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Everything posted by mussel

  1. So she was promoted from soloist, bypassing first and leading soloist? Her Bolshoi bio: http://www.bolshoi.ru/en/persons/ballet/2881/ Her reps at Bolshoi hasn't been updated to include Odette/Odile and Diamond.
  2. Jacopo Tissi currently of La Scala to join Bolshoi:
  3. Duato contract not renewed: http://m.morgenpost.de/kultur/berlin-kultur/article208194837/Chefwechsel-beim-Staatsballett-Berlin.html via Google Translate: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fm.morgenpost.de%2Fkultur%2Fberlin-kultur%2Farticle208194837%2FChefwechsel-beim-Staatsballett-Berlin.html&edit-text=&act=url
  4. Another French TV coverage on ABT Sleeping Beauty: http://www.francetvinfo.fr/france/la-belle-au-bois-dormant-est-a-paris_1807193.html
  5. Clips of rehearsal at Opera Bastille studio:
  6. Looks like the Silver, Sapphire, and Gold fairies on the clips are Lauren Post, Melanie Hamrick, and Stephanie Williams, respectively.
  7. POB opted for another venue in downtown Sydney last time it toured there, but I forget which one. May be AB can decamp there temporarily?
  8. Paris Opera just posted 3 video clips on Instagram:
  9. There's a possibility that there will be cuts, at least for the evening performances. Because of a law prohibiting children performing after 8pm. I am not sure whether such a law is local or national. So if it's true, Ogre and Hop-o'-my-Thumb will definitely be cut, may be the Garland Waltz will be affected too. Does anyone remember any POB productions featuring children after 8pm?
  10. Sarasota Ballet opened NYC tour last night, any reviews?
  11. It has been known for more than year that ABT will bring Beauty to Paris as Paris Opera's guest company. It's official when POB announced 2016/17 season several months ago. And many ABT dancers have been Instagraming and Facebooking the tour since the official announcement.
  12. Walpurgisnacht: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5iccGULyfmLazVMcUpzRzlneFU Sonatine: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5iccGULyfmLZVJNaDE0RVlTUU0 La Valse: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B5iccGULyfmLZzJtM1Z6ekFSU0U Symphony in C: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5iccGULyfmLRlhSS1ZMNFFxVFU/view?pref=2&pli=1
  13. For those who can bypass the geo-block, the live stream has been archived: http://concert.arte.tv/fr/balanchine-new-york-paris-au-theatre-du-chatelet For those who don't have the bypass, Symphony in C is now on YT, starts at 9:50 mark: https://youtu.be/sMxZc1cibcQ
  14. Misty Copeland to star in Disney's live action movie "The Nutcracker and the Four Realms": http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/14/entertainment/misty-copeland-disney-nutcracker/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_showbiz+(RSS%3A+CNN+-+Entertainment)
  15. Great reps! Especially happy on the return of Monotones I & II. I believe D&C was originally staged for POB, it got great reviews, I am surprised it can be staged for another company so soon. If Lendorf and Hallberg can make it to the fall season, it'll be even more fantastic. I am doubtful on Hallberg but hopeful on Lendorf.
  16. People read between the lines too much. Royal is not leaving the company, he's just having an extraordinarily busy summer with tours to LA, Wolf Trap, and Paris plus debut in Vail Dance Festival. I too am a bit disappointed he wasn't promoted this time.
  17. If it's PNB, PAB, MCB, Houston, or any companies outside of NYC or SF, it could be the smaller Zurich version, instead of the full La Scala version.
  18. https://www.facebook.com/AmericanBalletTheatre/photos/a.122834101857.133692.15817871857/10154097655726858/?type=3&theater Congratulation to both!
  19. Macaulay mentioned an American company outside of NY will get the reconstructed Swan Lake. Go to the last paragraph: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/arts/dance/alexei-ratmansky-choreography-american-ballet-theater-new-york-city-ballet.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fdance&action=click&contentCollection=dance&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront So which company? SFB? PNB? BB? ...?
  20. Vishneva and Gomes rehearsing: https://www.instagram.com/p/BG6pNUJQWyu/?taken-by=dianavishnevaofficial
  21. Another way to interpret "national" is that a national company represents the country on world stage, to tour and establish goodwill and reputation internationally. So the whole country benefits not from actually seeing the company at some local theatres but from international prestige.
  22. ABT hasn't done Jewels, it's not in their repertory archive. however, some ABT dancers may have done Jewels with other companies. I remember Herrera did Rubies with another company. The Met has 4,000 seats, 3800 seats and 200 standing rooms to be exact. It's more than twice the capacity of many major European opera houses.
  23. The fall season is impossible to predict as there's no clear pattern. There's little or no overlap from one season to the next. Bear in mind, this is only a prediction from an app. However, we tested it by "predicting" the 2016 Met season using the rep data from 1977 to 2015 while disabling the internet scanning function, the result is pretty amazing. The app cannot predict whether a rep is a new production. P.S. If there's enough interest as a historical reference, I'd be happy to post the 1977-2015 Met season reps.
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