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Everything posted by Helene

  1. More Martins ballet productions, by no means exhaustive, in addition to "Swan Lake" at RDB: San Francisco Ballet did "The Waltz Project" in 1996. Oregon Ballet Theatre did "Ash" in 2007 and 2009. Pennsylvania Ballet did "Fearful Symmetries" in 2009. Pacific Northwest Ballet did "Valse Triste" in 2006.
  2. I always assumed that there are no royalties or commission fees for works Martins makes for NYCB and SAB, and that any royalties, if charged, are for stagings outside the company. If he receives commission fees for works he creates for other companies, that is fair.
  3. This. It's a great deal for both of them.
  4. That may teach me not to try to be so cute... I should have written, "I left the theater happy as a clam, but then someone lit up a cigarette, and I was suddenly dizzy with nausea." Edited to add: To address the original question in the topic subtitle, I don't think dancers risk their lives by smoking for different reasons than smokers in any other professions. My question would be, why would dancers, athletes, or anyone else who makes his or her living through strenuous physical activity voluntarily decrease lung capacity, make breathing more difficult, adversely affect internal organs, and the rash of other things that adversely affect physical achievement, especially when there are so many environmental things that do damage or why make an extremely hard thing even harder? I can do what I do under extremely limited physical circumstances, but I don't dance for a living.
  5. Welcome to Ballet Alert! Ballet Lover. As an FYI, we require a citation for any news involving roster changes and other news. Here's the link to the Ballet West press release that lists all of the movement, except waht the departing dancers will do next: http://balletwest.org/node/5381 If you have other official sources for what departing dancers will be doing, please post them.
  6. I've lived in major cities for more than three decades, and I've put up with many bad habits of my fellow citizens in public places. I'm just glad that legislators agree with me for the most part on this issue and continue to be more stringent.
  7. Congratulations to Mr. Mazzeo and the apprentices hired into the corps
  8. It wasn't a cloud of smoke -- it was a single cigarette lit up that sent a bomb down the street. There are people who are unhappy because they can't bring their animals into stores and restaurants, as is customary in other parts of the world. There are people who want to go shirtless and shoeless in some restaurants and are unhappy because they can't. There are people who don't like seatbelts and are unhappy when they are ticketed for not wearing them. There are children who pass a toy store window and are unhappy because they can't have toys. I don't think happiness has much to do with it. And I also don't think that because there are other things that are equal hazards to one's health, like pollution or the amount of meat that first world societies eat, means that there should be no regulation unless everything is addressed.
  9. Ah, "Das Gesmaeck von Freiheit und Abenteur".
  10. Pacific Northwest Ballet started to do this a couple of years ago, particularly for the triple bills that weren't selling like the full-lengths. I'm not sure if they did it this past season, because I saw at least a couple of performances from the Second Tier (the highest in the house). I think this was PNB's intent as well -- to move the subscribers down, so that the bottom of the house would be filled.
  11. I walked out of War Memorial Opera House early yesterday evening, happy as a clam after having heard Nina Stemme's Brunnhilde in a performance of "Die Gotterdammerung" that flew by, and one person lit up, and the entire area was hit by a chemical bomb. I was not happy as a clam after that. I agree with you. I don't know if the argument that dancers, models, and actors smoke to keep their weight down is anecdotal, but cigarettes are often described as being comforting, especially in times of stress, and they keep a person busy.
  12. [Admin Beanie On] The example of Dupont that Nanarina cited is on public record. Please, no examples that aren't. [Admin Beanie Off]
  13. I particularly liked the way Thomas Edur changed directions seemingly without effort and how he linked the sub-phrases into one long phrase, using the end of the sub-phrase as momentum into the next.
  14. FYI, those stage hands were former PNB dancer Jordan Pacitti (in light pants) and former PNB dancer and current Eastside School Principal of the PNB School Nicolas Ade.
  15. [Admin Beanie On] If there is not official news, by definition, public official news, about casting, it does not belong on Ballet Alert! [Admin Beanie Off]
  16. In the "Dressing for the theater" thread, Quiggin linked to photos of people who attended the Balenciaga exhibit opening at the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco: I saw Balenciaga and Spain" this morning after attending the Picasso exhibit, and I'm I've never seen so many beautiful clothes in one place ever. If I had a penny for every time a woman said, "I'd wear that", I could afford one of them. I was tempted put this in "Modern and Other Dance" because of the several designs based on Bata de cola, the skirt worn in Flamenco with the long train of ruffles, and other regional folk dress. It was easy to imagine some of the designs moving, even though they were on the mannequins. The more sculptural designs of stiff fabrics made especially for Balenciaga by Abraham in Switzerland looked static until viewing the runway videos shown in a small space near the exit of the exhibition: there, even the stiffest fabrics moved, and the cherry on top was seeing the layers removed, one by one. My favorite technique was how how swooped the skirts from back to front and side. In the Flamenco studio, my teachers and advanced students are constantly sweeping their skirts around themselves and tucking them in all kinds of moving sculpture, and Balanciaga caught the snapshot in some of his dresses. Oh, to be rich, thin, and mobile in 1950's-60's Paris... Exhibit runs through 4 July, and the de Young tower has one of the great 360 degree city views.
  17. Royal Danish Ballet performs "Swan Lake" and "Giselle" regularly, although not every season. Next season they're doing "La Sylphide" and "The Nutcracker", as well as "A Folk Tale", "Bournonville Variations", and "Etudes". The season before (2010-11), the did "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", as well as "Etudes", "Le Conservatoire", and "Napoli". The Bournonville rep is as important as the Petipa rep. That RDB has been making updates and changes isn't very different than what has happened to the Petipa ballets under the Mariinsky and Bolshoi. I think Parisians have more complain about with the exclusion of POB, especially since what all of the companies that Macaulay lists have schools that traditionally imparted company style, although that's no longer the case with the Royal Ballet.
  18. There's the great clip of the Balanchine bio of the "Sylvia" pas de deux where he does a zillion pirouettes during the intro music. And the excerpt from "Scotch Symphony" and another somewhere where he hangs in the air in beats and jumps.
  19. I didn't meant to insult Eglevsky in any way, just to note that he was a compact-looking dancer -- at least on film -- who could move his feet so fast (when he wanted to). Not to mention hanging the air for what seemed like an eternity.
  20. We just got word that "Rene Blum and the Ballets Russes" by Judith Chazin-Bennahum is being published this month by Oxford University Press. Full details are here: http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Music/Dance/?view=usa&ci=9780195399332
  21. This made me wonder what options are given at Bayreuth, since in Germany, academic and professional titles are still very much expected to be correct, and Wagner was far from the revolutionary friend-of-Bakunin by the time Bayreuth was built. The website doesn't offer online ticket sales -- paper applications only -- but registration to purchase from their gift shop has two options: Frau. Herr.
  22. must. leave. now. instead. of. posting. response. (Let's hold hands and be our support group.)
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