire Pascal

Grand Pas de Deux: Muriel Maffre, Pierre-François Vilanoba

Nutcracker Evening

Thursday, December 22, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Val Caniparoli

Queen and King of the Snow: Katita Waldo, Davit Karapetyan

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Rachel Viselli

Grand Pas de Deux: Sarah Van Patten, Sergio Torrado

Casting subject to change.

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i am confused as to why Liz Miner seems to be dancing so little. I think she is a beautiful dancer, and her name barely appears on the principal casting. Is she injured? (Although she is making a debut so I doubt this is the case) Or maybe she is doing other soloist parts in Nutcracker whose casting isn't posted on the website...? Curious.

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We haven't heard any official news about Miner, but if any is published, we'll be sure to post the links. If there's an annoucement or program change at a performance or pre- or post-performance talk at the Company, we hope attendees will let us know.

I think she's wonderful, and I'm hoping that she's cast in Sylvia again this year. :beg:

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You're right. She was scheduled to dance Grand Pas at the Sunday matinee on Dec 11th, but it was actually danced by Kristin Long. Kristin was in the program, so it wasn't that last minute.

I've never seen Elizabeth Miner dance, but I've heard she's very good. I saw Megan Low as Sylvia and I thought she was very good.

I haven't heard any official announcements either. I do hope I get to see her dance, especially in Sylvia. I LOVED that ballet!


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That's too bad, I hope everything is okay.

Another question for those of you lucky enough to see SFB's Nutcracker --

which younger dancers are doing featured roles? The casting only lists the principal roles, and I was wondering which up-and-comes were dancing (and shining) in the divertissments? I feel as though Nutcracker can often be an excellent gage of the company's artistic sensibilities in regards to younger members of the corps, etc. It's a bit of a mixed blessing I suppose that they perform it ad infinitum because I am sure it gets a bit repetitive, but it does allow newer company members to demonstarte their prowess in soloist parts.

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It's hard to say who's doing which smaller roles in advance when they aren't listed on the website. The only way to know for sure is through hindsight: that is, posters on Ballet Talk reporting on the casts they saw when they went to their respective performaces (hint, hint). Beyond that, there's no way to know for sure, for a number of reasons: first of all, because, as stated above, it's not posted in advance, and also because casting often changes at the last minute due to any number of factors. Speculation about those factors is something we try not to do too much on this board in the absence of official press releases or news items, because otherwise it can turn into gossip...and there's always the chance of the dancers in question reading Ballet Talk... :beg:

As far as whether the artists of the company get tired of Nutcrackering after a month-long run of the same ballet over and over? Well, I'm seeing Nutz after Christmas this year, so if the dancers are sick of performing Nutcracker by then, I hope they make a decent effort to hide it. (Usually, they do.)

That being said, Miner is a lovely dancer and I hope to see her this season.

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I have the program from Dec 11th, so I *could* go through and, by process of elimination, figure out who the student dancers are. But even if I did that, I couldn't possibly tell you anything about their performance! How can one single them out?

Also, when I saw Vanessa Zahorian dance the Grand Pas, the Prince was danced by a new principal dancer (and new to the company): Tiit Helimuts. Now HOW do you pronounce that first name without blushing? I really don't know how it's correctly pronounced.

Anyway, I thought he had a very nice dancing style - very gallant. A long time SFB subscriber told me that Tiit (who is from Estonia) reminded him very much (stylistically) of a Finnish principal who used to be in the company. I can't remember the name he mentioned, and even if I could remember it, I doubt I could spell it. :-) But I like Tiit very much. He's a very powerful dancer, judging by what I saw.


P.S. I wanted to clarify. As far as I can tell, the students are dancing roles like Snowflake and Flower. I'm not aware of any that danced a divertissements. But I will go through my program and double-check the names for the divertissement roles.

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Additional casting:

Nutcracker Matinee

Friday, December 23, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Peter Brandenhoff

Queen and King of the Snow: Frances Chung, Hansuke Yamamoto

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Tina LeBlanc

Grand Pas de Deux: Vanessa Zahorian, Davit Karapetyan

Nutcracker Evening

Friday, December 23, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: Gary Sheldon

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Nutnaree Pipit-Suksun, Stephen Legate

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Muriel Maffre

Grand Pas de Deux: Lorena Feijoo, Tiit Helimets

Nutcracker Matinee

Saturday, December 24, 2005 11 am

Conductor: David LaMarche

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Rachel Viselli, Peter Brandenhoff

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Elizabeth Miner

Grand Pas de Deux: Kristin Long, Joan Boada

Nutcracker Evening

Saturday, December 24, 2005 4 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Yuan Yuan Tan, Ruben Martin

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Lorena Feijoo

Grand Pas de Deux: Tina LeBlanc, Gonzalo Garcia

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Tiit Helimuts.  Now HOW do you pronounce that first name without blushing? 

Go ahead and blush -- it IS pronounced "teat"! (In Estonian, the "Ts" are of the softer variety, though.) Tiit is quite a popular name, too, except that few Estonians in North America give the name to their little boys. :angry2:

Helimets (not Helimuts) translated is very pretty, since "Heli" means "sound" and "mets" is forest or woods: Sonorous forest, or Chiming woods. ("Helimüts" would be a Ringing hat!)

Tiit Helimets arrived at San Francisco after several years with the Birmingham Royal Ballet where he and his wife Molly Smolen (originally from Pennsylvania) were principals. They occasionally guest-starred with his home company, the Estonian National Ballet, during their years in England.

And, thanks, Helene! I finally returned home from Nutcrackering in Toronto, where I no longer live, and saw these interesting posts.

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Post-Xmas casts:

Nutcracker Matinee

Monday, December 26, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Gary Sheldon

Drosselmeyer: Val Caniparoli

Queen and King of the Snow: Kristin Long, Nicolas Blanc

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Frances Chung

Grand Pas de Deux: Katita Waldo, Davit Karapetyan

Nutcracker Evening

Monday, December 26, 2005 7 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Ashley Wheater

Queen and King of the Snow: Lorena Feijoo, Moises Martin

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Muriel Maffre

Grand Pas de Deux: Yuan Yuan Tan, Tiit Helimets

Nutcracker Matinee

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Peter Brandenhoff

Queen and King of the Snow: Clara Blanco*, Jaime Garcia Castilla*

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Elana Altman

Grand Pas de Deux: Rachel Viselli, Moises Martin

Nutcracker Matinee

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2pm

Conductor: Gary Sheldon

Drosselmeyer: Jorge Esquivel

Queen and King of the Snow: Sarah Van Patten, Sergio Torrado

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Nutnaree Pipit-Suksun

Grand Pas de Deux: Elizabeth Miner, Nicolas Blanc

Nutcracker Matinee

Thursday, December 29, 2005 2 pm

Conductor: Martin West

Drosselmeyer: Val Caniparoli

Queen and King of the Snow: Katita Waldo, Davit Karapetyan

The Sugar Plum Fairy: Frances Chung

Grand Pas de Deux: Sarah Van Patten, Sergio Torrado

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