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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. It looks like they've quietly lowered the prices in some second and third ring seats to $80.
  2. This ballet doesn't have that much actual dancing in it. You're best off grabbing one of the few Vishneva/Gomes tickets left, or Ferri/Bolle.
  3. Wow. I am sad to hear this news. I have some very fond memories of seeing Uliana Lopatkina. I was fortunate enough to see her the few times she toured to the U.S. She was bar none the finest Odette/Odile I've ever seen. Hard to believe that was just two years ago. Also loved her in the adagio of Symphony in C, La Bayadere, and smaller ballets like La Rose Malade and Dying Swan. Hope she passes down her knowledge and artistry to another generation of ballerinas.
  4. I also love how after giving out Martine's romantic history they make sure to emphasize that the two are not living together ...
  5. No but I do remember a year (with the old Kirkland production of Sleeping Beauty) where several principal ballerinas struggled visibly with the Rose Adagio ... Some fell off pointe, some shook like earthquakes ... It wasn't pretty.
  6. So I've collected my thoughts on last night's performance: http://poisonivywalloftext.blogspot.com/2017/06/sarah-lanes-swan-lake.html
  7. I'll write more later but I thought she got to 24 ... (Yeah I was counting ...) But the worst was the defeated look she had after her fouettes. Odile is supposed to be dripping with smug glee, but Sarah looked visibly shaken.
  8. There's some footage I'd never seen before, especially of her dancing the second act of Giselle.
  9. Cory Stearns is a good partner for Veronika. He's not an exciting dancer at all and there's not much chemistry between them but in terms of partnering he handles the challenges pretty well.
  10. Anyone go to A.S. Scheller's last performance with NYCB this afternoon?
  11. A bit delayed, but here's my thoughts on the SAB workshop: http://poisonivywalloftext.blogspot.com/2017/06/spring-diaries-dolls-house-part-2-sab.html
  12. Nice to see you make that unexpected visit to NY Cristian! Skylar Brandt has been doing some great work in smaller parts for several years. Nice to see her get a big starring role.
  13. I was at the Corsaire tonight. Fabulous performance. Full review here: http://poisonivywalloftext.blogspot.com/2017/06/spring-diaries-dolls-house-part-2-sab.html
  14. Taming of the Shrew is selling very poorly. But they also haven't dropped prices either.
  15. I went online and am shocked by how many empty seats there are left and there still hasn't been a drop in prices. Every performance has tons of tickets left.
  16. Thanks for all the reports. I'm really curious about Harrison Ball's debut in Square Dance.
  17. I went to the evening performance. Been real busy but will write up when I get the time.
  18. You realize that what makes a ballet live is not the fabrics and the sets, but the choreography right?
  19. Yes he asked a grand duke to "take care" of her. But they remained friendly -- Mathilde would put in requests to the czar himself if she wanted something at the Mariinsky theater.
  20. He was in love with Alix, but Alix was also neurotic, high-maintenance, moody, prone to depression, and anti-social. So I've no doubt that Nicholas being in the position he was in thought it acceptable and even appropriate to take a mistress who was vivacious, charming and a known party animal.
  21. I'm finding the suggestion that Mathilde was too "ugly" to have been Nicholas's mistress strange. She wasn't a great beauty but pictures of her do suggest a very vivacious, pleasant looking woman:
  22. Fun fact: Roman Mejia (who performed in last night's Hallelujah Junction) is the son of Paul Mejia, ex-husband of Suzanne Farrell.
  23. This instagram post hints at a "big change" but doesn't specify:
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