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Everything posted by canbelto

  1. Maybe this is a minority opinion but I kind of can't see Sara in this. Sara projects so much strength onstage, and I mean this in the best way. Also has an air of womanly sophistication. I see Vicky Page being played by a real ingenue, has to seem very wet behind the ears, naive.
  2. Here are some reviews of Part with the Kirov/Mariinsky: Swan Lake: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/24/arts/ballet-review-the-kirov-polishes-gems-and-nurtures-a-sad-swan.html Jewels: http://www.nytimes.com/2002/02/18/arts/dance-review-the-kirov-and-balanchine-a-work-in-progress.html
  3. Well we don't know what goes on behind the scenes but the thing about leaving the salaries to sponsors is their life situation could change and they might not be able to afford sponsoring two principals. Again, I'm really shocked how important these sponsorships are in securing your future at ABT.
  4. Well since it's sort of come out in the wash how important it is for dancers to find sponsors, Part, Vishneva, and Shevchenko were all sponsored by the same person -- Theresa Khawly. When Part said the "gave her contract away" it's not hard to deduce that Khawly's funds were simply moved to give Shevchenko the promotion and raise. Stella Abrera however is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Shen, who have no other dancers on their sponsorship.
  5. I feel like this is often the way female dancers are described as "beautiful": Barbara Bush uses it in the exact way that I hate when discussing a woman she doesn't like.
  6. "Beautiful" is IMO a more gender-specific term and more generic and dismissive. "Handsome" implies a sort of dignity and stature. Anyway I really dislike the aesthetic fetishes that develop around ballet dancers. I love David Hallberg but if I have to read one more time about his blond tresses or arched feet ...
  7. Why is "handsome" objectionable? I actually dislike when ballerinas are praised endlessly for their "beauty" and not for their dancing. I find this way of simply writing about a dancer by her physical attributes rather sexist and I've always hated it.
  8. I think that's a bit melodramatic. Part's dismissal was very graceless and obviously hurt her a lot. But she still got to be a principal dancer with one of the premiere companies of the world, and acquired a large and loyal fanbase. There are many dancers who toil for years in the corps and are given the pink slip and no one knows or hears about it. Or whose careers are hampered and shortened by devastating injuries -- Jennie Somogyi is exhibit A. Part had a very fine career and I hope one day she can look back with some fond memories of the good times and not just the very sour ending.
  9. Part was also at Marcelo Gomes' 20th anniversary performance and she seemed pretty happy then too. You can see her in the background in this video.
  10. Hmm this makes me worried for David Hallberg. He's not dancing the fall season and it's unlikely he'll ever be able to dance a normal principal workload again.
  11. FWIW Diana Vishneva, Veronika Part and Christine Shevchenko all have the same sponsor: Theresa Khawly. Vishneva and Part are both out and Shevchenko was promoted. Hmm ...
  12. When I started making these collages I thought it would be difficult to find historical photos that matched contemporary dancers. But actually it was really easy. In fact the main differences I see in the dancers from the past compared to the present are differences in physique. Not surprising because the teachers of Petipa's era emphasized strength so the dancers could do all those then-revolutionary feats. Nowadays the musculature is different and that's no doubt because of more emphasis on stretching, and also doing strength conditioning exercises like pilates. The other difference is costumes. I notice that ballerinas in the past favored wearing rather curly wigs and costumes were less tightly fitted. But really, to see the continuity from the past to the present is remarkable.
  13. I've got more. Here's Swanilda with the iconic "doll" pose. Natalia Osipova, Patricia McBride and Vera Triflova Bluebird over the years: Pierre Vladimiroff (who would later become a famous teacher at SAB), Yuri Soloviev and Daniil Simkin:
  14. Hmm at NYCB the Theme and Variations part is also very "smiley." Not the big broad toothy smile but definitely a pleasant, happy face. Certainly Maria K, Sterling Hyltin, and Sara Mearns all smiled. I think that section of the ballet is meant to be very playful and Mozartean.
  15. The YT video of Urin talking to the dancers is depressing. They are sitting there blankly, and completely silent and not even paying attention to him or reacting. Their body language says it all: disgust, disappointment, fatigue.
  16. Watching the video I just noticed: usually for these farewells the dancers get pretty dressed up. Yesterday the only dancer to wear a suit was Marcelo Gomes, despite having danced the previous intermission. One of the many ways that he showed class.
  17. I too was shocked by the tone of some of the criticisms of Matthew Golding. I saw him in The Dream and saw nothing that would warrant an almost constant bashing. I didn't understand it and still don't.
  18. This photo is the best: [Admin edit] ©Kent G. Becker http://www.notmydayjobphotography.com/Copyright
  19. I read it as ballet companies don't appreciate the toll and hard work that for dancers are a fact of life. That when you're injured and old(er), they let you go with no appreciation for your years of dedication.
  20. Nope. It was actually a quiet, classy affair. Also, Mozartiana is one of those ballets that ends up hitting me emotionally when I least expect it. When Blaine Hoven and Veronika finally held hands and danced together I don't know why but I felt a lump in my throat.
  21. I don;t know but Veronika and ABT aren't parting (pun intended) on very good terms. Maybe she didn't want what she felt were insincere gestures. Maybe except for Kevin McKenzie she chose the people she truly wanted out there with her. Just a guess. ETA: at the stage door Irina and Max exited and were apparently waiting for Veronika. So there were people in the audience supporting her.
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