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Some links for those interested in the Royal Danish Ballet:

The Royal Theatre

The company's web site, with a detailed English section (also in Danish, of course).


Photos, mostly from the 1992 festival (at this writing) as well as information on the ballets and other articles.

Photos by David Amzallag

The RDB's official photographer in the late '80s and early '90s, these are mostly from that period, although there are some recent ones as well.

Bournonville in Hell

Not for the squeamish, this series of three articles by Alexandra Tomalonis originally published in DanceView in 1998 (a shorter version, in two parts, appeared in DanceNow shortly afterwards) offers a history of Bournonville stagings as well as a commentary on the political changes and problems form 1992 through 1998 in some detail. The afterward is a review of the 2000 Bournonville Week originally published in Dance Magazine.

Also, of historical interest perhaps, this is the link to the photo gallery for my biography of http://www.danceview.org/Kronstam/kronstamp1a.html

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Why, thank you!!! Do you mean the Hell pieces? Of all the things I've written, those are the dearest to me. I'll always be very grateful to David Leonard for printing them in Dance Now so that more people would see them. Glad you did!

For those interested in coaching, and how a ballet is put together, Part 3 has more of that and less of the history and politics.

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Adding a few more:

Vera Volkova

A site of interest to Ashtonphiles and Vaganovites as well as RDBers; read Volkova on Ashton and Vaganova at this site devote to the great Russian teacher whose work meant so much to both the Sadler's Wells and Royal Ballets.

Thomas Lund

dancer's site -- Thomas Lund is a principal dancer with the RDB

Alexander Kǿlpin

site of former RDB principal, now actor and choreographer

Peter Schaufuss

site of Schaufuss's company, Peter Schaufuss Balletten

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