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YAGP: Ballet Internationale


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The Clara R. Noyes Academy of Ballet Internationale, under the direction of Vladilen Semenov and VP Clark Blakely, took top prizes at the YAGP regional competition in Chicago. The Academy won Most Outstanding School, Best Ensemble, and Best Teacher Tatiana Pali. Student, Tuesday Perry, took top prize at the age of 15 in the senior competition for Ballet and 3rd prize for contemporary. Emily Momberg placed Top 12 in the Junior Division.

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Thank you for this report, stringer784. The Noyes Academy is yet another relatively new, pre-professional ballet academy in the USA with roots in St. Petersburg & the Vaganova System. Yet again, we see that Vaganova-system-trained students have outstanding results in competitions...not that students trained in the French, Danish, Chinese (again, Vaganova-inspired) & other systems have not done well in garnering medals at the big IBCs during the past decade!

re. Vladilen Semenov: Is he now a full-time resident of Indiana-USA or is he still dividing his time between Indiana & Russia? I seem to remember seeing him at a Vaganova Academy graduation fairly recently ('02 or '03 edition).

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I think you are mistaken about seeing Vladilen Semenov at the 2003 graduation. He is on full time here at Ballet Internationale. He is a full time Ballet Master and teacher for the top level in the academy. However, he did visit St. Petersburg during the Christmas Holiday I believe.

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It must have been 2002. So he is full-time in Indiana, it seems.

Mel, I haven't heard otherwise. [Don't want to enter into the realm of gossip; honestly, though, I have heard nothing.] For a long time, they've had to be apart from one another for long stretches of time, due to work -- she at ABT, he in St Pete...now Indiana, it seems. For some reason, that doesn't seem so odd to me; I mean, I can relate (& sympathize) with that...but I can see why any couple would try really hard to end the long cross-ocean commutes. This gets to be a DRAG after a while!

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Not sure where you heard that gossip about them not being together. Irina divides her time between Indy and NY. As of now, she is in New York and should be coming back for the staging of Sleeping Beauty for our season closer. Then we are off to Taiwan! We will spend two weeks there performing Sleeping Beauty, Eldar Aliev's A Thousand and One Nights, Carmen and Eldar Aliev's Firebird. It is sure to be a good time.

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WHAT gossip? :dry: That was my own original question, as it occurred to me that the two have been de facto "not together" for quite a few years now. But since your response in denial has been so strong, it may do far more to stoke the rumor mill than my query. :)

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Here's what could be called a "dumb" question: Is this the same YAGP that has been around for serveral years? I'm guessing it must be and that since they had so many non American competitors last year, that they've changed their name?

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BW, I'm sure YAGP is the same -- Ballet Internatinale is an American ballet company (run by a former Kirov dancer, with many Russian connections) located in Indianapolis. I think the poster who started the thread wanted to call attention to the fact that Ballet Internationale's school had won a prize at the competition.

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my 10 year old is desperate to do this - but they don't expect them to dance the same choreography as a professional dancer would- do they??....I mean surely it would be to the same music but more age appropriate steps?

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gracey I think you will find more information on this and other competitions on the other board...Ballet Talk for Dancers. [http://balletalert.com/dancersforum/index.php]

Youth America Grand Prix and many of the other competitions recognized by the professional ballet community, do indeed require that the dancers perform the same choreography as the professional dancers. I am not familiar with the list of variations from which the dancers must choose at YAGP for each age group, but they are generally the same judges as many international competitions with the prizes in the form of a full scholarship to either a summer program or a year round program for the older students. These can vary from for example $1000.00-$20,000.00 if airfare, housing and a stipend are included or a contract to ABT Studio Co.

No school has enough money to just give away to dancers who are just good. They really do need to be exceptional.

As for your daughter's age group, IMHO, competitons include dancers this young to supplement the income of the competition. Competitions are expensive to run. Judges are flown in from all over the world, put up in hotels, fed and paid for their services. That is a lot of money changing hands. Students of this age group can wait until they are older to participate. I do judge a competition in Japan with many of the same judges as YAGP, the subject of age appropriate repertoire comes up quite often. We do try to alter the list so as not to have 10 year olds doing, for example, Black Swan, but we are judges not the organizers. We do not take the financial risks therefore, we do not set the rules. :shrug:

Edited by vrsfanatic
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Quick question about YAGP:

What will Mr. Davis and Ms. Brown get for winning the top places? Scholarships? Contracts? I can't find this on their website.

I know that it is an honor to win the Prix, or the first place, but what else is rewarded?

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